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import bpy
import bmesh
import operator
from mathutils import Vector
from collections import defaultdict
from math import pi
import time
from math import radians, hypot
from . import utilities_uv
class op(bpy.types.Operator):
bl_idname = "uv.textools_rectify"
bl_label = "Rectify"
bl_description = "Align selected faces or verts to rectangular distribution."
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
def poll(cls, context):
if not bpy.context.active_object:
return False
if bpy.context.active_object.type != 'MESH':
return False
if bpy.context.active_object.mode != 'EDIT':
return False
# No Sync mode
if context.scene.tool_settings.use_uv_select_sync:
return False
return True
def execute(self, context):
rectify(self, context)
return {'FINISHED'}
precision = 3
def rectify(self, context):
obj = bpy.context.active_object
bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(obj.data)
uv_layers = bm.loops.layers.uv.verify()
#Store selection
#Restore selection
def main(square = False, snapToClosest = False):
startTime = time.clock()
obj = bpy.context.active_object
me = obj.data
bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(me)
uv_layers = bm.loops.layers.uv.verify()
# bm.faces.layers.tex.verify() # currently blender needs both layers.
face_act = bm.faces.active
targetFace = face_act
#if len(bm.faces) > allowedFaces:
# operator.report({'ERROR'}, "selected more than " +str(allowedFaces) +" allowed faces.")
# return
edgeVerts, filteredVerts, selFaces, nonQuadFaces, vertsDict, noEdge = ListsOfVerts(uv_layers, bm)
if len(filteredVerts) is 0: return
if len(filteredVerts) is 1:
cursorClosestTo = CursorClosestTo(filteredVerts)
#line is selected
if len(selFaces) is 0:
if snapToClosest is True:
VertsDictForLine(uv_layers, bm, filteredVerts, vertsDict)
if AreVectsLinedOnAxis(filteredVerts) is False:
ScaleTo0OnAxisAndCursor(filteredVerts, vertsDict, cursorClosestTo)
return SuccessFinished(me, startTime)
MakeEqualDistanceBetweenVertsInLine(filteredVerts, vertsDict, cursorClosestTo)
return SuccessFinished(me, startTime)
#active face checks
if targetFace is None or targetFace.select is False or len(targetFace.verts) is not 4:
targetFace = selFaces[0]
for l in targetFace.loops:
if l[uv_layers].select is False:
targetFace = selFaces[0]
ShapeFace(uv_layers, operator, targetFace, vertsDict, square)
for nf in nonQuadFaces:
for l in nf.loops:
luv = l[uv_layers]
luv.select = False
if square: FollowActiveUV(operator, me, targetFace, selFaces, 'EVEN')
else: FollowActiveUV(operator, me, targetFace, selFaces)
if noEdge is False:
#edge has ripped so we connect it back
for ev in edgeVerts:
key = (round(ev.uv.x, precision), round(ev.uv.y, precision))
if key in vertsDict:
ev.uv = vertsDict[key][0].uv
ev.select = True
return SuccessFinished(me, startTime)
def ListsOfVerts(uv_layers, bm):
edgeVerts = []
allEdgeVerts = []
filteredVerts = []
selFaces = []
nonQuadFaces = []
vertsDict = defaultdict(list) #dict
for f in bm.faces:
isFaceSel = True
