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using UnityEngine;
namespace ConformalDecals.Util {
public static class TextureUtils {
public enum BlitMode {
public static Color32 AddColor32(Color32 color1, Color32 color2) {
return new Color32((byte) (color1.r + color2.r), (byte) (color1.g + color2.g), (byte) (color1.b + color2.b), (byte) (color1.a + color2.a));
public static Color32 AddColor32Clamped(Color32 color1, Color32 color2) {
var r = color1.r + color2.r;
var g = color1.g + color2.g;
var b = color1.b + color2.b;
var a = color1.a + color2.a;
if (r > byte.MaxValue) r = byte.MaxValue;
if (g > byte.MaxValue) g = byte.MaxValue;
if (b > byte.MaxValue) b = byte.MaxValue;
if (a > byte.MaxValue) a = byte.MaxValue;
return new Color32((byte) r, (byte) g, (byte) b, (byte) a);
public static void ClearTexture(Color32[] colors, Color32 clearColor = default) {
for (var i = 0; i < colors.Length; i++) {
colors[i] = clearColor;
public static void BlitRectAlpha(
Texture2D src, Color32[] srcColors, Vector2Int srcPos,
Texture2D dst, Color32[] dstColors, Vector2Int dstPos,
Vector2Int size, BlitMode mode) {
ClipRect(src, ref srcPos, dst, ref dstPos, ref size);
if (size.x <= 0 || size.y <= 0) return;
int srcIndex = srcPos.x + srcPos.y * src.width;
int dstIndex = dstPos.x + dstPos.y * dst.width;
for (int dy = size.y - 1; dy >= 0; dy--) {
for (int dx = size.x - 1; dx >= 0; dx--) {
switch (mode) {
case BlitMode.Set:
dstColors[dstIndex + dx].a = srcColors[srcIndex + dx].a;
case BlitMode.Add:
var s = srcColors[srcIndex + dx].a;
var d = dstColors[dstIndex + dx].a;
var sum = s + d;
if (sum > byte.MaxValue) sum = byte.MaxValue;
dstColors[dstIndex + dx].a = (byte) sum;
srcIndex += src.width;
dstIndex += dst.width;
public static void BlitRect(
Texture2D src, Color32[] srcColors, Vector2Int srcPos,
Texture2D dst, Color32[] dstColors, Vector2Int dstPos,
Vector2Int size, BlitMode mode) {
ClipRect(src, ref srcPos, dst, ref dstPos, ref size);
if (size.x <= 0 || size.y <= 0) return;
int srcIndex = srcPos.x + srcPos.y * src.width;
int dstIndex = dstPos.x + dstPos.y * dst.width;
for (int dy = 0; dy < size.y; dy++) {
for (int dx = 0; dx < size.x; dx++) {
switch (mode) {
case BlitMode.Set:
dstColors[dstIndex + dx] = srcColors[srcIndex + dx];
case BlitMode.Add:
dstColors[dstIndex + dx] = AddColor32Clamped(srcColors[srcIndex + dx], dstColors[dstIndex + dx]);
srcIndex += src.width;
dstIndex += dst.width;
public static void BlitRectBilinearAlpha(
Texture2D src, Vector2Int srcPos, Vector2 srcSize,
Texture2D dst, Color32[] dstColors, Vector2Int dstPos, Vector2Int dstSize,
BlitMode mode) {
var sizeRatio = dstSize / srcSize;
ClipRect(src, ref srcPos, dst, ref dstPos, ref srcSize, ref dstSize);
if (dstSize.x <= 0 || dstSize.y <= 0) return;
var srcPixel = new Vector2(1.0f / src.width, 1.0f / src.height);
var srcStart = (srcPos * srcPixel) + (srcPixel / 2);
var srcStep = sizeRatio * srcPixel;
var srcY = srcStart.y;
int dstIndex = dstPos.x + dstPos.y * dst.width;
for (int dy = 0;
dy < dstSize.y;
dy++) {
var srcX = srcStart.x;
for (int dx = 0; dx < dstSize.x; dx++) {
switch (mode) {
case BlitMode.Set:
dstColors[dstIndex + dx].a = (byte) (src.GetPixelBilinear(srcX, srcY).a * byte.MaxValue);
