2021-02-14 19:01:41 -08:00

2512 lines
99 KiB

// rgbcx.h v1.12
// High-performance scalar BC1-5 encoders. Public Domain or MIT license (you choose - see below), written by Richard Geldreich 2020 <richgel99@gmail.com>.
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Weverything"
#include "rgbcx.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <cassert>
#include <climits>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstring>
#include <type_traits>
#include "BC1/BC1Block.h"
#include "Color.h"
#include "tables.h"
#include "util.h"
namespace rgbcx {
static const uint32_t TOTAL_ORDER_4_0_16 = 15;
static const uint32_t TOTAL_ORDER_4_1_16 = 700;
static const uint32_t TOTAL_ORDER_4_2_16 = 753;
static const uint32_t TOTAL_ORDER_4_3_16 = 515;
static uint16_t g_total_ordering4_hash[4096];
static float g_selector_factors4[NUM_UNIQUE_TOTAL_ORDERINGS4][3];
static const uint32_t TOTAL_ORDER_3_0_16 = 12;
static const uint32_t TOTAL_ORDER_3_1_16 = 15;
static const uint32_t TOTAL_ORDER_3_2_16 = 89;
static uint16_t g_total_ordering3_hash[256];
static float g_selector_factors3[NUM_UNIQUE_TOTAL_ORDERINGS3][3];
struct hist4 {
uint8_t m_hist[4];
hist4() { memset(m_hist, 0, sizeof(m_hist)); }
hist4(uint32_t i, uint32_t j, uint32_t k, uint32_t l) {
m_hist[0] = (uint8_t)i;
m_hist[1] = (uint8_t)j;
m_hist[2] = (uint8_t)k;
m_hist[3] = (uint8_t)l;
inline bool operator==(const hist4 &h) const {
if (m_hist[0] != h.m_hist[0]) return false;
if (m_hist[1] != h.m_hist[1]) return false;
if (m_hist[2] != h.m_hist[2]) return false;
if (m_hist[3] != h.m_hist[3]) return false;
return true;
inline bool any_16() const { return (m_hist[0] == 16) || (m_hist[1] == 16) || (m_hist[2] == 16) || (m_hist[3] == 16); }
inline uint32_t lookup_total_ordering_index() const {
if (m_hist[0] == 16)
return TOTAL_ORDER_4_0_16;
else if (m_hist[1] == 16)
return TOTAL_ORDER_4_1_16;
else if (m_hist[2] == 16)
return TOTAL_ORDER_4_2_16;
else if (m_hist[3] == 16)
return TOTAL_ORDER_4_3_16;
// Must sum to 16, so m_hist[3] isn't needed.
return g_total_ordering4_hash[m_hist[0] | (m_hist[1] << 4) | (m_hist[2] << 8)];
struct hist3 {
uint8_t m_hist[3];
hist3() { memset(m_hist, 0, sizeof(m_hist)); }
hist3(uint32_t i, uint32_t j, uint32_t k) {
m_hist[0] = (uint8_t)i;
m_hist[1] = (uint8_t)j;
m_hist[2] = (uint8_t)k;
inline bool operator==(const hist3 &h) const {
if (m_hist[0] != h.m_hist[0]) return false;
if (m_hist[1] != h.m_hist[1]) return false;
if (m_hist[2] != h.m_hist[2]) return false;
return true;
inline bool any_16() const { return (m_hist[0] == 16) || (m_hist[1] == 16) || (m_hist[2] == 16); }
inline uint32_t lookup_total_ordering_index() const {
if (m_hist[0] == 16)
return TOTAL_ORDER_3_0_16;
else if (m_hist[1] == 16)
return TOTAL_ORDER_3_1_16;
else if (m_hist[2] == 16)
return TOTAL_ORDER_3_2_16;
// Must sum to 16, so m_hist[2] isn't needed.
return g_total_ordering3_hash[m_hist[0] | (m_hist[1] << 4)];
struct bc1_match_entry {
uint8_t m_hi;
uint8_t m_lo;
uint8_t m_e;
static bc1_approx_mode g_bc1_approx_mode;
static bc1_match_entry g_bc1_match5_equals_1[256], g_bc1_match6_equals_1[256];
static bc1_match_entry g_bc1_match5_half[256], g_bc1_match6_half[256];
// v0, v1 = unexpanded DXT1 endpoint values (5/6-bits)
// c0, c1 = expanded DXT1 endpoint values (8-bits)
static inline int interp_5_6_ideal(int c0, int c1) {
assert(c0 < 256 && c1 < 256);
return (c0 * 2 + c1) / 3;
static inline int interp_5_6_ideal_round(int c0, int c1) {
assert(c0 < 256 && c1 < 256);
return (c0 * 2 + c1 + 1) / 3;
static inline int interp_half_5_6_ideal(int c0, int c1) {
assert(c0 < 256 && c1 < 256);
return (c0 + c1) / 2;
static inline int interp_5_nv(int v0, int v1) {
assert(v0 < 32 && v1 < 32);
return ((2 * v0 + v1) * 22) / 8;
static inline int interp_6_nv(int c0, int c1) {
assert(c0 < 256 && c1 < 256);
const int gdiff = c1 - c0;
return (256 * c0 + (gdiff / 4) + 128 + gdiff * 80) / 256;
static inline int interp_half_5_nv(int v0, int v1) {
assert(v0 < 32 && v1 < 32);
return ((v0 + v1) * 33) / 8;
static inline int interp_half_6_nv(int c0, int c1) {
assert(c0 < 256 && c1 < 256);
const int gdiff = c1 - c0;
return (256 * c0 + gdiff / 4 + 128 + gdiff * 128) / 256;
static inline int interp_5_6_amd(int c0, int c1) {
assert(c0 < 256 && c1 < 256);
return (c0 * 43 + c1 * 21 + 32) >> 6;
static inline int interp_half_5_6_amd(int c0, int c1) {
assert(c0 < 256 && c1 < 256);
return (c0 + c1 + 1) >> 1;
static inline int interp_5(int v0, int v1, int c0, int c1, bc1_approx_mode mode) {
// assert(scale_5_to_8(v0) == c0 && scale5To8(v1) == c1);
switch (mode) {
case bc1_approx_mode::cBC1NVidia:
return interp_5_nv(v0, v1);
case bc1_approx_mode::cBC1AMD:
return interp_5_6_amd(c0, c1);
case bc1_approx_mode::cBC1Ideal:
return interp_5_6_ideal(c0, c1);
case bc1_approx_mode::cBC1IdealRound4:
return interp_5_6_ideal_round(c0, c1);
static inline int interp_6(int v0, int v1, int c0, int c1, bc1_approx_mode mode) {
// assert(scale_6_to_8(v0) == c0 && scale6To8(v1) == c1);
switch (mode) {
case bc1_approx_mode::cBC1NVidia:
return interp_6_nv(c0, c1);
case bc1_approx_mode::cBC1AMD:
return interp_5_6_amd(c0, c1);
case bc1_approx_mode::cBC1Ideal:
return interp_5_6_ideal(c0, c1);
case bc1_approx_mode::cBC1IdealRound4:
return interp_5_6_ideal_round(c0, c1);
static inline unsigned int interp_half_5(unsigned int v0, unsigned int v1, unsigned int c0, unsigned int c1, bc1_approx_mode mode) {
assert(scale5To8(v0) == c0 && scale5To8(v1) == c1);
switch (mode) {
case bc1_approx_mode::cBC1NVidia:
return interp_half_5_nv(v0, v1);
case bc1_approx_mode::cBC1AMD:
return interp_half_5_6_amd(c0, c1);
case bc1_approx_mode::cBC1Ideal:
case bc1_approx_mode::cBC1IdealRound4:
return interp_half_5_6_ideal(c0, c1);
static inline unsigned int interp_half_6(unsigned v0, unsigned v1, unsigned c0, bc1_approx_mode mode, unsigned c1) {
assert(scale6To8(v0) == c0 && scale6To8(v1) == c1);
switch (mode) {
case bc1_approx_mode::cBC1NVidia:
return interp_half_6_nv(c0, c1);
case bc1_approx_mode::cBC1AMD:
return interp_half_5_6_amd(c0, c1);
case bc1_approx_mode::cBC1Ideal:
case bc1_approx_mode::cBC1IdealRound4:
return interp_half_5_6_ideal(c0, c1);
static void prepare_bc1_single_color_table_half(bc1_match_entry *pTable, const uint8_t *pExpand, int size, bc1_approx_mode mode) {
for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
int lowest_e = 256;
for (int lo = 0; lo < size; lo++) {
const int lo_e = pExpand[lo];
for (int hi = 0; hi < size; hi++) {
const int hi_e = pExpand[hi];
const int v = (size == 32) ? interp_half_5(hi, lo, hi_e, lo_e, mode) : interp_half_6(hi, lo, hi_e, mode, lo_e);
int e = iabs(v - i);
// We only need to factor in 3% error in BC1 ideal mode.
