Fix text decal saving and loading

Closes #25
Andrew Cassidy 4 years ago
parent c6b9812fe3
commit dbbc621181

@ -90,7 +90,6 @@
<Compile Include="Text/FontLoader.cs" />
<Compile Include="Text/TextRenderer.cs" />
<Compile Include="Text/DecalText.cs" />
<Compile Include="Text\DecalTextStyle.cs" />
<Compile Include="Text\TextRenderOutput.cs" />
<Compile Include="Text\TextRenderJob.cs" />
<Compile Include="UI/ColorPickerController.cs" />

@ -8,27 +8,26 @@ using TMPro;
using UnityEngine;
namespace ConformalDecals {
public class ModuleConformalText : ModuleConformalDecal, ISerializationCallbackReceiver {
[KSPField(isPersistant = true)] public string text = "Text";
public class ModuleConformalText : ModuleConformalDecal {
[KSPField] public Vector2 lineSpacingRange = new Vector2(-50, 50);
[KSPField] public Vector2 charSpacingRange = new Vector2(-50, 50);
// serialization-only fields. do not use except in serialization functions
[KSPField(isPersistant = true)] public string fontName = "Calibri SDF";
[KSPField(isPersistant = true)] public int style;
[KSPField(isPersistant = true)] public bool vertical;
[KSPField(isPersistant = true)] public float lineSpacing;
[KSPField(isPersistant = true)] public float charSpacing;
[KSPField(isPersistant = true)] public string fillColor = "000000FF";
[KSPField(isPersistant = true)] public string outlineColor = "FFFFFFFF";
[KSPField(isPersistant = true)] public bool vertical;
[KSPField(isPersistant = true)] public float lineSpacing;
[KSPField(isPersistant = true)] public float charSpacing;
[KSPField] public string text;
[KSPField] public DecalFont font;
[KSPField] public FontStyles style;
[KSPField] public Color32 fillColor =;
[KSPField] public Color32 outlineColor = Color.white;
[KSPEvent(guiName = "#LOC_ConformalDecals_gui-set-text", guiActive = false, guiActiveEditor = true)]
public void SetText() {
if (_textEntryController == null) {
_textEntryController = TextEntryController.Create(_text, _font, _style, lineSpacingRange, charSpacingRange, OnTextUpdate);
_textEntryController = TextEntryController.Create(text, font, style, vertical, lineSpacing, charSpacing, lineSpacingRange, charSpacingRange, OnTextUpdate);
else {
@ -46,7 +45,7 @@ namespace ConformalDecals {
guiActive = false, guiActiveEditor = true)]
public void SetFillColor() {
if (_fillColorPickerController == null) {
_fillColorPickerController = ColorPickerController.Create(_fillColor, OnFillColorUpdate);
_fillColorPickerController = ColorPickerController.Create(fillColor, OnFillColorUpdate);
else {
@ -69,18 +68,13 @@ namespace ConformalDecals {
guiActive = false, guiActiveEditor = true)]
public void SetOutlineColor() {
if (_outlineColorPickerController == null) {
_outlineColorPickerController = ColorPickerController.Create(_outlineColor, OnOutlineColorUpdate);
_outlineColorPickerController = ColorPickerController.Create(outlineColor, OnOutlineColorUpdate);
else {
private string _text;
private DecalTextStyle _style;
private DecalFont _font;
private Color32 _fillColor;
private Color32 _outlineColor;
private TextEntryController _textEntryController;
private ColorPickerController _fillColorPickerController;
@ -100,7 +94,12 @@ namespace ConformalDecals {
public override void OnLoad(ConfigNode node) {
text = WebUtility.UrlDecode(ParseUtil.ParseString(node, "text"));
font = DecalConfig.GetFont(ParseUtil.ParseString(node, "font", true, "Calibri SDF"));
int styleInt = 0;
if (ParseUtil.ParseIntIndirect(ref styleInt, node, "style")) style = (FontStyles) styleInt;
