nathaniel.reed@gmail.com 474239c784 Add BC6 support to nvtt lib and utils.
- Use 3x3 eigensolver for initial fit in ZOH.  Slightly better perf and RMSE than power method.
- Remove use of double precision in ZOH - speeds up by 12%.
- Fixed RGBM encoding that was broken for HDR images.
- Use gamma-2.0 space for RGBM for HDR images (improves precision in darks).
- Use UNORM instead of TYPELESS formats when saving a DX10 .dds file.  The TYPELESS formats break most viewers.
- Cleaned up warnings in ZOH code.
- Command-line utils will warn if you give them an unrecognized parameter.
- Added VS2010 profiling results.
2013-10-25 17:30:55 +00:00

94 lines
2.3 KiB

#pragma once
#ifndef NV_MATH_HALF_H
#define NV_MATH_HALF_H
#include "nvmath.h"
namespace nv {
uint32 half_to_float( uint16 h );
uint16 half_from_float( uint32 f );
// vin,vout must be 16 byte aligned. count must be a multiple of 8.
// implement a non-SSE version if we need it. For now, this naming makes it clear this is only available when SSE2 is
void half_to_float_array_SSE2(const uint16 * vin, float * vout, int count);
void half_init_tables();
extern uint32 mantissa_table[2048];
extern uint32 exponent_table[64];
extern uint32 offset_table[64];
// Fast half to float conversion based on:
// http://www.fox-toolkit.org/ftp/fasthalffloatconversion.pdf
inline uint32 fast_half_to_float(uint16 h)
// Initialize table if necessary.
if (mantissa_table[0] != 0)
uint exp = h >> 10;
return mantissa_table[offset_table[exp] + (h & 0x3ff)] + exponent_table[exp];
inline uint16 to_half(float c) {
union { float f; uint32 u; } f;
f.f = c;
return nv::half_from_float( f.u );
inline float to_float(uint16 c) {
union { float f; uint32 u; } f;
f.u = nv::fast_half_to_float( c );
return f.f;
union Half {
uint16 raw;
struct {
uint negative:1;
uint biasedexponent:5;
uint mantissa:10;
uint mantissa:10;
uint biasedexponent:5;
uint negative:1;
} field;
inline float TestHalfPrecisionAwayFromZero(float input)
Half h;
h.raw = to_half(input);
h.raw += 1;
float f = to_float(h.raw);
// Subtract the initial value to find our precision
float delta = f - input;
return delta;
inline float TestHalfPrecisionTowardsZero(float input)
Half h;
h.raw = to_half(input);
h.raw -= 1;
float f = to_float(h.raw);
// Subtract the initial value to find our precision
float delta = f - input;
return -delta;
} // nv namespace
#endif // NV_MATH_HALF_H