castano 5fbeb8d34b Fixed error in CompressRGB, as reported by jonsoh in issue 49.
Added support for RGBA pixel format dithering. Fixes issue 50 and issue 51.
Add PixelFormat.h to vc8 project.
2008-06-12 01:16:52 +00:00

217 lines
5.2 KiB

// This code is in the public domain -- castanyo@yahoo.es
@@ Look at LPS: http://www.cs.rit.edu/~pga/pics2000/i.html
This is a really nice guide to dithering algorithms:
@@ This code needs to be reviewed, I'm not sure it's correct.
#include <nvmath/Color.h>
#include <nvimage/Image.h>
#include <nvimage/Quantize.h>
#include <nvimage/PixelFormat.h>
using namespace nv;
// Simple quantization.
void nv::Quantize::BinaryAlpha( Image * image, int alpha_threshold /*= 127*/ )
nvCheck(image != NULL);
const uint w = image->width();
const uint h = image->height();
for(uint y = 0; y < h; y++) {
for(uint x = 0; x < w; x++) {
Color32 pixel = image->pixel(x, y);
// Convert color.
if( pixel.a > alpha_threshold ) pixel.a = 255;
else pixel.a = 0;
// Store color.
image->pixel(x, y) = pixel;
// Simple quantization.
void nv::Quantize::RGB16( Image * image )
Truncate(image, 5, 6, 5, 8);
// Alpha quantization.
void nv::Quantize::Alpha4( Image * image )
Truncate(image, 8, 8, 8, 4);
// Error diffusion. Floyd Steinberg.
void nv::Quantize::FloydSteinberg_RGB16( Image * image )
FloydSteinberg(image, 5, 6, 5, 8);
// Error diffusion. Floyd Steinberg.
void nv::Quantize::FloydSteinberg_BinaryAlpha( Image * image, int alpha_threshold /*= 127*/ )
nvCheck(image != NULL);
const uint w = image->width();
const uint h = image->height();
// @@ Use fixed point?
float * row0 = new float[(w+2)];
float * row1 = new float[(w+2)];
memset(row0, 0, sizeof(float)*(w+2));
memset(row1, 0, sizeof(float)*(w+2));
for(uint y = 0; y < h; y++) {
for(uint x = 0; x < w; x++) {
Color32 pixel = image->pixel(x, y);
// Add error.
int alpha = int(pixel.a) + int(row0[1+x]);
// Convert color.
if( alpha > alpha_threshold ) pixel.a = 255;
else pixel.a = 0;
// Store color.
image->pixel(x, y) = pixel;
// Compute new error.
float diff = float(alpha - pixel.a);
// Propagate new error.
row0[1+x+1] += 7.0f / 16.0f * diff;
row1[1+x-1] += 3.0f / 16.0f * diff;
row1[1+x+0] += 5.0f / 16.0f * diff;
row1[1+x+1] += 1.0f / 16.0f * diff;
swap(row0, row1);
memset(row1, 0, sizeof(float)*(w+2));
delete [] row0;
delete [] row1;
// Error diffusion. Floyd Steinberg.
void nv::Quantize::FloydSteinberg_Alpha4( Image * image )
FloydSteinberg(image, 8, 8, 8, 4);
void nv::Quantize::Truncate(Image * image, uint rsize, uint gsize, uint bsize, uint asize)
nvCheck(image != NULL);
const uint w = image->width();
const uint h = image->height();
for(uint y = 0; y < h; y++) {
for(uint x = 0; x < w; x++) {
Color32 pixel = image->pixel(x, y);
// Convert to our desired size, and reconstruct.
pixel.r = PixelFormat::convert(pixel.r, 8, rsize);
pixel.r = PixelFormat::convert(pixel.r, rsize, 8);
pixel.g = PixelFormat::convert(pixel.g, 8, gsize);
pixel.g = PixelFormat::convert(pixel.g, gsize, 8);
pixel.b = PixelFormat::convert(pixel.b, 8, bsize);
pixel.b = PixelFormat::convert(pixel.b, bsize, 8);
pixel.a = PixelFormat::convert(pixel.a, 8, asize);
pixel.a = PixelFormat::convert(pixel.a, asize, 8);
// Store color.
image->pixel(x, y) = pixel;
// Error diffusion. Floyd Steinberg.
void nv::Quantize::FloydSteinberg(Image * image, uint rsize, uint gsize, uint bsize, uint asize)
nvCheck(image != NULL);
const uint w = image->width();
const uint h = image->height();
Vector4 * row0 = new Vector4[w+2];
Vector4 * row1 = new Vector4[w+2];
memset(row0, 0, sizeof(Vector4)*(w+2));
memset(row1, 0, sizeof(Vector4)*(w+2));
for (uint y = 0; y < h; y++) {
for (uint x = 0; x < w; x++) {
Color32 pixel = image->pixel(x, y);
// Add error.
pixel.r = clamp(int(pixel.r) + int(row0[1+x].x()), 0, 255);
pixel.g = clamp(int(pixel.g) + int(row0[1+x].y()), 0, 255);
pixel.b = clamp(int(pixel.b) + int(row0[1+x].z()), 0, 255);
pixel.a = clamp(int(pixel.a) + int(row0[1+x].w()), 0, 255);
int r = pixel.r;
int g = pixel.g;
int b = pixel.b;
int a = pixel.a;
// Convert to our desired size, and reconstruct.
r = PixelFormat::convert(r, 8, rsize);
r = PixelFormat::convert(r, rsize, 8);
g = PixelFormat::convert(g, 8, gsize);
g = PixelFormat::convert(g, gsize, 8);
b = PixelFormat::convert(b, 8, bsize);
b = PixelFormat::convert(b, bsize, 8);
a = PixelFormat::convert(a, 8, asize);
a = PixelFormat::convert(a, asize, 8);
// Store color.
image->pixel(x, y) = Color32(r, g, b, a);
// Compute new error.
Vector4 diff(float(int(pixel.r) - r), float(int(pixel.g) - g), float(int(pixel.b) - b), float(int(pixel.a) - a));
// Propagate new error.
row0[1+x+1] += 7.0f / 16.0f * diff;
row1[1+x-1] += 3.0f / 16.0f * diff;
row1[1+x+0] += 5.0f / 16.0f * diff;
row1[1+x+1] += 1.0f / 16.0f * diff;
swap(row0, row1);
memset(row1, 0, sizeof(Vector4)*(w+2));
delete [] row0;
delete [] row1;