if (!ParseUtil.ParseColor32Indirect(ref fillColor, node, "fillColor")) fillColor = Color.magenta;
if (!ParseUtil.ParseColor32Indirect(ref outlineColor, node, "outlineColor")) outlineColor = Color.magenta;
if (HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsGame) {
// For some reason, rendering doesnt work right on the first frame a scene is loaded
@ -114,7 +113,11 @@ namespace ConformalDecals {
public override void OnSave(ConfigNode node) {
node.AddValue("text", WebUtility.UrlEncode(text));
node.AddValue("fontName", font.Name);
node.AddValue("style", (int) style);
node.AddValue("fillColor", fillColor.ToHexString());
node.AddValue("outlineColor", outlineColor.ToHexString());
@ -131,31 +134,34 @@ namespace ConformalDecals {
_outlineWidthProperty = materialProperties.AddOrGetProperty<MaterialFloatProperty>("_OutlineWidth");
public void OnTextUpdate(string newText, DecalFont newFont, DecalTextStyle newStyle) {
_text = newText;
_font = newFont;
_style = newStyle;
public void OnTextUpdate(string newText, DecalFont newFont, FontStyles newStyle, bool newVertical, float newLineSpacing, float newCharSpacing) {
this.text = newText;
this.font = newFont; = newStyle;
this.vertical = newVertical;
this.lineSpacing = newLineSpacing;
this.charSpacing = newCharSpacing;
public void OnFillColorUpdate(Color rgb, Util.ColorHSV hsv) {
_fillColor = rgb;
fillColor = rgb;
foreach (var counterpart in part.symmetryCounterparts) {
var decal = counterpart.GetComponent<ModuleConformalText>();
decal._fillColor = _fillColor;
decal.fillColor = fillColor;
public void OnOutlineColorUpdate(Color rgb, Util.ColorHSV hsv) {
_outlineColor = rgb;
outlineColor = rgb;
foreach (var counterpart in part.symmetryCounterparts) {
var decal = counterpart.GetComponent<ModuleConformalText>();
decal._outlineColor = _outlineColor;
decal.outlineColor = outlineColor;
@ -202,33 +208,6 @@ namespace ConformalDecals {
public void OnBeforeSerialize() {
text = WebUtility.UrlEncode(_text);
fontName = _font.Name;
style = (int) _style.FontStyle;
vertical = _style.Vertical;
lineSpacing = _style.LineSpacing;
charSpacing = _style.CharSpacing;
fillColor = _fillColor.ToHexString();
outlineColor = _outlineColor.ToHexString();
public void OnAfterDeserialize() {
_text = WebUtility.UrlDecode(text);
_font = DecalConfig.GetFont(fontName);
_style = new DecalTextStyle((FontStyles) style, vertical, lineSpacing, charSpacing);
if (!ParseUtil.TryParseColor32(fillColor, out _fillColor)) {
Logging.LogWarning($"Improperly formatted color value for fill: '{fillColor}'");
_fillColor = Color.magenta;
if (!ParseUtil.TryParseColor32(outlineColor, out _outlineColor)) {
Logging.LogWarning($"Improperly formatted color value for outline: '{outlineColor}'");
_outlineColor = Color.magenta;
public override void OnDestroy() {
if (HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsGame && _currentText != null) TextRenderer.UnregisterText(_currentText);
@ -249,9 +228,9 @@ namespace ConformalDecals {
foreach (var counterpart in part.symmetryCounterparts) {
var decal = counterpart.GetComponent<ModuleConformalText>();
decal._text = _text;
decal._font = _font;
decal._style = _style;
decal.text = text;
decal.font = font; = style;
decal._currentJob = _currentJob;
decal._currentText = _currentText;
@ -266,7 +245,7 @@ namespace ConformalDecals {
private void UpdateText() {
// Render text
var newText = new DecalText(_text, _font, _style);
var newText = new DecalText(text, font, style, vertical, lineSpacing, charSpacing);
var output = TextRenderer.UpdateTextNow(_currentText, newText);