if ((mode == bc1_approx_mode::cBC1Ideal) || (mode == bc1_approx_mode::cBC1IdealRound4)) e += (iabs(hi_e - lo_e) * 3) / 100;
// Favor equal endpoints, for lower error on actual GPU's which approximate the interpolation.
if ((e < lowest_e) || ((e == lowest_e) && (lo == hi))) {
pTable[i].m_hi = static_cast<uint8_t>(hi);
pTable[i].m_lo = static_cast<uint8_t>(lo);
assert(e <= UINT8_MAX);
pTable[i].m_e = static_cast<uint8_t>(e);
lowest_e = e;
} // hi
} // lo
static void prepare_bc1_single_color_table(bc1_match_entry *pTable, const uint8_t *pExpand, int size, bc1_approx_mode mode) {
for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
int lowest_e = 256;
for (int lo = 0; lo < size; lo++) {
const int lo_e = pExpand[lo];
for (int hi = 0; hi < size; hi++) {
const int hi_e = pExpand[hi];
const int v = (size == 32) ? interp_5(hi, lo, hi_e, lo_e, mode) : interp_6(hi, lo, hi_e, lo_e, mode);
int e = iabs(v - i);
if ((mode == bc1_approx_mode::cBC1Ideal) || (mode == bc1_approx_mode::cBC1IdealRound4)) e += (iabs(hi_e - lo_e) * 3) / 100;
// Favor equal endpoints, for lower error on actual GPU's which approximate the interpolation.
if ((e < lowest_e) || ((e == lowest_e) && (lo == hi))) {
pTable[i].m_hi = static_cast<uint8_t>(hi);
pTable[i].m_lo = static_cast<uint8_t>(lo);
assert(e <= UINT8_MAX);
pTable[i].m_e = static_cast<uint8_t>(e);
lowest_e = e;
} // hi
} // lo
// This table is: 9 * (w * w), 9 * ((1.0f - w) * w), 9 * ((1.0f - w) * (1.0f - w))
// where w is [0,1/3,2/3,1]. 9 is the perfect multiplier.
static const uint32_t g_weight_vals4[4] = {0x000009, 0x010204, 0x040201, 0x090000};
// multiplier is 4 for 3-color
static const uint32_t g_weight_vals3[3] = {0x000004, 0x040000, 0x010101};
static inline void compute_selector_factors4(const hist4 &h, float &iz00, float &iz10, float &iz11) {
uint32_t weight_accum = 0;
for (uint32_t sel = 0; sel < 4; sel++) weight_accum += g_weight_vals4[sel] * h.m_hist[sel];
float z00 = (float)((weight_accum >> 16) & 0xFF);
float z10 = (float)((weight_accum >> 8) & 0xFF);
float z11 = (float)(weight_accum & 0xFF);
float z01 = z10;
float det = z00 * z11 - z01 * z10;
if (fabs(det) < 1e-8f)
det = 0.0f;
det = (3.0f / 255.0f) / det;
iz00 = z11 * det;
iz10 = -z10 * det;
iz11 = z00 * det;
static inline void compute_selector_factors3(const hist3 &h, float &iz00, float &iz10, float &iz11) {
uint32_t weight_accum = 0;
for (uint32_t sel = 0; sel < 3; sel++) weight_accum += g_weight_vals3[sel] * h.m_hist[sel];
float z00 = (float)((weight_accum >> 16) & 0xFF);
float z10 = (float)((weight_accum >> 8) & 0xFF);
float z11 = (float)(weight_accum & 0xFF);
float z01 = z10;
float det = z00 * z11 - z01 * z10;
if (fabs(det) < 1e-8f)
det = 0.0f;
det = (2.0f / 255.0f) / det;
iz00 = z11 * det;
iz10 = -z10 * det;
iz11 = z00 * det;
static bool g_initialized;
void init(bc1_approx_mode mode) {
g_bc1_approx_mode = mode;
uint8_t bc1_expand5[32];
for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) bc1_expand5[i] = static_cast<uint8_t>((i << 3) | (i >> 2));
prepare_bc1_single_color_table(g_bc1_match5_equals_1, bc1_expand5, 32, mode);
prepare_bc1_single_color_table_half(g_bc1_match5_half, bc1_expand5, 32, mode);
uint8_t bc1_expand6[64];
for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) bc1_expand6[i] = static_cast<uint8_t>((i << 2) | (i >> 4));
prepare_bc1_single_color_table(g_bc1_match6_equals_1, bc1_expand6, 64, mode);
prepare_bc1_single_color_table_half(g_bc1_match6_half, bc1_expand6, 64, mode);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < NUM_UNIQUE_TOTAL_ORDERINGS4; i++) {
hist4 h;
h.m_hist[0] = (uint8_t)g_unique_total_orders4[i][0];
h.m_hist[1] = (uint8_t)g_unique_total_orders4[i][1];
h.m_hist[2] = (uint8_t)g_unique_total_orders4[i][2];
h.m_hist[3] = (uint8_t)g_unique_total_orders4[i][3];
if (!h.any_16()) {
const uint32_t index = h.m_hist[0] | (h.m_hist[1] << 4) | (h.m_hist[2] << 8);
assert(index < 4096);
g_total_ordering4_hash[index] = (uint16_t)i;
compute_selector_factors4(h, g_selector_factors4[i][0], g_selector_factors4[i][1], g_selector_factors4[i][2]);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < NUM_UNIQUE_TOTAL_ORDERINGS3; i++) {
hist3 h;
h.m_hist[0] = (uint8_t)g_unique_total_orders3[i][0];
h.m_hist[1] = (uint8_t)g_unique_total_orders3[i][1];
h.m_hist[2] = (uint8_t)g_unique_total_orders3[i][2];
if (!h.any_16()) {
const uint32_t index = h.m_hist[0] | (h.m_hist[1] << 4);
assert(index < 256);
g_total_ordering3_hash[index] = (uint16_t)i;
compute_selector_factors3(h, g_selector_factors3[i][0], g_selector_factors3[i][1], g_selector_factors3[i][2]);
g_initialized = true;
void encode_bc1_solid_block(void *pDst, uint32_t fr, uint32_t fg, uint32_t fb, bool allow_3color) {
BC1Block *pDst_block = static_cast<BC1Block *>(pDst);
uint32_t mask = 0xAA;
int max16 = -1, min16 = 0;
if (allow_3color) {
const uint32_t err4 = g_bc1_match5_equals_1[fr].m_e + g_bc1_match6_equals_1[fg].m_e + g_bc1_match5_equals_1[fb].m_e;
const uint32_t err3 = g_bc1_match5_half[fr].m_e + g_bc1_match6_half[fg].m_e + g_bc1_match5_half[fb].m_e;
if (err3 < err4) {
max16 = (g_bc1_match5_half[fr].m_hi << 11) | (g_bc1_match6_half[fg].m_hi << 5) | g_bc1_match5_half[fb].m_hi;
min16 = (g_bc1_match5_half[fr].m_lo << 11) | (g_bc1_match6_half[fg].m_lo << 5) | g_bc1_match5_half[fb].m_lo;
if (max16 > min16) std::swap(max16, min16);
if (max16 == -1) {
max16 = (g_bc1_match5_equals_1[fr].m_hi << 11) | (g_bc1_match6_equals_1[fg].m_hi << 5) | g_bc1_match5_equals_1[fb].m_hi;
min16 = (g_bc1_match5_equals_1[fr].m_lo << 11) | (g_bc1_match6_equals_1[fg].m_lo << 5) | g_bc1_match5_equals_1[fb].m_lo;
if (min16 == max16) {
// Always forbid 3 color blocks
// This is to guarantee that BC3 blocks never use punchthrough alpha (3 color) mode, which isn't supported on some (all?) GPU's.