facesEdgeVerts = []
if (f.select == False):
#collect edge verts if any
for l in f.loops:
luv = l[uv_layers]
if luv.select is True:
else: isFaceSel = False
if isFaceSel:
if len(f.verts) is not 4:
for l in f.loops:
luv = l[uv_layers]
x = round(luv.uv.x, precision)
y = round(luv.uv.y, precision)
vertsDict[(x, y)].append(luv)
else: edgeVerts.extend(facesEdgeVerts)
noEdge = False
if len(edgeVerts) is 0:
noEdge = True
if len(selFaces) is 0:
for ev in edgeVerts:
if ListQuasiContainsVect(filteredVerts, ev) is False:
else: filteredVerts = edgeVerts
return edgeVerts, filteredVerts, selFaces, nonQuadFaces, vertsDict, noEdge
def ListQuasiContainsVect(list, vect):
for v in list:
if AreVertsQuasiEqual(v, vect):
return True
return False
def SnapCursorToClosestSelected(filteredVerts):
#TODO: snap to closest selected
if len(filteredVerts) is 1:
SetAll2dCursorsTo(filteredVerts[0].uv.x, filteredVerts[0].uv.y)
def VertsDictForLine(uv_layers, bm, selVerts, vertsDict):
for f in bm.faces:
for l in f.loops:
luv = l[uv_layers]
if luv.select is True:
x = round(luv.uv.x, precision)
y = round(luv.uv.y, precision)
vertsDict[(x, y)].append(luv)
def AreVectsLinedOnAxis(verts):
areLinedX = True
areLinedY = True
allowedError = 0.0009
valX = verts[0].uv.x
valY = verts[0].uv.y
for v in verts:
if abs(valX - v.uv.x) > allowedError:
areLinedX = False
if abs(valY - v.uv.y) > allowedError:
areLinedY = False
return areLinedX or areLinedY
def ScaleTo0OnAxisAndCursor(filteredVerts, vertsDict, startv = None, horizontal = None):
verts = filteredVerts
verts.sort(key=lambda x: x.uv[0]) #sort by .x
first = verts[0]
last = verts[len(verts)-1]
if horizontal is None:
horizontal = True
if ((last.uv.x - first.uv.x) >0.0009):
slope = (last.uv.y - first.uv.y)/(last.uv.x - first.uv.x)
if (slope > 1) or (slope <-1):
horizontal = False
horizontal = False
if horizontal is True:
if startv is None:
startv = first
SetAll2dCursorsTo(startv.uv.x, startv.uv.y)
#scale to 0 on Y
verts.sort(key=lambda x: x.uv[1]) #sort by .y
verts.reverse() #reverse because y values drop from up to down
first = verts[0]
last = verts[len(verts)-1]
if startv is None:
startv = first
SetAll2dCursorsTo(startv.uv.x, startv.uv.y)
#scale to 0 on X
def SetAll2dCursorsTo(x,y):
last_area = bpy.context.area.type
bpy.context.area.type = 'IMAGE_EDITOR'
bpy.ops.uv.cursor_set(location=(x, y))
bpy.context.area.type = last_area
def CursorClosestTo(verts, allowedError = 0.025):
ratioX, ratioY = ImageRatio()
#any length that is certantly not smaller than distance of the closest
min = 1000
minV = verts[0]
for v in verts:
if v is None: continue
for area in bpy.context.screen.areas:
if area.type == 'IMAGE_EDITOR':
loc = area.spaces[0].cursor_location
hyp = hypot(loc.x/ratioX -v.uv.x, loc.y/ratioY -v.uv.y)
if (hyp < min):
min = hyp
minV = v
if min is not 1000:
return minV
return None
def SuccessFinished(me, startTime):
#use for backtrack of steps
#elapsed = round(time.clock()-startTime, 2)
#if (elapsed >= 0.05): operator.report({'INFO'}, "UvSquares finished, elapsed:", elapsed, "s.")