_currentText = newText;
@ -288,10 +267,10 @@ namespace ConformalDecals {
protected override void UpdateMaterials() {
_fillEnabledProperty.value = fillEnabled;
_fillColorProperty.color = _fillColor;
_fillColorProperty.color = fillColor;
_outlineEnabledProperty.value = outlineEnabled;
_outlineColorProperty.color = _outlineColor;
_outlineColorProperty.color = outlineColor;
_outlineWidthProperty.value = outlineWidth;

@ -3,41 +3,47 @@ using System.Collections.Generic;
using ConformalDecals.Util;
using TMPro;
using UniLinq;
using UnityEngine;
namespace ConformalDecals.Text {
public class DecalFont : IEquatable<DecalFont> {
public class DecalFont : ScriptableObject, ISerializationCallbackReceiver, IEquatable<DecalFont> {
[SerializeField] private string _title;
[SerializeField] private TMP_FontAsset _fontAsset;
[SerializeField] private FontStyles _fontStyle;
[SerializeField] private FontStyles _fontStyleMask;
/// Human-readable name for the font
public string Title { get; }
public string Title => _title;
/// Internal name for the font
public string Name =>;
public string Name =>;
/// The font asset itself
public TMP_FontAsset FontAsset { get; }
public TMP_FontAsset FontAsset => _fontAsset;
/// Styles that are forced on for this font,
/// e.g. smallcaps for a font without lower case characters
public FontStyles FontStyle { get; }
public FontStyles FontStyle => _fontStyle;
public bool Bold => (FontStyle & FontStyles.Bold) != 0;
public bool Bold => (_fontStyle & FontStyles.Bold) != 0;
public bool Italic => (FontStyle & FontStyles.Italic) != 0;
public bool Italic => (_fontStyle & FontStyles.Italic) != 0;
public bool Underline => (FontStyle & FontStyles.Underline) != 0;
public bool Underline => (_fontStyle & FontStyles.Underline) != 0;
public bool SmallCaps => (FontStyle & FontStyles.SmallCaps) != 0;
public bool SmallCaps => (_fontStyle & FontStyles.SmallCaps) != 0;
/// Styles that are forced off for this font,
/// e.g. underline for a font with no underscore character
public FontStyles FontStyleMask { get; }
public FontStyles FontStyleMask => _fontStyleMask;
public bool BoldMask => (FontStyleMask & FontStyles.Bold) != 0;
public bool BoldMask => (_fontStyleMask & FontStyles.Bold) != 0;
public bool ItalicMask => (FontStyleMask & FontStyles.Italic) != 0;
public bool ItalicMask => (_fontStyleMask & FontStyles.Italic) != 0;
public bool UnderlineMask => (FontStyleMask & FontStyles.Underline) != 0;
public bool UnderlineMask => (_fontStyleMask & FontStyles.Underline) != 0;
public bool SmallCapsMask => (FontStyleMask & FontStyles.SmallCaps) != 0;
public bool SmallCapsMask => (_fontStyleMask & FontStyles.SmallCaps) != 0;
public DecalFont(ConfigNode node, IEnumerable<TMP_FontAsset> fontAssets) {
@ -45,14 +51,14 @@ namespace ConformalDecals.Text {
if (fontAssets == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(fontAssets));
var name = ParseUtil.ParseString(node, "name");
FontAsset = fontAssets.First(o => == name);
_fontAsset = fontAssets.First(o => == name);
if (FontAsset == null) {
throw new FormatException($"Could not find font asset named {name}");
Title = ParseUtil.ParseString(node, "title", true, name);
FontStyle = (FontStyles) ParseUtil.ParseInt(node, "style", true);
FontStyleMask = (FontStyles) ParseUtil.ParseInt(node, "styleMask", true);
_title = ParseUtil.ParseString(node, "title", true, name);
_fontStyle = (FontStyles) ParseUtil.ParseInt(node, "style", true);
_fontStyleMask = (FontStyles) ParseUtil.ParseInt(node, "styleMask", true);
