Text render simplification and small optimizations

Andrew Cassidy 3 years ago
parent 5feb16dcfb
commit 6b7996fdd7

@ -89,8 +89,10 @@ namespace ConformalDecals {
[KSPField] public Transform decalProjectorTransform;
[KSPField] public Transform decalColliderTransform;
[KSPField] public Material backMaterial;
[KSPField] public Vector2 backTextureBaseScale;
[KSPField] public MeshRenderer boundsRenderer;
[KSPField] public MeshRenderer frontRenderer;
[KSPField] public Material backMaterial;
[KSPField] public Vector2 backTextureBaseScale;
private const int DecalQueueMin = 2100;
private const int DecalQueueMax = 2400;
@ -101,9 +103,8 @@ namespace ConformalDecals {
private bool _isAttached;
private Matrix4x4 _orthoMatrix;
private Material _decalMaterial;
private Material _previewMaterial;
private MeshRenderer _boundsRenderer;
private Material _decalMaterial;
private Material _previewMaterial;
private int DecalQueue {
get {
@ -132,24 +133,33 @@ namespace ConformalDecals {
public override void OnLoad(ConfigNode node) {
try {
decalFrontTransform = part.FindModelTransform(decalFront);
if (decalFrontTransform == null) throw new FormatException($"Could not find decalFront transform: '{decalFront}'.");
decalBackTransform = part.FindModelTransform(decalBack);
if (decalBackTransform == null) throw new FormatException($"Could not find decalBack transform: '{decalBack}'.");
// Projector transform, where the decal is projected from when attached
decalProjectorTransform = part.FindModelTransform(decalProjector);
if (decalProjectorTransform == null) throw new FormatException($"Could not find decalProjector transform: '{decalProjector}'.");
// Model transform, containing all visible elements of the decal when not attached
decalModelTransform = part.FindModelTransform(decalModel);
if (decalModelTransform == null) throw new FormatException($"Could not find decalModel transform: '{decalModel}'.");
decalProjectorTransform = part.FindModelTransform(decalProjector);
if (decalProjectorTransform == null) throw new FormatException($"Could not find decalProjector transform: '{decalProjector}'.");
// Front transform, shows a preview of the decal when unattached
decalFrontTransform = part.FindModelTransform(decalFront);
if (decalFrontTransform == null) throw new FormatException($"Could not find decalFront transform: '{decalFront}'.");
frontRenderer = decalFrontTransform.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>();
// Collider transform, selectable area and shows where the decal is projecting onto
decalColliderTransform = part.FindModelTransform(decalCollider);
if (decalColliderTransform == null) throw new FormatException($"Could not find decalCollider transform: '{decalCollider}'.");
boundsRenderer = decalColliderTransform.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>();
if (updateBackScale) {
decalBackTransform = part.FindModelTransform(decalBack);
if (decalBackTransform == null) throw new FormatException($"Could not find decalBack transform: '{decalBack}'.");
var backRenderer = decalBackTransform.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>();
if (backRenderer == null) {
this.LogError($"Specified decalBack transform {decalBack} has no renderer attached! Setting updateBackScale to false.");
updateBackScale = false;
@ -244,7 +254,8 @@ namespace ConformalDecals {
public override void OnStart(StartState state) {
materialProperties.RenderQueue = DecalQueue;
_boundsRenderer = decalProjectorTransform.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>();
boundsRenderer = decalProjectorTransform.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>();
frontRenderer = decalFrontTransform.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>();
// handle tweakables
if (HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsEditor) {
@ -278,7 +289,7 @@ namespace ConformalDecals {
if (!selectableInFlight || !DecalConfig.SelectableInFlight) {
decalColliderTransform.GetComponent<Collider>().enabled = false;
_boundsRenderer.enabled = false;
boundsRenderer.enabled = false;
@ -440,7 +451,7 @@ namespace ConformalDecals {
// update projection
foreach (var target in _targets) {
target.Project(_orthoMatrix, decalProjectorTransform, _boundsRenderer.bounds, useBaseNormal);
target.Project(_orthoMatrix, decalProjectorTransform, boundsRenderer.bounds, useBaseNormal);
else {
@ -465,7 +476,7 @@ namespace ConformalDecals {
_decalMaterial = materialProperties.DecalMaterial;
_previewMaterial = materialProperties.PreviewMaterial;
if (!_isAttached) decalFrontTransform.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().material = _previewMaterial;
if (!_isAttached) frontRenderer.material = _previewMaterial;
protected void UpdateTargets() {