mask = 0;
// Make l > h
if (min16 > 0)
else {
// l = h = 0
assert(min16 == max16 && max16 == 0);
max16 = 1;
min16 = 0;
mask = 0x55;
assert(max16 > min16);
if (max16 < min16) {
std::swap(max16, min16);
mask ^= 0x55;
pDst_block->selectors[0] = static_cast<uint8_t>(mask);
pDst_block->selectors[1] = static_cast<uint8_t>(mask);
pDst_block->selectors[2] = static_cast<uint8_t>(mask);
pDst_block->selectors[3] = static_cast<uint8_t>(mask);
static const float g_midpoint5[32] = {.015686f, .047059f, .078431f, .111765f, .145098f, .176471f, .207843f, .241176f, .274510f, .305882f, .337255f,
.370588f, .403922f, .435294f, .466667f, .5f, .533333f, .564706f, .596078f, .629412f, .662745f, .694118f,
.725490f, .758824f, .792157f, .823529f, .854902f, .888235f, .921569f, .952941f, .984314f, 1e+37f};
static const float g_midpoint6[64] = {.007843f, .023529f, .039216f, .054902f, .070588f, .086275f, .101961f, .117647f, .133333f, .149020f, .164706f,
.180392f, .196078f, .211765f, .227451f, .245098f, .262745f, .278431f, .294118f, .309804f, .325490f, .341176f,
.356863f, .372549f, .388235f, .403922f, .419608f, .435294f, .450980f, .466667f, .482353f, .500000f, .517647f,
.533333f, .549020f, .564706f, .580392f, .596078f, .611765f, .627451f, .643137f, .658824f, .674510f, .690196f,
.705882f, .721569f, .737255f, .754902f, .772549f, .788235f, .803922f, .819608f, .835294f, .850980f, .866667f,
.882353f, .898039f, .913725f, .929412f, .945098f, .960784f, .976471f, .992157f, 1e+37f};
struct vec3F {
float c[3];
static inline void compute_least_squares_endpoints4_rgb(vec3F *pXl, vec3F *pXh, int total_r, int total_g, int total_b, float iz00, float iz10, float iz11,
uint32_t s, const uint32_t r_sum[17], const uint32_t g_sum[17], const uint32_t b_sum[17]) {
const float iz01 = iz10;
const uint32_t f1 = g_unique_total_orders4[s][0];
const uint32_t f2 = g_unique_total_orders4[s][0] + g_unique_total_orders4[s][1];
const uint32_t f3 = g_unique_total_orders4[s][0] + g_unique_total_orders4[s][1] + g_unique_total_orders4[s][2];
uint32_t uq00_r = (r_sum[f2] - r_sum[f1]) + (r_sum[f3] - r_sum[f2]) * 2 + (r_sum[16] - r_sum[f3]) * 3;
uint32_t uq00_g = (g_sum[f2] - g_sum[f1]) + (g_sum[f3] - g_sum[f2]) * 2 + (g_sum[16] - g_sum[f3]) * 3;
uint32_t uq00_b = (b_sum[f2] - b_sum[f1]) + (b_sum[f3] - b_sum[f2]) * 2 + (b_sum[16] - b_sum[f3]) * 3;
float q10_r = (float)(total_r * 3 - uq00_r);
float q10_g = (float)(total_g * 3 - uq00_g);
float q10_b = (float)(total_b * 3 - uq00_b);
pXl->c[0] = iz00 * (float)uq00_r + iz01 * q10_r;
pXh->c[0] = iz10 * (float)uq00_r + iz11 * q10_r;
pXl->c[1] = iz00 * (float)uq00_g + iz01 * q10_g;
pXh->c[1] = iz10 * (float)uq00_g + iz11 * q10_g;
pXl->c[2] = iz00 * (float)uq00_b + iz01 * q10_b;
pXh->c[2] = iz10 * (float)uq00_b + iz11 * q10_b;
static inline bool compute_least_squares_endpoints4_rgb(const Color *pColors, const uint8_t *pSelectors, vec3F *pXl, vec3F *pXh, int total_r, int total_g,
int total_b) {
uint32_t uq00_r = 0, uq00_g = 0, uq00_b = 0;
uint32_t weight_accum = 0;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
const uint8_t r = pColors[i][0], g = pColors[i][1], b = pColors[i][2];
const uint8_t sel = pSelectors[i];
weight_accum += g_weight_vals4[sel];
uq00_r += sel * r;
uq00_g += sel * g;
uq00_b += sel * b;
int q10_r = total_r * 3 - uq00_r;
int q10_g = total_g * 3 - uq00_g;
int q10_b = total_b * 3 - uq00_b;
float z00 = (float)((weight_accum >> 16) & 0xFF);
float z10 = (float)((weight_accum >> 8) & 0xFF);
float z11 = (float)(weight_accum & 0xFF);
float z01 = z10;
float det = z00 * z11 - z01 * z10;
if (fabs(det) < 1e-8f) return false;
det = (3.0f / 255.0f) / det;
float iz00, iz01, iz10, iz11;
iz00 = z11 * det;
iz01 = -z01 * det;
iz10 = -z10 * det;
iz11 = z00 * det;
pXl->c[0] = iz00 * (float)uq00_r + iz01 * q10_r;
pXh->c[0] = iz10 * (float)uq00_r + iz11 * q10_r;
pXl->c[1] = iz00 * (float)uq00_g + iz01 * q10_g;
pXh->c[1] = iz10 * (float)uq00_g + iz11 * q10_g;
pXl->c[2] = iz00 * (float)uq00_b + iz01 * q10_b;
pXh->c[2] = iz10 * (float)uq00_b + iz11 * q10_b;
return true;
static inline void compute_least_squares_endpoints3_rgb(vec3F *pXl, vec3F *pXh, int total_r, int total_g, int total_b, float iz00, float iz10, float iz11,
uint32_t s, const uint32_t r_sum[17], const uint32_t g_sum[17], const uint32_t b_sum[17]) {
const float iz01 = iz10;
// Compensates for BC1 3-color ordering, which is selector 0, 2, 1
const uint32_t f1 = g_unique_total_orders3[s][0];
const uint32_t f2 = g_unique_total_orders3[s][0] + g_unique_total_orders3[s][2];
uint32_t uq00_r = (r_sum[16] - r_sum[f2]) * 2 + (r_sum[f2] - r_sum[f1]);
uint32_t uq00_g = (g_sum[16] - g_sum[f2]) * 2 + (g_sum[f2] - g_sum[f1]);
uint32_t uq00_b = (b_sum[16] - b_sum[f2]) * 2 + (b_sum[f2] - b_sum[f1]);
float q10_r = (float)(total_r * 2 - uq00_r);
float q10_g = (float)(total_g * 2 - uq00_g);
float q10_b = (float)(total_b * 2 - uq00_b);
pXl->c[0] = iz00 * (float)uq00_r + iz01 * q10_r;
pXh->c[0] = iz10 * (float)uq00_r + iz11 * q10_r;