@ -95,5 +101,9 @@ namespace ConformalDecals.Text {
public static bool operator !=(DecalFont left, DecalFont right) {
return !Equals(left, right);
public void OnBeforeSerialize() { }
public void OnAfterDeserialize() { }

@ -1,21 +1,38 @@
using System;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using TMPro;
namespace ConformalDecals.Text {
public class DecalText : IEquatable<DecalText> {
private readonly string _text;
private readonly DecalFont _font;
private readonly FontStyles _style;
private readonly bool _vertical;
private readonly float _lineSpacing;
private readonly float _charSpacing;
/// Raw text contents
public string Text { get; }
public string Text => _text;
/// Font asset used by this text snippet
public DecalFont Font { get; }
public DecalFont Font => _font;
/// Style used by this text snippet
public DecalTextStyle Style { get; }
public FontStyles Style => _style;
/// If this text snippet is vertical
public bool Vertical => _vertical;
/// The text snippet's line spacing
public float LineSpacing => _lineSpacing;
/// The text snippet's character spacing
public float CharSpacing => _charSpacing;
/// The text formatted with newlines for vertical text
public string FormattedText {
get {
if (Style.Vertical) {
if (Vertical) {
return Regex.Replace(Text, @"(.)", "$1\n");
else {
@ -24,17 +41,22 @@ namespace ConformalDecals.Text {
public DecalText(string text, DecalFont font, DecalTextStyle style) {
public DecalText(string text, DecalFont font, FontStyles style, bool vertical, float linespacing, float charspacing) {
if (font == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(font));
Text = text;
Font = font;
Style = style;
_text = text;
_font = font;
_style = style;
_vertical = vertical;
_lineSpacing = linespacing;
_charSpacing = charspacing;
public bool Equals(DecalText other) {
if (ReferenceEquals(null, other)) return false;
if (ReferenceEquals(this, other)) return true;
return Text == other.Text && Equals(Font, other.Font) && Style.Equals(other.Style);
return _text == other._text && Equals(_font, other._font) && _style == other._style && _vertical == other._vertical && _lineSpacing.Equals(other._lineSpacing) &&
public override bool Equals(object obj) {
@ -46,9 +68,12 @@ namespace ConformalDecals.Text {
public override int GetHashCode() {
unchecked {
var hashCode = (Text != null ? Text.GetHashCode() : 0);
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (Font != null ? Font.GetHashCode() : 0);
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ Style.GetHashCode();
var hashCode = (_text != null ? _text.GetHashCode() : 0);
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (_font != null ? _font.GetHashCode() : 0);
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (int) _style;
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ _vertical.GetHashCode();
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ _lineSpacing.GetHashCode();
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ _charSpacing.GetHashCode();
return hashCode;

@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
using System;
using TMPro;
using UnityEngine;
// ReSharper disable NonReadonlyMemberInGetHashCode
namespace ConformalDecals.Text {
public struct DecalTextStyle : IEquatable<DecalTextStyle> {
private FontStyles _fontStyle;
private bool _vertical;
private float _lineSpacing;
private float _charSpacing;
public FontStyles FontStyle {
get => _fontStyle;
set => _fontStyle = value;
public bool Bold {
get => (FontStyle & FontStyles.Bold) != 0;
set {
if (value) FontStyle |= FontStyles.Bold;
