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Project files are provided for Visual Studio 8. For all other platforms and targets you will need to install CMake. You can download it from:

In order to compile the CUDA accelerated compressors you need to install CUDA:

Note that CUDA is not free software and is not supported on all platforms.

In addition to that, the command line tools also need the following libraries:

  • libpng
  • libjpeg
  • ...

Note that the sources already include these libraries precompiled for 32 bit windows.


Visual Studio 8

Simply open the solution file:


and build all (Ctrl + Shift + B).

CMake and Visual Studio 7

Run the following commands:

$ mkdir vc7
$ cd vc7
$ cmake .. -DNVTT_SHARED=1 -G "Visual Studio 7 2003 .NET"

open the generated solution file:


and build all (Ctrl + Shift + B).

CMake and Visual Studio 8

Run the following commands:

$ mkdir vc8
$ cd vc8
$ cmake .. -DNVTT_SHARED=1 -G "Visual Studio 8 2005"

open the generated solution file:


and build all (Ctrl + Shift + B).

CMake and Visual Studio 10

Run the following commands:

$ mkdir vc10
$ cd vc10
$ cmake .. -DNVTT_SHARED=1 -G "Visual Studio 10"

open the generated solution file:


and build all (Ctrl + Shift + B).

CMake + MinGW

Note that CUDA does not currently support the MinGW compiler. This target is not supported yet, but may work if CUDA is not enabled.


If you are running Debian or Ubuntu you can install the required libraries as follows:

sudo apt-get install ...

On other distributions you will have to use the corresponding package manager.

Then compile and install the sources as follows:

$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install


Install the required libraries as follows:

$ sudo port install ...

Then compile and install the sources as follows:

$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install