pXl->c[1] = iz00 * (float)uq00_g + iz01 * q10_g;
pXh->c[1] = iz10 * (float)uq00_g + iz11 * q10_g;
pXl->c[2] = iz00 * (float)uq00_b + iz01 * q10_b;
pXh->c[2] = iz10 * (float)uq00_b + iz11 * q10_b;
static inline bool compute_least_squares_endpoints3_rgb(bool use_black, const Color *pColors, const uint8_t *pSelectors, vec3F *pXl, vec3F *pXh) {
int uq00_r = 0, uq00_g = 0, uq00_b = 0;
uint32_t weight_accum = 0;
int total_r = 0, total_g = 0, total_b = 0;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
const uint8_t r = pColors[i][0], g = pColors[i][1], b = pColors[i][2];
if (use_black) {
if ((r | g | b) < 4) continue;
const uint8_t sel = pSelectors[i];
assert(sel <= 3);
if (sel == 3) continue;
weight_accum += g_weight_vals3[sel];
static const uint8_t s_tran[3] = {0, 2, 1};
const uint8_t tsel = s_tran[sel];
uq00_r += tsel * r;
uq00_g += tsel * g;
uq00_b += tsel * b;
total_r += r;
total_g += g;
total_b += b;
int q10_r = total_r * 2 - uq00_r;
int q10_g = total_g * 2 - uq00_g;
int q10_b = total_b * 2 - uq00_b;
float z00 = (float)((weight_accum >> 16) & 0xFF);
float z10 = (float)((weight_accum >> 8) & 0xFF);
float z11 = (float)(weight_accum & 0xFF);
float z01 = z10;
float det = z00 * z11 - z01 * z10;
if (fabs(det) < 1e-8f) return false;
det = (2.0f / 255.0f) / det;
float iz00, iz01, iz10, iz11;
iz00 = z11 * det;
iz01 = -z01 * det;
iz10 = -z10 * det;
iz11 = z00 * det;
pXl->c[0] = iz00 * (float)uq00_r + iz01 * q10_r;
pXh->c[0] = iz10 * (float)uq00_r + iz11 * q10_r;
pXl->c[1] = iz00 * (float)uq00_g + iz01 * q10_g;
pXh->c[1] = iz10 * (float)uq00_g + iz11 * q10_g;
pXl->c[2] = iz00 * (float)uq00_b + iz01 * q10_b;
pXh->c[2] = iz10 * (float)uq00_b + iz11 * q10_b;
return true;
static inline void bc1_get_block_colors4(uint32_t block_r[4], uint32_t block_g[4], uint32_t block_b[4], uint32_t lr, uint32_t lg, uint32_t lb, uint32_t hr,
uint32_t hg, uint32_t hb) {
block_r[0] = (lr << 3) | (lr >> 2);
block_g[0] = (lg << 2) | (lg >> 4);
block_b[0] = (lb << 3) | (lb >> 2);
block_r[3] = (hr << 3) | (hr >> 2);
block_g[3] = (hg << 2) | (hg >> 4);
block_b[3] = (hb << 3) | (hb >> 2);
if (g_bc1_approx_mode == bc1_approx_mode::cBC1Ideal) {
block_r[1] = (block_r[0] * 2 + block_r[3]) / 3;
block_g[1] = (block_g[0] * 2 + block_g[3]) / 3;
block_b[1] = (block_b[0] * 2 + block_b[3]) / 3;
block_r[2] = (block_r[3] * 2 + block_r[0]) / 3;
block_g[2] = (block_g[3] * 2 + block_g[0]) / 3;
block_b[2] = (block_b[3] * 2 + block_b[0]) / 3;
} else if (g_bc1_approx_mode == bc1_approx_mode::cBC1IdealRound4) {
block_r[1] = (block_r[0] * 2 + block_r[3] + 1) / 3;
block_g[1] = (block_g[0] * 2 + block_g[3] + 1) / 3;
block_b[1] = (block_b[0] * 2 + block_b[3] + 1) / 3;
block_r[2] = (block_r[3] * 2 + block_r[0] + 1) / 3;
block_g[2] = (block_g[3] * 2 + block_g[0] + 1) / 3;
block_b[2] = (block_b[3] * 2 + block_b[0] + 1) / 3;
} else if (g_bc1_approx_mode == bc1_approx_mode::cBC1AMD) {
block_r[1] = interp_5_6_amd(block_r[0], block_r[3]);
block_g[1] = interp_5_6_amd(block_g[0], block_g[3]);
block_b[1] = interp_5_6_amd(block_b[0], block_b[3]);
block_r[2] = interp_5_6_amd(block_r[3], block_r[0]);
block_g[2] = interp_5_6_amd(block_g[3], block_g[0]);
block_b[2] = interp_5_6_amd(block_b[3], block_b[0]);
} else {
block_r[1] = interp_5_nv(lr, hr);
block_g[1] = interp_6_nv(block_g[0], block_g[3]);
block_b[1] = interp_5_nv(lb, hb);
block_r[2] = interp_5_nv(hr, lr);
block_g[2] = interp_6_nv(block_g[3], block_g[0]);
block_b[2] = interp_5_nv(hb, lb);
static inline void bc1_get_block_colors3(uint32_t block_r[3], uint32_t block_g[3], uint32_t block_b[3], uint32_t lr, uint32_t lg, uint32_t lb, uint32_t hr,
uint32_t hg, uint32_t hb) {
block_r[0] = (lr << 3) | (lr >> 2);
block_g[0] = (lg << 2) | (lg >> 4);
block_b[0] = (lb << 3) | (lb >> 2);
block_r[1] = (hr << 3) | (hr >> 2);
block_g[1] = (hg << 2) | (hg >> 4);
block_b[1] = (hb << 3) | (hb >> 2);
if ((g_bc1_approx_mode == bc1_approx_mode::cBC1Ideal) || (g_bc1_approx_mode == bc1_approx_mode::cBC1IdealRound4)) {
block_r[2] = (block_r[0] + block_r[1]) / 2;
block_g[2] = (block_g[0] + block_g[1]) / 2;
block_b[2] = (block_b[0] + block_b[1]) / 2;
} else if (g_bc1_approx_mode == bc1_approx_mode::cBC1AMD) {
block_r[2] = interp_half_5_6_amd(block_r[0], block_r[1]);
block_g[2] = interp_half_5_6_amd(block_g[0], block_g[1]);
block_b[2] = interp_half_5_6_amd(block_b[0], block_b[1]);
} else {
block_r[2] = interp_half_5_nv(lr, hr);
block_g[2] = interp_half_6_nv(block_g[0], block_g[1]);
block_b[2] = interp_half_5_nv(lb, hb);
static inline void bc1_find_sels4_noerr(const Color *pSrc_pixels, uint32_t lr, uint32_t lg, uint32_t lb, uint32_t hr, uint32_t hg, uint32_t hb,
uint8_t sels[16]) {
uint32_t block_r[4], block_g[4], block_b[4];
bc1_get_block_colors4(block_r, block_g, block_b, lr, lg, lb, hr, hg, hb);
int ar = block_r[3] - block_r[0], ag = block_g[3] - block_g[0], ab = block_b[3] - block_b[0];
int dots[4];