def ShapeFace(uv_layers, operator, targetFace, vertsDict, square):
corners = []
for l in targetFace.loops:
luv = l[uv_layers]
if len(corners) is not 4:
#operator.report({'ERROR'}, "bla")
lucv, ldcv, rucv, rdcv = Corners(corners)
cct = CursorClosestTo([lucv, ldcv, rdcv, rucv])
if cct is None:
cct = lucv
MakeUvFaceEqualRectangle(vertsDict, lucv, rucv, rdcv, ldcv, cct, square)
def MakeUvFaceEqualRectangle(vertsDict, lucv, rucv, rdcv, ldcv, startv, square = False):
ratioX, ratioY = ImageRatio()
ratio = ratioX/ratioY
if startv is None: startv = lucv.uv
elif AreVertsQuasiEqual(startv, rucv): startv = rucv.uv
elif AreVertsQuasiEqual(startv, rdcv): startv = rdcv.uv
elif AreVertsQuasiEqual(startv, ldcv): startv = ldcv.uv
else: startv = lucv.uv
lucv = lucv.uv
rucv = rucv.uv
rdcv = rdcv.uv
ldcv = ldcv.uv
if (startv == lucv):
finalScaleX = hypotVert(lucv, rucv)
finalScaleY = hypotVert(lucv, ldcv)
currRowX = lucv.x
currRowY = lucv.y
elif (startv == rucv):
finalScaleX = hypotVert(rucv, lucv)
finalScaleY = hypotVert(rucv, rdcv)
currRowX = rucv.x - finalScaleX
currRowY = rucv.y
elif (startv == rdcv):
finalScaleX = hypotVert(rdcv, ldcv)
finalScaleY = hypotVert(rdcv, rucv)
currRowX = rdcv.x - finalScaleX
currRowY = rdcv.y + finalScaleY
finalScaleX = hypotVert(ldcv, rdcv)
finalScaleY = hypotVert(ldcv, lucv)
currRowX = ldcv.x
currRowY = ldcv.y +finalScaleY
if square: finalScaleY = finalScaleX*ratio
#lucv, rucv
x = round(lucv.x, precision)
y = round(lucv.y, precision)
for v in vertsDict[(x,y)]:
v.uv.x = currRowX
v.uv.y = currRowY
x = round(rucv.x, precision)
y = round(rucv.y, precision)
for v in vertsDict[(x,y)]:
v.uv.x = currRowX + finalScaleX
v.uv.y = currRowY
#rdcv, ldcv
x = round(rdcv.x, precision)
y = round(rdcv.y, precision)
for v in vertsDict[(x,y)]:
v.uv.x = currRowX + finalScaleX
v.uv.y = currRowY - finalScaleY
x = round(ldcv.x, precision)
y = round(ldcv.y, precision)
for v in vertsDict[(x,y)]:
v.uv.x = currRowX
v.uv.y = currRowY - finalScaleY
def FollowActiveUV(operator, me, f_act, faces, EXTEND_MODE = 'LENGTH_AVERAGE'):
bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(me)
uv_act = bm.loops.layers.uv.active
# our own local walker
def walk_face_init(faces, f_act):
# first tag all faces True (so we dont uvmap them)
for f in bm.faces:
f.tag = True
# then tag faces arg False
for f in faces:
f.tag = False
# tag the active face True since we begin there
f_act.tag = True
def walk_face(f):
# all faces in this list must be tagged
f.tag = True
faces_a = [f]
faces_b = []
while faces_a:
for f in faces_a:
for l in f.loops:
l_edge = l.edge
if (l_edge.is_manifold is True) and (l_edge.seam is False):
l_other = l.link_loop_radial_next
f_other = l_other.face
if not f_other.tag:
yield (f, l, f_other)
f_other.tag = True
# swap
faces_a, faces_b = faces_b, faces_a
def walk_edgeloop(l):
Could make this a generic function
e_first = l.edge
e = None
while True:
e = l.edge
yield e
# don't step past non-manifold edges
if e.is_manifold:
# welk around the quad and then onto the next face
l = l.link_loop_radial_next
if len(l.face.verts) == 4:
l = l.link_loop_next.link_loop_next
if l.edge is e_first:
def extrapolate_uv(fac,
l_a_outer, l_a_inner,
l_b_outer, l_b_inner):
l_b_inner[:] = l_a_inner
l_b_outer[:] = l_a_inner + ((l_a_inner - l_a_outer) * fac)
def apply_uv(f_prev, l_prev, f_next):
l_a = [None, None, None, None]
l_b = [None, None, None, None]