else FontStyle &= ~FontStyles.Bold;
public bool Italic {
get => (FontStyle & FontStyles.Italic) != 0;
set {
if (value) FontStyle |= FontStyles.Italic;
else FontStyle &= ~FontStyles.Italic;
public bool Underline {
get => (FontStyle & FontStyles.Underline) != 0;
set {
if (value) FontStyle |= FontStyles.Underline;
else FontStyle &= ~FontStyles.Underline;
public bool SmallCaps {
get => (FontStyle & FontStyles.SmallCaps) != 0;
set {
if (value) FontStyle |= FontStyles.SmallCaps;
else FontStyle &= ~FontStyles.SmallCaps;
public bool Vertical {
get => _vertical;
set => _vertical = value;
public float LineSpacing {
get => _lineSpacing;
set => _lineSpacing = value;
public float CharSpacing {
get => _charSpacing;
set => _charSpacing = value;
public DecalTextStyle(FontStyles fontStyle, bool vertical, float lineSpacing, float charSpacing) {
_fontStyle = fontStyle;
_vertical = vertical;
_lineSpacing = lineSpacing;
_charSpacing = charSpacing;
public bool Equals(DecalTextStyle other) {
return FontStyle == other.FontStyle && Vertical == other.Vertical &&
Mathf.Approximately(LineSpacing, other.LineSpacing) &&
Mathf.Approximately(CharSpacing, other.CharSpacing);
public override bool Equals(object obj) {
return obj is DecalTextStyle other && Equals(other);
public override int GetHashCode() {
unchecked {
var hashCode = (int) FontStyle;
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ Vertical.GetHashCode();
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ LineSpacing.GetHashCode();
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ CharSpacing.GetHashCode();
return hashCode;
public static bool operator ==(DecalTextStyle left, DecalTextStyle right) {
return left.Equals(right);
public static bool operator !=(DecalTextStyle left, DecalTextStyle right) {
return !left.Equals(right);

@ -163,9 +163,9 @@ namespace ConformalDecals.Text {
_tmp.text = text.FormattedText;
_tmp.font = text.Font.FontAsset;
_tmp.fontStyle = text.Style.FontStyle | text.Font.FontStyle;
_tmp.lineSpacing = text.Style.LineSpacing;
_tmp.characterSpacing = text.Style.CharSpacing;
_tmp.fontStyle = text.Style | text.Font.FontStyle;
_tmp.lineSpacing = text.LineSpacing;
_tmp.characterSpacing = text.CharSpacing;
_tmp.extraPadding = true;
_tmp.enableKerning = true;

@ -9,9 +9,8 @@ using UnityEngine.UI;
namespace ConformalDecals.UI {
public class TextEntryController : MonoBehaviour {
public class TextUpdateEvent : UnityEvent<string, DecalFont, DecalTextStyle> { }
public delegate void TextUpdateDelegate(string newText, DecalFont newFont, FontStyles style, bool vertical, float linespacing, float charspacing);
[SerializeField] public TextUpdateEvent onValueChanged = new TextUpdateEvent();
[SerializeField] private Selectable _textBox;
[SerializeField] private Button _fontButton;
@ -28,21 +27,25 @@ namespace ConformalDecals.UI {
[SerializeField] private Toggle _smallCapsButton;
[SerializeField] private Toggle _verticalButton;
private string _text;
private DecalFont _font;
private DecalTextStyle _style;
private Vector2 _lineSpacingRange;
private Vector2 _charSpacingRange;
private TMP_InputField _textBoxTMP;
private string _text;
private DecalFont _font;
private FontStyles _style;
private bool _vertical;
private float _lineSpacing;
private float _charSpacing;
private Vector2 _lineSpacingRange;
private Vector2 _charSpacingRange;
private TMP_InputField _textBoxTMP;
private TextUpdateDelegate _onValueChanged;
private FontMenuController _fontMenu;
private bool _ignoreUpdates;
public static TextEntryController Create(
