2020-06-07 19:39:09 -07:00

251 lines
9.7 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using UniLinq;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Rendering;
namespace ConformalDecals.MaterialModifiers {
public class MaterialPropertyCollection : ScriptableObject, ISerializationCallbackReceiver {
[SerializeField] private Shader _shader;
[SerializeField] private MaterialTextureProperty _mainTexture;
[SerializeField] private string[] _serializedNames;
[SerializeField] private MaterialProperty[] _serializedProperties;
private Dictionary<string, MaterialProperty> _materialProperties;
private Material _decalMaterial;
private Material _previewMaterial;
public Shader DecalShader => _shader;
public Material DecalMaterial {
get {
if (_decalMaterial == null) {
_decalMaterial = new Material(_shader);
_decalMaterial.SetInt(DecalPropertyIDs._Cull, (int) CullMode.Off);
return _decalMaterial;
public Material PreviewMaterial {
get {
if (_previewMaterial == null) {
_previewMaterial = new Material(_shader);
_previewMaterial.SetInt(DecalPropertyIDs._Cull, (int) CullMode.Back);
return _previewMaterial;
public MaterialTextureProperty MainTexture {
get => _mainTexture;
set {
if (!_materialProperties.ContainsValue(value))
throw new ArgumentException($"Texture property {value.name} is not part of this property collection.");
_mainTexture = value;
public float AspectRatio => MainTexture == null ? 1 : MainTexture.AspectRatio;
public void OnBeforeSerialize() {
Debug.Log($"Serializing MaterialPropertyCollection {this.GetInstanceID()}");
if (_materialProperties == null) throw new SerializationException("Tried to serialize an uninitialized MaterialPropertyCollection");
_serializedNames = _materialProperties.Keys.ToArray();
_serializedProperties = _materialProperties.Values.ToArray();
public void OnAfterDeserialize() {
Debug.Log($"Deserializing MaterialPropertyCollection {this.GetInstanceID()}");
if (_serializedNames == null) throw new SerializationException("ID array is null");
if (_serializedProperties == null) throw new SerializationException("Property array is null");
if (_serializedProperties.Length != _serializedNames.Length) throw new SerializationException("Material property arrays are different lengths.");
_materialProperties ??= new Dictionary<string, MaterialProperty>();
for (var i = 0; i < _serializedNames.Length; i++) {
var property = MaterialProperty.Instantiate(_serializedProperties[i]);
Debug.Log($"insantiating {property.GetType().Name} {property.GetInstanceID()}");
_materialProperties.Add(_serializedNames[i], property);
if (property is MaterialTextureProperty textureProperty && textureProperty.isMain) {
_mainTexture = textureProperty;
public void Awake() {
Debug.Log($"MaterialPropertyCollection {this.GetInstanceID()} onAwake");
_materialProperties ??= new Dictionary<string, MaterialProperty>();
public void OnDestroy() {
if (_decalMaterial != null) Destroy(_decalMaterial);
if (_previewMaterial != null) Destroy(_previewMaterial);
foreach (var entry in _materialProperties) {
public void AddProperty(MaterialProperty property) {
if (property == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(property));
_materialProperties.Add(property.name, property);
if (property is MaterialTextureProperty textureProperty) {
if (textureProperty.isMain) _mainTexture = textureProperty;
public T AddProperty<T>(string propertyName) where T : MaterialProperty {
if (_materialProperties.ContainsKey(propertyName)) throw new ArgumentException("property with that name already exists!");
var newProperty = MaterialProperty.CreateInstance<T>();
newProperty.PropertyName = propertyName;
_materialProperties.Add(propertyName, newProperty);
return newProperty;
public T GetProperty<T>(string propertyName) where T : MaterialProperty {
if (_materialProperties.ContainsKey(propertyName) && _materialProperties[propertyName] is T property) {
return property;
else {
return null;
public T AddOrGetProperty<T>(string propertyName) where T : MaterialProperty {
if (_materialProperties.ContainsKey(propertyName) && _materialProperties[propertyName] is T property) {
return property;
else {
return AddProperty<T>(propertyName);
public MaterialTextureProperty AddTextureProperty(string propertyName, bool isMain = false) {
var newProperty = AddProperty<MaterialTextureProperty>(propertyName);
if (isMain) _mainTexture = newProperty;
return newProperty;
public MaterialTextureProperty GetTextureProperty(string propertyName) {
return GetProperty<MaterialTextureProperty>(propertyName);
public MaterialTextureProperty AddOrGetTextureProperty(string propertyName, bool isMain = false) {
var newProperty = AddOrGetProperty<MaterialTextureProperty>(propertyName);
if (isMain) _mainTexture = newProperty;
return newProperty;
public T ParseProperty<T>(ConfigNode node) where T : MaterialProperty {
var propertyName = node.GetValue("name");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyName)) throw new ArgumentException("node has no name");
Debug.Log($"Parsing material property {propertyName}");
var newProperty = AddOrGetProperty<T>(propertyName);
if (newProperty is MaterialTextureProperty textureProperty && textureProperty.isMain) {
Debug.Log("new texture has isMain enabled");
_mainTexture = textureProperty;
return newProperty;
public void SetShader(string shaderName) {
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(shaderName)) {
if (_shader == null) {
Debug.Log("Using default decal shader");
shaderName = "ConformalDecals/Paint/Diffuse";
else {
var shader = Shabby.Shabby.FindShader(shaderName);
if (shader == null) throw new FormatException($"Unable to find specified shader '{shaderName}'");
_shader = shader;
_decalMaterial = null;
_previewMaterial = null;
public void SetRenderQueue(int queue) {
DecalMaterial.renderQueue = queue;
public void UpdateScale(Vector2 scale) {
foreach (var entry in _materialProperties) {
if (entry.Value is MaterialTextureProperty textureProperty && textureProperty.autoScale) {
public void UpdateTile(Rect tile) {
if (_mainTexture == null) throw new InvalidOperationException("UpdateTile called but no main texture is specified!");
var mainTexSize = _mainTexture.Dimensions;
Debug.Log($"Main texture is {_mainTexture.PropertyName} and its size is {mainTexSize}");
foreach (var entry in _materialProperties) {
if (entry.Value is MaterialTextureProperty textureProperty && textureProperty.autoTile) {
textureProperty.SetTile(tile, mainTexSize);
public void UpdateTile(int index, Vector2 tileSize) {
int tileCountX = (int) (_mainTexture.Width / tileSize.x);
int tileCountY = (int) (_mainTexture.Height / tileSize.y);
int x = index % tileCountX;
int y = index / tileCountY;
var tile = new Rect(x * tileSize.x, y * tileSize.y, tileSize.x, tileSize.y);
public void SetOpacity(float opacity) {
DecalMaterial.SetFloat(DecalPropertyIDs._DecalOpacity, opacity);
PreviewMaterial.SetFloat(DecalPropertyIDs._DecalOpacity, opacity);
public void SetCutoff(float cutoff) {
DecalMaterial.SetFloat(DecalPropertyIDs._Cutoff, cutoff);
PreviewMaterial.SetFloat(DecalPropertyIDs._Cutoff, cutoff);
public void UpdateMaterials() {
public void UpdateMaterial(Material material) {
if (material == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(material));
foreach (var entry in _materialProperties) {