l_a[0] = l_prev
l_a[1] = l_a[0].link_loop_next
l_a[2] = l_a[1].link_loop_next
l_a[3] = l_a[2].link_loop_next
# l_b
# +-----------+
# |(3) |(2)
# | |
# |l_next(0) |(1)
# +-----------+
# ^
# l_a |
# +-----------+
# |l_prev(0) |(1)
# | (f) |
# |(3) |(2)
# +-----------+
# copy from this face to the one above.
# get the other loops
l_next = l_prev.link_loop_radial_next
if l_next.vert != l_prev.vert:
l_b[1] = l_next
l_b[0] = l_b[1].link_loop_next
l_b[3] = l_b[0].link_loop_next
l_b[2] = l_b[3].link_loop_next
l_b[0] = l_next
l_b[1] = l_b[0].link_loop_next
l_b[2] = l_b[1].link_loop_next
l_b[3] = l_b[2].link_loop_next
l_a_uv = [l[uv_act].uv for l in l_a]
l_b_uv = [l[uv_act].uv for l in l_b]
fac = edge_lengths[l_b[2].edge.index][0] / edge_lengths[l_a[1].edge.index][0]
a0, b0, c0 = l_a[3].vert.co, l_a[0].vert.co, l_b[3].vert.co
a1, b1, c1 = l_a[2].vert.co, l_a[1].vert.co, l_b[2].vert.co
d1 = (a0 - b0).length + (a1 - b1).length
d2 = (b0 - c0).length + (b1 - c1).length
fac = d2 / d1
except ZeroDivisionError:
fac = 1.0
fac = 1.0
l_a_uv[3], l_a_uv[0],
l_b_uv[3], l_b_uv[0])
l_a_uv[2], l_a_uv[1],
l_b_uv[2], l_b_uv[1])
# -------------------------------------------
# Calculate average length per loop if needed
edge_lengths = [None] * len(bm.edges) #NoneType times the length of edges list
for f in faces:
# we know its a quad
l_quad = f.loops[:]
l_pair_a = (l_quad[0], l_quad[2])
l_pair_b = (l_quad[1], l_quad[3])
for l_pair in (l_pair_a, l_pair_b):
if edge_lengths[l_pair[0].edge.index] is None:
edge_length_store = [-1.0]
edge_length_accum = 0.0
edge_length_total = 0
for l in l_pair:
if edge_lengths[l.edge.index] is None:
for e in walk_edgeloop(l):
if edge_lengths[e.index] is None:
edge_lengths[e.index] = edge_length_store
edge_length_accum += e.calc_length()
edge_length_total += 1
edge_length_store[0] = edge_length_accum / edge_length_total
# done with average length
# ------------------------
walk_face_init(faces, f_act)
for f_triple in walk_face(f_act):
bmesh.update_edit_mesh(me, False)
def ImageRatio():
ratioX, ratioY = 256,256
for a in bpy.context.screen.areas:
if a.type == 'IMAGE_EDITOR':
img = a.spaces[0].image
if img is not None and img.size[0] is not 0:
ratioX, ratioY = img.size[0], img.size[1]
return ratioX, ratioY
def Corners(corners):
firstHighest = corners[0]
for c in corners:
if c.uv.y > firstHighest.uv.y:
firstHighest = c
secondHighest = corners[0]
for c in corners:
if (c.uv.y > secondHighest.uv.y):
secondHighest = c
if firstHighest.uv.x < secondHighest.uv.x:
leftUp = firstHighest
rightUp = secondHighest
leftUp = secondHighest
rightUp = firstHighest
firstLowest = corners[0]
secondLowest = corners[1]
if firstLowest.uv.x < secondLowest.uv.x:
leftDown = firstLowest
rightDown = secondLowest
leftDown = secondLowest
rightDown = firstLowest
return leftUp, leftDown, rightUp, rightDown
def AreVertsQuasiEqual(v1, v2, allowedError = 0.0009):
if abs(v1.uv.x -v2.uv.x) < allowedError and abs(v1.uv.y -v2.uv.y) < allowedError:
return True
return False
def hypotVert(v1, v2):
hyp = hypot(v1.x - v2.x, v1.y - v2.y)
return hyp
bpy.utils.register_class(op) |