@ -89,7 +89,6 @@ namespace ConformalDecals {
private MaterialColorProperty _outlineColorProperty;
private MaterialFloatProperty _outlineWidthProperty;
private TextRenderJob _currentJob;
private DecalText _currentText;
public override void OnLoad(ConfigNode node) {
@ -253,7 +252,6 @@ namespace ConformalDecals {
decal.charSpacing = charSpacing;
decal.lineSpacing = lineSpacing;
decal._currentJob = _currentJob;
decal._currentText = _currentText;
@ -267,7 +265,7 @@ namespace ConformalDecals {
private void UpdateText() {
// Render text
var newText = new DecalText(text, font, style, vertical, lineSpacing, charSpacing);
var output = TextRenderer.UpdateTextNow(_currentText, newText);
var output = TextRenderer.UpdateText(_currentText, newText);
_currentText = newText;

@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
using System;
using UnityEngine.Events;
namespace ConformalDecals.Text {
public class TextRenderJob {
public DecalText OldText { get; }
public DecalText NewText { get; }
public bool Needed { get; private set; }
public bool IsStarted { get; private set; }
public bool IsDone { get; private set; }
public readonly TextRenderer.TextRenderEvent onRenderFinished = new TextRenderer.TextRenderEvent();
public TextRenderJob(DecalText oldText, DecalText newText, UnityAction<TextRenderOutput> renderFinishedCallback) {
OldText = oldText;
NewText = newText ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(newText));
Needed = true;
if (renderFinishedCallback != null) onRenderFinished.AddListener(renderFinishedCallback);
public void Cancel() {
Needed = false;
public void Start() {
IsStarted = true;
public void Finish(TextRenderOutput output) {
IsDone = true;