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) dots[i] = (int)block_r[i] * ar + (int)block_g[i] * ag + (int)block_b[i] * ab;
int t0 = dots[0] + dots[1], t1 = dots[1] + dots[2], t2 = dots[2] + dots[3];
ar *= 2;
ag *= 2;
ab *= 2;
static const uint8_t s_sels[4] = {3, 2, 1, 0};
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 16; i += 4) {
const int d0 = pSrc_pixels[i + 0].r * ar + pSrc_pixels[i + 0].g * ag + pSrc_pixels[i + 0].b * ab;
const int d1 = pSrc_pixels[i + 1].r * ar + pSrc_pixels[i + 1].g * ag + pSrc_pixels[i + 1].b * ab;
const int d2 = pSrc_pixels[i + 2].r * ar + pSrc_pixels[i + 2].g * ag + pSrc_pixels[i + 2].b * ab;
const int d3 = pSrc_pixels[i + 3].r * ar + pSrc_pixels[i + 3].g * ag + pSrc_pixels[i + 3].b * ab;
sels[i + 0] = s_sels[(d0 <= t0) + (d0 < t1) + (d0 < t2)];
sels[i + 1] = s_sels[(d1 <= t0) + (d1 < t1) + (d1 < t2)];
sels[i + 2] = s_sels[(d2 <= t0) + (d2 < t1) + (d2 < t2)];
sels[i + 3] = s_sels[(d3 <= t0) + (d3 < t1) + (d3 < t2)];
static inline uint32_t bc1_find_sels4_fasterr(const Color *pSrc_pixels, uint32_t lr, uint32_t lg, uint32_t lb, uint32_t hr, uint32_t hg, uint32_t hb,
uint8_t sels[16], uint32_t cur_err) {
uint32_t block_r[4], block_g[4], block_b[4];
bc1_get_block_colors4(block_r, block_g, block_b, lr, lg, lb, hr, hg, hb);
int ar = block_r[3] - block_r[0], ag = block_g[3] - block_g[0], ab = block_b[3] - block_b[0];
int dots[4];
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) dots[i] = (int)block_r[i] * ar + (int)block_g[i] * ag + (int)block_b[i] * ab;
int t0 = dots[0] + dots[1], t1 = dots[1] + dots[2], t2 = dots[2] + dots[3];
ar *= 2;
ag *= 2;
ab *= 2;
static const uint8_t s_sels[4] = {3, 2, 1, 0};
uint32_t total_err = 0;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 16; i += 4) {
const int d0 = pSrc_pixels[i + 0].r * ar + pSrc_pixels[i + 0].g * ag + pSrc_pixels[i + 0].b * ab;
const int d1 = pSrc_pixels[i + 1].r * ar + pSrc_pixels[i + 1].g * ag + pSrc_pixels[i + 1].b * ab;
const int d2 = pSrc_pixels[i + 2].r * ar + pSrc_pixels[i + 2].g * ag + pSrc_pixels[i + 2].b * ab;
const int d3 = pSrc_pixels[i + 3].r * ar + pSrc_pixels[i + 3].g * ag + pSrc_pixels[i + 3].b * ab;
uint8_t sel0 = s_sels[(d0 <= t0) + (d0 < t1) + (d0 < t2)];
uint8_t sel1 = s_sels[(d1 <= t0) + (d1 < t1) + (d1 < t2)];
uint8_t sel2 = s_sels[(d2 <= t0) + (d2 < t1) + (d2 < t2)];
uint8_t sel3 = s_sels[(d3 <= t0) + (d3 < t1) + (d3 < t2)];
sels[i + 0] = sel0;
sels[i + 1] = sel1;
sels[i + 2] = sel2;
sels[i + 3] = sel3;
total_err +=
squarei(pSrc_pixels[i + 0].r - block_r[sel0]) + squarei(pSrc_pixels[i + 0].g - block_g[sel0]) + squarei(pSrc_pixels[i + 0].b - block_b[sel0]);
total_err +=
squarei(pSrc_pixels[i + 1].r - block_r[sel1]) + squarei(pSrc_pixels[i + 1].g - block_g[sel1]) + squarei(pSrc_pixels[i + 1].b - block_b[sel1]);
total_err +=
squarei(pSrc_pixels[i + 2].r - block_r[sel2]) + squarei(pSrc_pixels[i + 2].g - block_g[sel2]) + squarei(pSrc_pixels[i + 2].b - block_b[sel2]);
total_err +=
squarei(pSrc_pixels[i + 3].r - block_r[sel3]) + squarei(pSrc_pixels[i + 3].g - block_g[sel3]) + squarei(pSrc_pixels[i + 3].b - block_b[sel3]);
if (total_err >= cur_err) break;
return total_err;
static inline uint32_t bc1_find_sels4_check2_err(const Color *pSrc_pixels, uint32_t lr, uint32_t lg, uint32_t lb, uint32_t hr, uint32_t hg, uint32_t hb,
uint8_t sels[16], uint32_t cur_err) {
uint32_t block_r[4], block_g[4], block_b[4];
bc1_get_block_colors4(block_r, block_g, block_b, lr, lg, lb, hr, hg, hb);
int dr = block_r[3] - block_r[0], dg = block_g[3] - block_g[0], db = block_b[3] - block_b[0];
const float f = 4.0f / (float)(squarei(dr) + squarei(dg) + squarei(db) + .00000125f);
uint32_t total_err = 0;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
const int r = pSrc_pixels[i].r;
const int g = pSrc_pixels[i].g;
const int b = pSrc_pixels[i].b;
int sel = (int)((float)((r - (int)block_r[0]) * dr + (g - (int)block_g[0]) * dg + (b - (int)block_b[0]) * db) * f + .5f);
sel = clampi(sel, 1, 3);
uint32_t err0 = squarei((int)block_r[sel - 1] - (int)r) + squarei((int)block_g[sel - 1] - (int)g) + squarei((int)block_b[sel - 1] - (int)b);
uint32_t err1 = squarei((int)block_r[sel] - (int)r) + squarei((int)block_g[sel] - (int)g) + squarei((int)block_b[sel] - (int)b);
int best_sel = sel;
uint32_t best_err = err1;
if (err0 == err1) {
// Prefer non-interpolation
if ((best_sel - 1) == 0) best_sel = 0;
} else if (err0 < best_err) {
best_sel = sel - 1;
best_err = err0;
total_err += best_err;
if (total_err >= cur_err) break;
sels[i] = (uint8_t)best_sel;
return total_err;
static inline uint32_t bc1_find_sels4_fullerr(const Color *pSrc_pixels, uint32_t lr, uint32_t lg, uint32_t lb, uint32_t hr, uint32_t hg, uint32_t hb,
uint8_t sels[16], uint32_t cur_err) {
uint32_t block_r[4], block_g[4], block_b[4];
bc1_get_block_colors4(block_r, block_g, block_b, lr, lg, lb, hr, hg, hb);
uint32_t total_err = 0;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
const int r = pSrc_pixels[i].r;
const int g = pSrc_pixels[i].g;
