Changelog update

Andrew Cassidy 4 years ago
parent 5faa26ae95
commit 13bf70fd8a

@ -2,15 +2,16 @@ v0.2.0
- New Parts:
- CDL-3 Surface Base Decal: A set of conformal decals based on the symbols from the movie Moon designed by Gavin Rothery
- CDL-T Custom Text Decal: A customizable text decal with a variety of fonts
- Changes:
- New "KEYWORD" material modifier, allowing for shader features to be enabled and disabled.
- material modifiers can now be removed in variants by setting `remove = true` inside them.
- Unified all shaders into a single "Standard" shader with variants supporting any combination of bump, specular and emissive maps, plus SDF alphas.
- Unified all decal shaders into a single "Standard" shader with variants supporting any combination of bump, specular and emissive maps, plus SDF alphas.
- Old shaders are remapped to Standard shader plus keywords automatically.
- New SDF-based antialiasing for when decals extend to their borders, i.e. on opaque flags.
- Fixes:
- Fixed WIDTH and HEIGHT scale modes being flipped
- Removed debug log statements
- Removed some debug log statements