string text, DecalFont font, DecalTextStyle style,
string text, DecalFont font, FontStyles style, bool vertical, float linespacing, float charspacing,
Vector2 lineSpacingRange, Vector2 charSpacingRange,
UnityAction<string, DecalFont, DecalTextStyle> textUpdateCallback) {
TextUpdateDelegate textUpdateCallback) {
var window = Instantiate(UILoader.TextEntryPrefab, MainCanvasUtil.MainCanvas.transform, true);
@ -52,9 +55,12 @@ namespace ConformalDecals.UI {
controller._text = text;
controller._font = font;
controller._style = style;
controller._vertical = vertical;
controller._lineSpacing = linespacing;
controller._charSpacing = charspacing;
controller._lineSpacingRange = lineSpacingRange;
controller._charSpacingRange = charSpacingRange;
controller._onValueChanged = textUpdateCallback;
return controller;
@ -81,7 +87,7 @@ namespace ConformalDecals.UI {
_textBoxTMP.text = _text;
_textBoxTMP.textComponent.fontStyle = _style.FontStyle | _font.FontStyle & ~_font.FontStyleMask;
_textBoxTMP.textComponent.fontStyle = _style | _font.FontStyle & ~_font.FontStyleMask;
_textBoxTMP.fontAsset = _font.FontAsset;
@ -91,7 +97,7 @@ namespace ConformalDecals.UI {
public void OnLineSpacingUpdate(float value) {
if (_ignoreUpdates) return;
_style.LineSpacing = Mathf.Lerp(_lineSpacingRange.x, _lineSpacingRange.y, value);
_lineSpacing = Mathf.Lerp(_lineSpacingRange.x, _lineSpacingRange.y, value);
@ -101,7 +107,7 @@ namespace ConformalDecals.UI {
if (_ignoreUpdates) return;
if (float.TryParse(text, out var value)) {
_style.LineSpacing = Mathf.Clamp(value, _lineSpacingRange.x, _lineSpacingRange.y);
_lineSpacing = Mathf.Clamp(value, _lineSpacingRange.x, _lineSpacingRange.y);
else {
Logging.LogWarning("Line spacing value '{text}' could not be parsed.");
@ -114,7 +120,7 @@ namespace ConformalDecals.UI {
public void OnCharSpacingUpdate(float value) {
if (_ignoreUpdates) return;
_style.CharSpacing = Mathf.Lerp(_charSpacingRange.x, _charSpacingRange.y, value);
_charSpacing = Mathf.Lerp(_charSpacingRange.x, _charSpacingRange.y, value);
@ -124,7 +130,7 @@ namespace ConformalDecals.UI {
if (_ignoreUpdates) return;
if (float.TryParse(text, out var value)) {
_style.CharSpacing = Mathf.Clamp(value, _charSpacingRange.x, _charSpacingRange.y);
_charSpacing = Mathf.Clamp(value, _charSpacingRange.x, _charSpacingRange.y);
else {
Logging.LogWarning("Char spacing value '{text}' could not be parsed.");
@ -137,39 +143,55 @@ namespace ConformalDecals.UI {
public void OnBoldUpdate(bool state) {
if (_ignoreUpdates) return;
_style.Bold = state;
_textBoxTMP.textComponent.fontStyle = _style.FontStyle | _font.FontStyle & ~_font.FontStyleMask;
if (state)
_style |= FontStyles.Bold;
_style &= ~FontStyles.Bold;
_textBoxTMP.textComponent.fontStyle = _style | _font.FontStyle & ~_font.FontStyleMask;
public void OnItalicUpdate(bool state) {
if (_ignoreUpdates) return;
_style.Italic = state;
_textBoxTMP.textComponent.fontStyle = _style.FontStyle | _font.FontStyle & ~_font.FontStyleMask;
if (state)
_style |= FontStyles.Italic;
_style &= ~FontStyles.Italic;
_textBoxTMP.textComponent.fontStyle = _style | _font.FontStyle & ~_font.FontStyleMask;
public void OnUnderlineUpdate(bool state) {
if (_ignoreUpdates) return;
_style.Underline = state;
_textBoxTMP.textComponent.fontStyle = _style.FontStyle | _font.FontStyle & ~_font.FontStyleMask;
if (state)
_style |= FontStyles.Underline;
_style &= ~FontStyles.Underline;
_textBoxTMP.textComponent.fontStyle = _style | _font.FontStyle & ~_font.FontStyleMask;