const int b = pSrc_pixels[i].b;
uint32_t best_err = squarei((int)block_r[0] - (int)r) + squarei((int)block_g[0] - (int)g) + squarei((int)block_b[0] - (int)b);
uint8_t best_sel = 0;
for (uint32_t j = 1; (j < 4) && best_err; j++) {
uint32_t err = squarei((int)block_r[j] - (int)r) + squarei((int)block_g[j] - (int)g) + squarei((int)block_b[j] - (int)b);
if ((err < best_err) || ((err == best_err) && (j == 3))) {
best_err = err;
best_sel = (uint8_t)j;
total_err += best_err;
if (total_err >= cur_err) break;
sels[i] = (uint8_t)best_sel;
return total_err;
static inline uint32_t bc1_find_sels4(uint32_t flags, const Color *pSrc_pixels, uint32_t lr, uint32_t lg, uint32_t lb, uint32_t hr, uint32_t hg, uint32_t hb,
uint8_t sels[16], uint32_t cur_err) {
uint32_t err;
if (flags & cEncodeBC1UseFasterMSEEval)
err = bc1_find_sels4_fasterr(pSrc_pixels, lr, lg, lb, hr, hg, hb, sels, cur_err);
else if (flags & cEncodeBC1UseFullMSEEval)
err = bc1_find_sels4_fullerr(pSrc_pixels, lr, lg, lb, hr, hg, hb, sels, cur_err);
err = bc1_find_sels4_check2_err(pSrc_pixels, lr, lg, lb, hr, hg, hb, sels, cur_err);
return err;
static inline uint32_t bc1_find_sels3_fullerr(bool use_black, const Color *pSrc_pixels, uint32_t lr, uint32_t lg, uint32_t lb, uint32_t hr, uint32_t hg,
uint32_t hb, uint8_t sels[16], uint32_t cur_err) {
uint32_t block_r[3], block_g[3], block_b[3];
bc1_get_block_colors3(block_r, block_g, block_b, lr, lg, lb, hr, hg, hb);
uint32_t total_err = 0;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
const int r = pSrc_pixels[i].r;
const int g = pSrc_pixels[i].g;
const int b = pSrc_pixels[i].b;
uint32_t best_err = squarei((int)block_r[0] - (int)r) + squarei((int)block_g[0] - (int)g) + squarei((int)block_b[0] - (int)b);
uint32_t best_sel = 0;
uint32_t err1 = squarei((int)block_r[1] - (int)r) + squarei((int)block_g[1] - (int)g) + squarei((int)block_b[1] - (int)b);
if (err1 < best_err) {
best_err = err1;
best_sel = 1;
uint32_t err2 = squarei((int)block_r[2] - (int)r) + squarei((int)block_g[2] - (int)g) + squarei((int)block_b[2] - (int)b);
if (err2 < best_err) {
best_err = err2;
best_sel = 2;
if (use_black) {
uint32_t err3 = squarei(r) + squarei(g) + squarei(b);
if (err3 < best_err) {
best_err = err3;
best_sel = 3;
total_err += best_err;
if (total_err >= cur_err) return total_err;
sels[i] = (uint8_t)best_sel;
return total_err;
static inline void precise_round_565(const vec3F &xl, const vec3F &xh, int &trial_lr, int &trial_lg, int &trial_lb, int &trial_hr, int &trial_hg,
int &trial_hb) {
trial_lr = (int)(xl.c[0] * 31.0f);
trial_lg = (int)(xl.c[1] * 63.0f);
trial_lb = (int)(xl.c[2] * 31.0f);
trial_hr = (int)(xh.c[0] * 31.0f);
trial_hg = (int)(xh.c[1] * 63.0f);
trial_hb = (int)(xh.c[2] * 31.0f);
if ((uint32_t)(trial_lr | trial_lb | trial_hr | trial_hb) > 31U) {
trial_lr = ((uint32_t)trial_lr > 31U) ? (~trial_lr >> 31) & 31 : trial_lr;
trial_hr = ((uint32_t)trial_hr > 31U) ? (~trial_hr >> 31) & 31 : trial_hr;
trial_lb = ((uint32_t)trial_lb > 31U) ? (~trial_lb >> 31) & 31 : trial_lb;
trial_hb = ((uint32_t)trial_hb > 31U) ? (~trial_hb >> 31) & 31 : trial_hb;
if ((uint32_t)(trial_lg | trial_hg) > 63U) {
trial_lg = ((uint32_t)trial_lg > 63U) ? (~trial_lg >> 31) & 63 : trial_lg;
trial_hg = ((uint32_t)trial_hg > 63U) ? (~trial_hg >> 31) & 63 : trial_hg;
trial_lr = (trial_lr + (xl.c[0] > g_midpoint5[trial_lr])) & 31;
trial_lg = (trial_lg + (xl.c[1] > g_midpoint6[trial_lg])) & 63;
trial_lb = (trial_lb + (xl.c[2] > g_midpoint5[trial_lb])) & 31;
trial_hr = (trial_hr + (xh.c[0] > g_midpoint5[trial_hr])) & 31;
trial_hg = (trial_hg + (xh.c[1] > g_midpoint6[trial_hg])) & 63;
trial_hb = (trial_hb + (xh.c[2] > g_midpoint5[trial_hb])) & 31;
static inline void precise_round_565_noscale(vec3F xl, vec3F xh, int &trial_lr, int &trial_lg, int &trial_lb, int &trial_hr, int &trial_hg, int &trial_hb) {
xl.c[0] *= 1.0f / 255.0f;
xl.c[1] *= 1.0f / 255.0f;
xl.c[2] *= 1.0f / 255.0f;
xh.c[0] *= 1.0f / 255.0f;
xh.c[1] *= 1.0f / 255.0f;
xh.c[2] *= 1.0f / 255.0f;
precise_round_565(xl, xh, trial_lr, trial_lg, trial_lb, trial_hr, trial_hg, trial_hb);
static inline void bc1_encode4(BC1Block *pDst_block, int lr, int lg, int lb, int hr, int hg, int hb, const uint8_t sels[16]) {
uint16_t lc16 = Color::Pack565Unscaled(lr, lg, lb);
uint16_t hc16 = Color::Pack565Unscaled(hr, hg, hb);
// Always forbid 3 color blocks
if (lc16 == hc16) {
uint8_t mask = 0;
// Make l > h
if (hc16 > 0)
else {
// lc16 = hc16 = 0
assert(lc16 == hc16 && hc16 == 0);
hc16 = 0;
lc16 = 1;
mask = 0x55; // select hc16
assert(lc16 > hc16);
pDst_block->selectors[0] = mask;
pDst_block->selectors[1] = mask;
pDst_block->selectors[2] = mask;
pDst_block->selectors[3] = mask;
} else {
uint8_t invert_mask = 0;
if (lc16 < hc16) {
std::swap(lc16, hc16);
invert_mask = 0x55;
assert(lc16 > hc16);
uint32_t packed_sels = 0;
static const uint8_t s_sel_trans[4] = {0, 2, 3, 1};
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 16; i++) packed_sels |= ((uint32_t)s_sel_trans[sels[i]] << (i * 2));
