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using ConformalDecals.MaterialModifiers;
using ConformalDecals.Util;
using UnityEngine;
namespace ConformalDecals {
public class ModuleConformalDecalGeneric : ModuleConformalDecalBase {
public override void OnLoad(ConfigNode node) {
if (materialProperties == null) {
// materialProperties is null, so make a new one
materialProperties = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<MaterialPropertyCollection>();
else {
// materialProperties already exists, so make a copy
materialProperties = ScriptableObject.Instantiate(materialProperties);
// set shader
// add texture nodes
foreach (var textureNode in node.GetNodes("TEXTURE")) {
materialProperties.AddProperty(new MaterialTextureProperty(textureNode));
// add float nodes
foreach (var floatNode in node.GetNodes("FLOAT")) {
materialProperties.AddProperty(new MaterialFloatProperty(floatNode));
// add color nodes
foreach (var colorNode in node.GetNodes("COLOR")) {
materialProperties.AddProperty(new MaterialColorProperty(colorNode));