@ -3,16 +3,12 @@ using System.Collections.Generic;
using ConformalDecals.Util;
using TMPro;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Events;
using UnityEngine.Rendering;
using Object = UnityEngine.Object;
namespace ConformalDecals.Text {
// TODO: Testing shows the job system is unnecessary, so remove job system code.
/// Class handing text rendering.
/// Is a singleton referencing a single gameobject in the scene which contains the TextMeshPro component
[KSPAddon(KSPAddon.Startup.Instantly, true)]
public class TextRenderer : MonoBehaviour {
public static class TextRenderer {
/// Texture format used for returned textures.
/// Unfortunately due to how Unity textures work, this cannot be R8 or Alpha8,
/// so theres always a superfluous green channel using memory
@ -22,50 +18,31 @@ namespace ConformalDecals.Text {
/// Overriden below to be ARGB32 on DirectX because DirectX is dumb
public static RenderTextureFormat textRenderTextureFormat = RenderTextureFormat.R8;
/// The text renderer object within the scene which contains the TextMeshPro component used for rendering.
public static TextRenderer Instance {
get {
if (!_instance._isSetup) {
return _instance;
/// Text Render unityevent, used with the job system to signal render completion
public class TextRenderEvent : UnityEvent<TextRenderOutput> { }
private const string ShaderName = "ConformalDecals/Text Blit";
private const int MaxTextureSize = 4096;
private const float FontSize = 100;
private const float PixelDensity = 5;
private static TextRenderer _instance;
private bool _isSetup;
private Shader _blitShader;
private static Shader _blitShader;
private static Texture2D _blankTexture;
private static readonly Dictionary<DecalText, TextRenderOutput> RenderCache = new Dictionary<DecalText, TextRenderOutput>();
private static readonly Queue<TextRenderJob> RenderJobs = new Queue<TextRenderJob>();
private static Texture2D _blankTexture;
/// Update text using the job queue
public static TextRenderJob UpdateText(DecalText oldText, DecalText newText, UnityAction<TextRenderOutput> renderFinishedCallback) {
/// Update text immediately without using job queue
public static TextRenderOutput UpdateText(DecalText oldText, DecalText newText) {
if (newText == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(newText));
Logging.Log($"Rendering text {newText}");
var job = new TextRenderJob(oldText, newText, renderFinishedCallback);
return job;
if (!(oldText is null)) UnregisterText(oldText);
/// Update text immediately without using job queue
public static TextRenderOutput UpdateTextNow(DecalText oldText, DecalText newText) {
if (newText == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(newText));
// now that all old references are handled, begin rendering the new output
if (!RenderCache.TryGetValue(newText, out var renderOutput)) {
renderOutput = RenderText(newText);
RenderCache.Add(newText, renderOutput);
return Instance.RunJob(new TextRenderJob(oldText, newText, null), out _);
return renderOutput;
/// Unregister a user of a piece of text
@ -77,87 +54,19 @@ namespace ConformalDecals.Text {
if (renderedText.UserCount <= 0) {
var texture = renderedText.Texture;
if (texture != _blankTexture) Destroy(texture);
if (texture != _blankTexture) Object.Destroy(texture);
private void Start() {
if (_instance != null) {
Logging.LogError("Duplicate TextRenderer created???");
Logging.Log("Creating TextRenderer Object");
_instance = this;
if (SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceType == GraphicsDeviceType.Direct3D11 || SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceType == GraphicsDeviceType.Direct3D12) {
textRenderTextureFormat = RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32; // DirectX is dumb
if (!SystemInfo.SupportsTextureFormat(textTextureFormat)) {
Logging.LogError($"Text texture format {textTextureFormat} not supported on this platform.");
if (!SystemInfo.SupportsRenderTextureFormat(textRenderTextureFormat)) {
Logging.LogError($"Text texture format {textRenderTextureFormat} not supported on this platform.");
_blankTexture = Texture2D.blackTexture;
/// Setup this text renderer instance for rendering
private void Setup() {
if (_isSetup) return;
Logging.Log("Setting Up TextRenderer Object");
// _tmp = gameObject.AddComponent<TextMeshPro>();
// _tmp.renderer.enabled = false; // dont automatically render
_blitShader = Shabby.Shabby.FindShader(ShaderName);
if (_blitShader == null) Logging.LogError($"Could not find text blit shader named '{ShaderName}'");
_isSetup = true;
/// Run a text render job
private TextRenderOutput RunJob(TextRenderJob job, out bool renderNeeded) {
if (!job.Needed) {
renderNeeded = false;
return null;
Logging.Log($"Rendering text {job.NewText}");
if (!(job.OldText is null)) UnregisterText(job.OldText);
// now that all old references are handled, begin rendering the new output
if (RenderCache.TryGetValue(job.NewText, out var renderOutput)) {
renderNeeded = false;
else {
renderNeeded = true;
renderOutput = RenderText(job.NewText);
RenderCache.Add(job.NewText, renderOutput);
return renderOutput;
/// Render a piece of text to a given texture
public TextRenderOutput RenderText(DecalText text) {
public static TextRenderOutput RenderText(DecalText text) {
if (text == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(text));
var tmpObject = new GameObject("Text Mesh Pro renderer");
var tmp = tmpObject.AddComponent<TextMeshPro>();
if (text == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(text));
if (tmp == null) throw new InvalidOperationException("TextMeshPro object not yet created.");
tmp.text = text.FormattedText;
tmp.font = text.Font.FontAsset;
@ -189,7 +98,7 @@ namespace ConformalDecals.Text {
meshes[i] = meshFilters[i].mesh;
if (i == 0) meshes[i] = tmp.mesh;
materials[i] = Instantiate(renderer.material);
materials[i] = Object.Instantiate(renderer.material);
materials[i].shader = _blitShader;
if (renderer == null) throw new FormatException($"Object {meshFilters[i].gameObject.name} has filter but no renderer");
@ -215,6 +124,7 @@ namespace ConformalDecals.Text {
if (textureSize.x == 0 || textureSize.y == 0) {
Logging.LogError("No text present or error in texture size calculation. Aborting.");
return new TextRenderOutput(_blankTexture, Rect.zero);
@ -276,10 +186,30 @@ namespace ConformalDecals.Text {
return new TextRenderOutput(texture, window);
/// Setup shader and texture
public static void ModuleManagerPostLoad() {
if (SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceType == GraphicsDeviceType.Direct3D11 || SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceType == GraphicsDeviceType.Direct3D12) {
textRenderTextureFormat = RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32; // DirectX is dumb
if (!SystemInfo.SupportsTextureFormat(textTextureFormat)) {
Logging.LogError($"Text texture format {textTextureFormat} not supported on this platform.");
if (!SystemInfo.SupportsRenderTextureFormat(textRenderTextureFormat)) {
Logging.LogError($"Text texture format {textRenderTextureFormat} not supported on this platform.");
_blankTexture = Texture2D.blackTexture;
_blitShader = Shabby.Shabby.FindShader(ShaderName);
if (_blitShader == null) Logging.LogError($"Could not find text blit shader named '{ShaderName}'");

@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ v0.2.7
- Fixes:
- Fixed certain non-ascii strings not rendering correctly under certain circumstances.
- Yet another attempted fix for the planet text glitch.
- Changes:
- Small optimizations and simplified text rendering.