// todo: make this less silly to prevent packing and unpacking
pDst_block->selectors[0] = (uint8_t)packed_sels ^ invert_mask;
pDst_block->selectors[1] = (uint8_t)(packed_sels >> 8) ^ invert_mask;
pDst_block->selectors[2] = (uint8_t)(packed_sels >> 16) ^ invert_mask;
pDst_block->selectors[3] = (uint8_t)(packed_sels >> 24) ^ invert_mask;
static inline void bc1_encode3(BC1Block *pDst_block, int lr, int lg, int lb, int hr, int hg, int hb, const uint8_t sels[16]) {
uint16_t lc16 = Color::Pack565Unscaled(lr, lg, lb);
uint16_t hc16 = Color::Pack565Unscaled(hr, hg, hb);
bool invert_flag = false;
if (lc16 > hc16) {
std::swap(lc16, hc16);
invert_flag = true;
assert(lc16 <= hc16);
uint32_t packed_sels = 0;
if (invert_flag) {
static const uint8_t s_sel_trans_inv[4] = {1, 0, 2, 3};
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 16; i++) packed_sels |= ((uint32_t)s_sel_trans_inv[sels[i]] << (i * 2));
} else {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 16; i++) packed_sels |= ((uint32_t)sels[i] << (i * 2));
// todo: make this less silly to prevent packing and unpacking
pDst_block->selectors[0] = (uint8_t)packed_sels;
pDst_block->selectors[1] = (uint8_t)(packed_sels >> 8);
pDst_block->selectors[2] = (uint8_t)(packed_sels >> 16);
pDst_block->selectors[3] = (uint8_t)(packed_sels >> 24);
struct bc1_encode_results {
int lr, lg, lb;
int hr, hg, hb;
uint8_t sels[16];
bool m_3color;
static bool try_3color_block_useblack(const Color *pSrc_pixels, uint32_t flags, uint32_t &cur_err, bc1_encode_results &results) {
int total_r = 0, total_g = 0, total_b = 0;
int max_r = 0, max_g = 0, max_b = 0;
int min_r = 255, min_g = 255, min_b = 255;
int total_pixels = 0;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
const int r = pSrc_pixels[i].r, g = pSrc_pixels[i].g, b = pSrc_pixels[i].b;
if ((r | g | b) < 4) continue;
max_r = std::max(max_r, r);
max_g = std::max(max_g, g);
max_b = std::max(max_b, b);
min_r = std::min(min_r, r);
min_g = std::min(min_g, g);
min_b = std::min(min_b, b);
total_r += r;
total_g += g;
total_b += b;
if (!total_pixels) return false;
int half_total_pixels = total_pixels >> 1;
int avg_r = (total_r + half_total_pixels) / total_pixels;
int avg_g = (total_g + half_total_pixels) / total_pixels;
int avg_b = (total_b + half_total_pixels) / total_pixels;
uint32_t low_c = 0, high_c = 0;
int icov[6] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
int r = (int)pSrc_pixels[i].r;
int g = (int)pSrc_pixels[i].g;
int b = (int)pSrc_pixels[i].b;
if ((r | g | b) < 4) continue;
r -= avg_r;
g -= avg_g;
b -= avg_b;
icov[0] += r * r;
icov[1] += r * g;
icov[2] += r * b;
icov[3] += g * g;
icov[4] += g * b;
icov[5] += b * b;
float cov[6];
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 6; i++) cov[i] = (float)(icov[i]) * (1.0f / 255.0f);
float xr = (float)(max_r - min_r);
float xg = (float)(max_g - min_g);
float xb = (float)(max_b - min_b);
if (icov[2] < 0) xr = -xr;
if (icov[4] < 0) xg = -xg;
for (uint32_t power_iter = 0; power_iter < 4; power_iter++) {
float r = xr * cov[0] + xg * cov[1] + xb * cov[2];
float g = xr * cov[1] + xg * cov[3] + xb * cov[4];
float b = xr * cov[2] + xg * cov[4] + xb * cov[5];
xr = r;
xg = g;
xb = b;
float k = maximum(fabsf(xr), fabsf(xg), fabsf(xb));
int saxis_r = 306, saxis_g = 601, saxis_b = 117;
if (k >= 2) {
float m = 1024.0f / k;
saxis_r = (int)(xr * m);
saxis_g = (int)(xg * m);
saxis_b = (int)(xb * m);
int low_dot = INT_MAX, high_dot = INT_MIN;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
int r = (int)pSrc_pixels[i].r, g = (int)pSrc_pixels[i].g, b = (int)pSrc_pixels[i].b;
if ((r | g | b) < 4) continue;
int dot = r * saxis_r + g * saxis_g + b * saxis_b;
if (dot < low_dot) {
low_dot = dot;
low_c = i;
if (dot > high_dot) {
high_dot = dot;
high_c = i;
int lr = scale8To5(pSrc_pixels[low_c].r);
int lg = scale8To6(pSrc_pixels[low_c].g);
int lb = scale8To5(pSrc_pixels[low_c].b);
int hr = scale8To5(pSrc_pixels[high_c].r);
int hg = scale8To6(pSrc_pixels[high_c].g);
int hb = scale8To5(pSrc_pixels[high_c].b);
uint8_t trial_sels[16];
uint32_t trial_err = bc1_find_sels3_fullerr(true, pSrc_pixels, lr, lg, lb, hr, hg, hb, trial_sels, UINT32_MAX);
if (trial_err) {
const uint32_t total_ls_passes = flags & cEncodeBC1TwoLeastSquaresPasses ? 2 : 1;
for (uint32_t trials = 0; trials < total_ls_passes; trials++) {
vec3F xl, xh;
int lr2, lg2, lb2, hr2, hg2, hb2;
if (!compute_least_squares_endpoints3_rgb(true, pSrc_pixels, trial_sels, &xl, &xh)) {
lr2 = g_bc1_match5_half[avg_r].m_hi;
lg2 = g_bc1_match6_half[avg_g].m_hi;
lb2 = g_bc1_match5_half[avg_b].m_hi;
hr2 = g_bc1_match5_half[avg_r].m_lo;
hg2 = g_bc1_match6_half[avg_g].m_lo;
hb2 = g_bc1_match5_half[avg_b].m_lo;
} else {
precise_round_565(xl, xh, hr2, hg2, hb2, lr2, lg2, lb2);
if ((lr == lr2) && (lg == lg2) && (lb == lb2) && (hr == hr2) && (hg == hg2) && (hb == hb2)) break;
uint8_t trial_sels2[16];