case BlitMode.Add:
var s = (byte) (src.GetPixelBilinear(srcX, srcY).a * byte.MaxValue);
var d = dstColors[dstIndex + dx].a;
var sum = s + d;
if (sum > byte.MaxValue) sum = byte.MaxValue;
dstColors[dstIndex + dx].a = (byte) sum;
srcX += srcStep.x;
srcY += srcStep.y;
dstIndex += dst.width;
public static void BlitRectBilinear(
Texture2D src, Vector2Int srcPos, Vector2 srcSize,
Texture2D dst, Color32[] dstColors, Vector2Int dstPos, Vector2Int dstSize,
BlitMode mode) {
var sizeRatio = dstSize / srcSize;
ClipRect(src, ref srcPos, dst, ref dstPos, ref srcSize, ref dstSize);
if (dstSize.x <= 0 || dstSize.y <= 0) return;
var srcPixel = new Vector2(1.0f / src.width, 1.0f / src.height);
var srcStart = (srcPos * srcPixel) + (srcPixel / 2);
var srcStep = sizeRatio * srcPixel;
var srcY = srcStart.y;
int dstIndex = dstPos.x + dstPos.y * dst.width;
for (int dy = 0;
dy < dstSize.y;
dy++) {
var srcX = srcStart.x;
for (int dx = 0; dx < dstSize.x; dx++) {
switch (mode) {
case BlitMode.Set:
dstColors[dstIndex + dx] = src.GetPixelBilinear(srcX, srcY);
case BlitMode.Add:
dstColors[dstIndex + dx] = AddColor32Clamped(src.GetPixelBilinear(srcX, srcY), dstColors[dstIndex + dx]);
srcX += srcStep.x;
srcY += srcStep.y;
dstIndex += dst.width;
private static void ClipRect(Texture2D src, ref Vector2Int srcPos, Texture2D dst, ref Vector2Int dstPos, ref Vector2Int size) {
if (srcPos.x < 0) {
size.x += srcPos.x;
dstPos.x -= srcPos.x;
srcPos.x = 0;
if (srcPos.y < 0) {
size.y += srcPos.y;
dstPos.y -= srcPos.y;
srcPos.y = 0;
if (dstPos.x < 0) {
size.x += dstPos.x;
srcPos.x -= dstPos.x;
dstPos.x = 0;
if (dstPos.y < 0) {
size.y += dstPos.y;
srcPos.y -= dstPos.y;
dstPos.y = 0;
if (srcPos.x + size.x > src.width) size.x = src.width - srcPos.x;
if (srcPos.y + size.y > src.height) size.y = src.height - srcPos.y;
if (dstPos.x + size.x > dst.width) size.x = dst.width - srcPos.x;
if (dstPos.y + size.y > dst.height) size.y = dst.height - srcPos.y;
private static void ClipRect(Texture2D src, ref Vector2Int srcPos, Texture2D dst, ref Vector2Int dstPos, ref Vector2 srcSize, ref Vector2Int dstSize) {
var sizeRatio = dstSize / srcSize;
if (srcPos.x < 0) {
dstSize.x += (int) (srcPos.x * sizeRatio.x);
dstPos.x -= (int) (srcPos.x * sizeRatio.x);
srcSize.x += srcPos.x;
srcPos.x = 0;
if (srcPos.y < 0) {
dstSize.y += (int) (srcPos.y * sizeRatio.y);
dstPos.y -= (int) (srcPos.y * sizeRatio.y);
srcSize.y += srcPos.y;
srcPos.y = 0;
if (dstPos.x < 0) {
srcSize.x += dstPos.x / sizeRatio.x;
srcPos.x -= (int) (dstPos.x / sizeRatio.x);
dstSize.x += dstPos.x;
dstPos.x = 0;
if (dstPos.y < 0) {
srcSize.y += dstPos.y / sizeRatio.y;
srcPos.y -= (int) (dstPos.y / sizeRatio.y);
dstSize.y += dstPos.y;
dstPos.y = 0;
if (srcPos.x + srcSize.x > src.width) {
srcSize.x = src.width - srcPos.x;
dstSize.x = (int) (srcSize.x * sizeRatio.x);
if (srcPos.y + srcSize.y > src.height) {
srcSize.y = src.height - srcPos.y;
dstSize.y = (int) (srcSize.y * sizeRatio.y);
if (dstPos.x + dstSize.x > dst.width) {
dstSize.x = dst.width - srcPos.x;
srcSize.x = (int) (dstSize.x / sizeRatio.x);
if (dstPos.y + dstSize.y > dst.height) {
dstSize.y = dst.height - srcPos.y;
srcSize.y = (int) (dstSize.y / sizeRatio.y);