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@ -57,7 +57,6 @@ class op(bpy.types.Operator):
return {'FINISHED'}
def main(context):
@ -76,9 +75,7 @@ def main(context):
uv_layers = bm.loops.layers.uv.verify();
islands = utilities_uv.getSelectionIslands()
for faces in islands:
# Get average viewport normal of UV island
avg_normal = Vector((0,0,0))
@ -94,29 +91,23 @@ def main(context):
z = 2
max_size = max(abs(avg_normal.x), abs(avg_normal.y), abs(avg_normal.z))
# Use multiple steps
for i in range(3):
if(abs(avg_normal.x) == max_size):
print("x normal")
align_island(obj, bm, uv_layers, faces, y, z, avg_normal.x < 0, False)
elif(abs(avg_normal.y) == max_size):
print("y normal")
align_island(obj, bm, uv_layers, faces, x, z, avg_normal.y > 0, False)
elif(abs(avg_normal.z) == max_size):
print("z normal")
align_island(obj, bm, uv_layers, faces, x, y, False, avg_normal.z < 0)
#for i in range(3): # Use multiple steps #REMOVED: maybe should be reimplemented as a custom property
if(abs(avg_normal.x) == max_size):
print("x normal")
align_island(obj, bm, uv_layers, faces, y, z, avg_normal.x < 0, False)
elif(abs(avg_normal.y) == max_size):
print("y normal")
align_island(obj, bm, uv_layers, faces, x, z, avg_normal.y > 0, False)
elif(abs(avg_normal.z) == max_size):
print("z normal")
align_island(obj, bm, uv_layers, faces, x, y, False, avg_normal.z < 0)
print("align island: faces {}x n:{}, max:{}".format(len(faces), avg_normal, max_size))
#Restore selection
def align_island(obj, bm, uv_layers, faces, x=0, y=1, flip_x=False, flip_y=False):
# Find lowest and highest verts
@ -126,67 +117,69 @@ def align_island(obj, bm, uv_layers, faces, x=0, y=1, flip_x=False, flip_y=False
axis_names = ['x', 'y', 'z']
print("Align shell {}x at {},{} flip {},{}".format(len(faces), axis_names[x], axis_names[y], flip_x, flip_y))
# print(" Min #{} , Max #{} along '{}'".format(minmax_vert[0].index, minmax_vert[1].index, axis_names[y] ))
# print(" A1 {:.1f} , A2 {:.1f} along ".format(minmax_val[0], minmax_val[1] ))
# Collect UV to Vert
vert_to_uv = utilities_uv.get_vert_to_uv(bm, uv_layers)
uv_to_vert = utilities_uv.get_uv_to_vert(bm, uv_layers)
vert_to_uv = {}
for face in faces:
for loop in face.loops:
vert = loop.vert
uv = loop[uv_layers]
if vert not in vert_to_uv:
vert_to_uv[vert] = [uv];
#uv_to_vert = utilities_uv.get_uv_to_vert(bm, uv_layers)
processed_edges = []
edges = []
n_edges = 0
avg_angle = 0
for face in faces:
for edge in face.edges:
if edge not in processed_edges:
delta = edge.verts[0].co -edge.verts[1].co
max_side = max(abs(delta.x), abs(delta.y), abs(delta.z))
# Check edges dominant in active axis
if( abs(delta[x]) == max_side or abs(delta[y]) == max_side):
# if( abs(delta[y]) == max_side):
n_edges += 1
uv0 = vert_to_uv[ edge.verts[0] ][0]
uv1 = vert_to_uv[ edge.verts[1] ][0]
print("Edges {}x".format(len(edges)))
delta_verts = Vector((
edge.verts[1].co[x] - edge.verts[0].co[x],
edge.verts[1].co[y] - edge.verts[0].co[y]
if flip_x:
delta_verts.x = -edge.verts[1].co[x] + edge.verts[0].co[x]
if flip_y:
delta_verts.y = -edge.verts[1].co[y] + edge.verts[0].co[y]
delta_uvs = Vector((
uv1.uv.x - uv0.uv.x,
uv1.uv.y - uv0.uv.y
avg_angle = 0
for edge in edges:
uv0 = vert_to_uv[ edge.verts[0] ][0]
uv1 = vert_to_uv[ edge.verts[1] ][0]
delta_verts = Vector((
edge.verts[1].co[x] - edge.verts[0].co[x],
edge.verts[1].co[y] - edge.verts[0].co[y]
a0 = math.atan2(delta_verts.y, delta_verts.x) #- math.pi/2
a1 = math.atan2(delta_uvs.y, delta_uvs.x) #- math.pi/2
a_delta = math.atan2(math.sin(a0-a1), math.cos(a0-a1))
if flip_x:
delta_verts.x = -edge.verts[1].co[x] + edge.verts[0].co[x]
if flip_y:
delta_verts.y = -edge.verts[1].co[y] + edge.verts[0].co[y]
# delta_verts.y = edge.verts[0].co[y] - edge.verts[1].co[y]
# Consolidation (math.atan2 gives the lower angle between -Pi and Pi, this triggers errors when using the average avg_angle /= n_edges for rotation angles close to Pi)
if n_edges > 1:
if abs((avg_angle / (n_edges-1)) - a_delta) > 2.8:
if a_delta > 0:
delta_uvs = Vector((
uv1.uv.x - uv0.uv.x,
uv1.uv.y - uv0.uv.y
a0 = math.atan2(delta_verts.y, delta_verts.x) - math.pi/2
a1 = math.atan2(delta_uvs.y, delta_uvs.x) - math.pi/2
a_delta = math.atan2(math.sin(a0-a1), math.cos(a0-a1))
# edge.verts[0].index, edge.verts[1].index
# print(" turn {:.1f} .. {:.1f} , {:.1f}".format(a_delta*180/math.pi, a0*180/math.pi,a1*180/math.pi))
avg_angle/=len(edges) # - math.pi/2
avg_angle /= n_edges
print("Edges {}x".format(n_edges))
print("Turn {:.1f}".format(avg_angle * 180/math.pi))
@ -194,98 +187,8 @@ def align_island(obj, bm, uv_layers, faces, x=0, y=1, flip_x=False, flip_y=False
for loop in face.loops:
loop[uv_layers].select = True
bpy.context.tool_settings.transform_pivot_point = 'MEDIAN_POINT'
bpy.ops.transform.rotate(value=avg_angle, orient_axis='Z')
# bpy.ops.transform.rotate(value=0.58191, axis=(-0, -0, -1), constraint_axis=(False, False, False), orient_type='GLOBAL', mirror=False, use_proportional_edit=False, proportional_edit_falloff='SPHERE', proportional_size=0.0267348)
bpy.ops.transform.rotate(value=-avg_angle, orient_axis='Z') # minus angle; Blender uses unconventional rotation notation (positive for clockwise)
# processed = []
for face in faces:
# Collect UV to Vert
for loop in face.loops:
loop[uv_layers].select = True
vert = loop.vert
uv = loop[uv_layers]
# vert_to_uv
if vert not in vert_to_uv:
vert_to_uv[vert] = [uv];
# uv_to_vert
if uv not in uv_to_vert:
uv_to_vert[ uv ] = vert;
for vert in face.verts:
if vert not in processed:
vert_y = (vert.co)[y] #obj.matrix_world *
print("idx {} = {}".format(vert.index, vert_y))
if not minmax_vert[0] or not minmax_vert[1]:
minmax_vert[0] = vert
minmax_vert[1] = vert
minmax_val[0] = vert_y
minmax_val[1] = vert_y
if vert_y < minmax_val[0]:
# Not yet defined or smaller
minmax_vert[0] = vert
minmax_val[0] = vert_y
elif vert_y > minmax_val[1]:
minmax_vert[1] = vert
minmax_val[1] = vert_y
if minmax_vert[0] and minmax_vert[1]:
axis_names = ['x', 'y', 'z']
print(" Min #{} , Max #{} along '{}'".format(minmax_vert[0].index, minmax_vert[1].index, axis_names[y] ))
# print(" A1 {:.1f} , A2 {:.1f} along ".format(minmax_val[0], minmax_val[1] ))
vert_A = minmax_vert[0]
vert_B = minmax_vert[1]
uv_A = vert_to_uv[vert_A][0]
uv_B = vert_to_uv[vert_B][0]
delta_verts = Vector((
vert_B.co[x] - vert_A.co[x],
vert_B.co[y] - vert_A.co[y]
delta_uvs = Vector((
uv_B.uv.x - uv_A.uv.x,
uv_B.uv.y - uv_A.uv.y,
# Get angles
angle_vert = math.atan2(delta_verts.y, delta_verts.x) - math.pi/2
angle_uv = math.atan2(delta_uvs.y, delta_uvs.x) - math.pi/2
angle_delta = math.atan2(math.sin(angle_vert-angle_uv), math.cos(angle_vert-angle_uv))
print(" Angles {:.2f} | {:.2f}".format(angle_vert*180/math.pi, angle_uv*180/math.pi))
print(" Angle Diff {:.2f}".format(angle_delta*180/math.pi))
bpy.context.tool_settings.transform_pivot_point = 'MEDIAN_POINT'
bpy.ops.transform.rotate(value=angle_delta, axis='Z')
# bpy.ops.transform.rotate(value=0.58191, axis=(-0, -0, -1), constraint_axis=(False, False, False), orient_type='GLOBAL', mirror=False, use_proportional_edit=False, proportional_edit_falloff='SPHERE', proportional_size=0.0267348)
# bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='DESELECT')
# vert_A.select = True
# vert_B.select = True
# return
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