public void OnSmallCapsUpdate(bool state) {
if (_ignoreUpdates) return;
_style.SmallCaps = state;
_textBoxTMP.textComponent.fontStyle = _style.FontStyle | _font.FontStyle & ~_font.FontStyleMask;
if (state)
_style |= FontStyles.SmallCaps;
_style &= ~FontStyles.SmallCaps;
_textBoxTMP.textComponent.fontStyle = _style | _font.FontStyle & ~_font.FontStyleMask;
public void OnVerticalUpdate(bool state) {
if (_ignoreUpdates) return;
_style.Vertical = state;
_vertical = state;
@ -177,7 +199,7 @@ namespace ConformalDecals.UI {
private void Start() {
_textBoxTMP = ((TMP_InputField) _textBox);
_textBoxTMP.text = _text;
_textBoxTMP.textComponent.fontStyle = _style.FontStyle | _font.FontStyle & ~_font.FontStyleMask;
_textBoxTMP.textComponent.fontStyle = _style | _font.FontStyle & ~_font.FontStyleMask;
_textBoxTMP.fontAsset = _font.FontAsset;
@ -188,7 +210,7 @@ namespace ConformalDecals.UI {
private void OnValueChanged() {
onValueChanged.Invoke(_text, _font, _style);
_onValueChanged(_text, _font, _style, _vertical, _lineSpacing, _charSpacing);
private void UpdateStyleButtons() {
@ -204,7 +226,7 @@ namespace ConformalDecals.UI {
else {
_boldButton.interactable = true;
_boldButton.isOn = _style.Bold;
_boldButton.isOn = (_style & FontStyles.Bold) != 0;
if (_font.Italic) {
@ -217,7 +239,7 @@ namespace ConformalDecals.UI {
else {
_italicButton.interactable = true;
_italicButton.isOn = _style.Italic;
_italicButton.isOn = (_style & FontStyles.Italic) != 0;
if (_font.Underline) {
@ -230,7 +252,7 @@ namespace ConformalDecals.UI {
else {
_underlineButton.interactable = true;
_underlineButton.isOn = _style.Underline;
_underlineButton.isOn = (_style & FontStyles.Underline) != 0;
if (_font.SmallCaps) {
@ -243,10 +265,10 @@ namespace ConformalDecals.UI {
else {
_smallCapsButton.interactable = true;
_smallCapsButton.isOn = _style.SmallCaps;
_smallCapsButton.isOn = (_style & FontStyles.SmallCaps) != 0;
_verticalButton.isOn = _style.Vertical;
_verticalButton.isOn = _vertical;
_ignoreUpdates = false;
@ -254,8 +276,8 @@ namespace ConformalDecals.UI {
private void UpdateLineSpacing() {
_ignoreUpdates = true;
_lineSpacingSlider.value = Mathf.InverseLerp(_lineSpacingRange.x, _lineSpacingRange.y, _style.LineSpacing);
((TMP_InputField) _lineSpacingTextBox).text = $"{_style.LineSpacing:F1}";
_lineSpacingSlider.value = Mathf.InverseLerp(_lineSpacingRange.x, _lineSpacingRange.y, _lineSpacing);
((TMP_InputField) _lineSpacingTextBox).text = $"{_lineSpacing:F1}";
_ignoreUpdates = false;
@ -263,8 +285,8 @@ namespace ConformalDecals.UI {
private void UpdateCharSpacing() {
_ignoreUpdates = true;
_charSpacingSlider.value = Mathf.InverseLerp(_charSpacingRange.x, _charSpacingRange.y, _style.CharSpacing);
((TMP_InputField) _charSpacingTextBox).text = $"{_style.CharSpacing:F1}";
_charSpacingSlider.value = Mathf.InverseLerp(_charSpacingRange.x, _charSpacingRange.y, _charSpacing);
((TMP_InputField) _charSpacingTextBox).text = $"{_charSpacing:F1}";
_ignoreUpdates = false;

@ -30,9 +30,15 @@ namespace ConformalDecals.Util {
public static string ParseString(ConfigNode node, string valueName, bool isOptional = false, string defaultValue = "") {
if (!node.HasValue(valueName)) throw new FormatException($"Missing value for {valueName}");
if (node.HasValue(valueName)) return node.GetValue(valueName);
if (isOptional) {
return defaultValue;
else {
throw new FormatException($"Missing value for {valueName}");
return node.GetValue(valueName);
public static bool ParseStringIndirect(ref string value, ConfigNode node, string valueName) {
