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synced 2024-09-01 18:23:54 +00:00
Fixed TMP subobjects being deleted, causing fallback fonts to fail in some situations. closes #24
167 lines
6.6 KiB
167 lines
6.6 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using ConformalDecals.Text;
using ConformalDecals.Util;
using TMPro;
using UniLinq;
using UnityEngine;
namespace ConformalDecals {
public static class DecalConfig {
private static Texture2D _blankNormal;
private static List<string> _shaderBlacklist;
private static Dictionary<string, DecalFont> _fontList;
private static int _decalLayer = 31;
private static bool _selectableInFlight;
private static string _fallbackFontName = "NotoSans-Regular SDF";
private struct LegacyShaderEntry {
public string name;
public string[] keywords;
private static readonly Dictionary<string, LegacyShaderEntry> LegacyShaderPairs = new Dictionary<string, LegacyShaderEntry>() {
["ConformalDecals/Feature/Bumped"] = new LegacyShaderEntry() {
name = "ConformalDecals/Decal/Standard",
keywords = new[] {"DECAL_BUMPMAP"}
["ConformalDecals/Paint/Diffuse"] = new LegacyShaderEntry() {
name = "ConformalDecals/Decal/Standard",
keywords = new string[] { }
["ConformalDecals/Paint/Specular"] = new LegacyShaderEntry() {
name = "ConformalDecals/Decal/Standard",
keywords = new[] {"DECAL_SPECMAP"}
["ConformalDecals/Paint/DiffuseSDF"] = new LegacyShaderEntry() {
name = "ConformalDecals/Decal/Standard",
keywords = new[] {"DECAL_SDF_ALPHA"}
["ConformalDecals/Paint/SpecularSDF"] = new LegacyShaderEntry() {
name = "ConformalDecals/Decal/Standard",
keywords = new[] {"DECAL_SDF_ALPHA", "DECAL_SPECMAP"}
public static Texture2D BlankNormal => _blankNormal;
public static int DecalLayer => _decalLayer;
public static bool SelectableInFlight => _selectableInFlight;
public static IEnumerable<DecalFont> Fonts => _fontList.Values;
public static TMP_FontAsset FallbackFont { get; private set; }
public static bool IsBlacklisted(Shader shader) {
return IsBlacklisted(shader.name);
public static bool IsBlacklisted(string shaderName) {
return _shaderBlacklist.Contains(shaderName);
public static bool IsLegacy(string shaderName, out string newShader, out string[] keywords) {
if (LegacyShaderPairs.TryGetValue(shaderName, out var entry)) {
newShader = entry.name;
keywords = entry.keywords;
return true;
newShader = null;
keywords = null;
return false;
public static DecalFont GetFont(string name) {
if (_fontList.TryGetValue(name, out var font)) {
return font;
else {
throw new KeyNotFoundException($"Font {name} not found");
private static void ParseConfig(ConfigNode node) {
ParseUtil.ParseIntIndirect(ref _decalLayer, node, "decalLayer");
ParseUtil.ParseBoolIndirect(ref _selectableInFlight, node, "selectableInFlight");
foreach (var blacklist in node.GetNodes("SHADERBLACKLIST")) {
foreach (var shaderName in blacklist.GetValuesList("shader")) {
var allFonts = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll<TMP_FontAsset>();
ParseUtil.ParseStringIndirect(ref _fallbackFontName, node, "fallbackFont");
FallbackFont = allFonts.First(o => o.name == _fallbackFontName);
if (FallbackFont == null) Logging.LogError($"could not find find fallback font asset named {_fallbackFontName}");
foreach (var fontNode in node.GetNodes("FONT")) {
try {
var name = ParseUtil.ParseString(fontNode, "name");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) throw new FormatException();
var fontAsset = allFonts.First(o => o.name == name);
if (fontAsset == null) throw new FormatException($"Could not find font asset named {name}");
if (!fontAsset.fallbackFontAssets.Contains(FallbackFont)) {
var font = new DecalFont(name, fontNode, fontAsset);
_fontList.Add(font.Name, font);
catch (Exception e) {
Logging.LogException($"Exception parsing font node:\n{fontNode.ToString()}\n", e);
private static Texture2D MakeBlankNormal() {
Logging.Log("Generating neutral normal map texture");
var width = 2;
var height = 2;
var color = new Color32(255, 128, 128, 128);
var colors = new[] {color, color, color, color};
var tex = new Texture2D(width, height, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false);
for (var x = 0; x <= width; x++) {
for (var y = 0; y < height; y++) {
return tex;
// ReSharper disable once UnusedMember.Global
public static void ModuleManagerPostLoad() {
_shaderBlacklist = new List<string>();
_fontList = new Dictionary<string, DecalFont>();
var configs = GameDatabase.Instance.GetConfigs("CONFORMALDECALS");
if (configs.Length > 0) {
Logging.Log("loading config");
foreach (var config in configs) {
// setup physics for decals, ignore collision with everything
Physics.IgnoreLayerCollision(_decalLayer, 1, true); // default
Physics.IgnoreLayerCollision(_decalLayer, 17, true); // EVA
Physics.IgnoreLayerCollision(_decalLayer, 19, true); // PhysicalObjects
Physics.IgnoreLayerCollision(_decalLayer, 23, true); // AeroFXIgnore
Physics.IgnoreLayerCollision(_decalLayer, 26, true); // wheelCollidersIgnore
Physics.IgnoreLayerCollision(_decalLayer, 27, true); // wheelColliders
_blankNormal = MakeBlankNormal();
} |