uint32_t trial_err2 = bc1_find_sels3_fullerr(true, pSrc_pixels, lr2, lg2, lb2, hr2, hg2, hb2, trial_sels2, trial_err);
if (trial_err2 < trial_err) {
trial_err = trial_err2;
lr = lr2;
lg = lg2;
lb = lb2;
hr = hr2;
hg = hg2;
hb = hb2;
memcpy(trial_sels, trial_sels2, sizeof(trial_sels));
} else
if (trial_err < cur_err) {
results.m_3color = true;
results.lr = lr;
results.lg = lg;
results.lb = lb;
results.hr = hr;
results.hg = hg;
results.hb = hb;
memcpy(results.sels, trial_sels, 16);
cur_err = trial_err;
return true;
return false;
static bool try_3color_block(const Color *pSrc_pixels, uint32_t flags, uint32_t &cur_err, int avg_r, int avg_g, int avg_b, int lr, int lg, int lb, int hr,
int hg, int hb, int total_r, int total_g, int total_b, uint32_t total_orderings_to_try, bc1_encode_results &results) {
uint8_t trial_sels[16];
uint32_t trial_err = bc1_find_sels3_fullerr(false, pSrc_pixels, lr, lg, lb, hr, hg, hb, trial_sels, UINT32_MAX);
if (trial_err) {
const uint32_t total_ls_passes = flags & cEncodeBC1TwoLeastSquaresPasses ? 2 : 1;
for (uint32_t trials = 0; trials < total_ls_passes; trials++) {
vec3F xl, xh;
int lr2, lg2, lb2, hr2, hg2, hb2;
if (!compute_least_squares_endpoints3_rgb(false, pSrc_pixels, trial_sels, &xl, &xh)) {
lr2 = g_bc1_match5_half[avg_r].m_hi;
lg2 = g_bc1_match6_half[avg_g].m_hi;
lb2 = g_bc1_match5_half[avg_b].m_hi;
hr2 = g_bc1_match5_half[avg_r].m_lo;
hg2 = g_bc1_match6_half[avg_g].m_lo;
hb2 = g_bc1_match5_half[avg_b].m_lo;
} else {
precise_round_565(xl, xh, hr2, hg2, hb2, lr2, lg2, lb2);
if ((lr == lr2) && (lg == lg2) && (lb == lb2) && (hr == hr2) && (hg == hg2) && (hb == hb2)) break;
uint8_t trial_sels2[16];
uint32_t trial_err2 = bc1_find_sels3_fullerr(false, pSrc_pixels, lr2, lg2, lb2, hr2, hg2, hb2, trial_sels2, trial_err);
if (trial_err2 < trial_err) {
trial_err = trial_err2;
lr = lr2;
lg = lg2;
lb = lb2;
hr = hr2;
hg = hg2;
hb = hb2;
memcpy(trial_sels, trial_sels2, sizeof(trial_sels));
} else
if ((trial_err) && (flags & cEncodeBC1UseLikelyTotalOrderings) && (total_orderings_to_try)) {
hist3 h;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
assert(trial_sels[i] < 3);
const uint32_t orig_total_order_index = h.lookup_total_ordering_index();
int r0, g0, b0, r3, g3, b3;
r0 = (lr << 3) | (lr >> 2);
g0 = (lg << 2) | (lg >> 4);
b0 = (lb << 3) | (lb >> 2);
r3 = (hr << 3) | (hr >> 2);
g3 = (hg << 2) | (hg >> 4);
b3 = (hb << 3) | (hb >> 2);
int ar = r3 - r0, ag = g3 - g0, ab = b3 - b0;
int dots[16];
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
int r = pSrc_pixels[i].r;
int g = pSrc_pixels[i].g;
int b = pSrc_pixels[i].b;
int d = 0x1000000 + (r * ar + g * ag + b * ab);
assert(d >= 0);
dots[i] = (d << 4) + i;
std::sort(dots, dots + 16);
uint32_t r_sum[17], g_sum[17], b_sum[17];
uint32_t r = 0, g = 0, b = 0;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
const uint32_t p = dots[i] & 15;
r_sum[i] = r;
g_sum[i] = g;
b_sum[i] = b;
r += pSrc_pixels[p].r;
g += pSrc_pixels[p].g;
b += pSrc_pixels[p].b;
r_sum[16] = total_r;
g_sum[16] = total_g;
b_sum[16] = total_b;
const uint32_t q_total = (flags & cEncodeBC1Exhaustive) ? NUM_UNIQUE_TOTAL_ORDERINGS3 : std::min(total_orderings_to_try, MAX_TOTAL_ORDERINGS3);
for (uint32_t q = 0; q < q_total; q++) {
const uint32_t s = (flags & cEncodeBC1Exhaustive) ? q : g_best_total_orderings3[orig_total_order_index][q];
int trial_lr, trial_lg, trial_lb, trial_hr, trial_hg, trial_hb;
vec3F xl, xh;
if ((s == TOTAL_ORDER_3_0_16) || (s == TOTAL_ORDER_3_1_16) || (s == TOTAL_ORDER_3_2_16)) {
trial_lr = g_bc1_match5_half[avg_r].m_hi;
trial_lg = g_bc1_match6_half[avg_g].m_hi;
trial_lb = g_bc1_match5_half[avg_b].m_hi;
trial_hr = g_bc1_match5_half[avg_r].m_lo;
trial_hg = g_bc1_match6_half[avg_g].m_lo;
trial_hb = g_bc1_match5_half[avg_b].m_lo;
} else {
compute_least_squares_endpoints3_rgb(&xl, &xh, total_r, total_g, total_b, g_selector_factors3[s][0], g_selector_factors3[s][1],
g_selector_factors3[s][2], s, r_sum, g_sum, b_sum);
precise_round_565(xl, xh, trial_hr, trial_hg, trial_hb, trial_lr, trial_lg, trial_lb);
uint8_t trial_sels2[16];
uint32_t trial_err2 =
bc1_find_sels3_fullerr(false, pSrc_pixels, trial_lr, trial_lg, trial_lb, trial_hr, trial_hg, trial_hb, trial_sels2, UINT32_MAX);
if (trial_err2 < trial_err) {
trial_err = trial_err2;
lr = trial_lr;
lg = trial_lg;
lb = trial_lb;
hr = trial_hr;
hg = trial_hg;
hb = trial_hb;
memcpy(trial_sels, trial_sels2, sizeof(trial_sels));
} // s
if (trial_err < cur_err) {
results.m_3color = true;
results.lr = lr;
results.lg = lg;
results.lb = lb;
results.hr = hr;
results.hg = hg;
results.hb = hb;
memcpy(results.sels, trial_sels, 16);
cur_err = trial_err;
return true;
return false;
void encode_bc1(uint32_t level, void *pDst, const uint8_t *pPixels, bool allow_3color, bool allow_transparent_texels_for_black) {
uint32_t flags = 0, total_orderings4 = 1, total_orderings3 = 1;
static_assert(MAX_TOTAL_ORDERINGS3 >= 32, "MAX_TOTAL_ORDERINGS3 >= 32");
static_assert(MAX_TOTAL_ORDERINGS4 >= 32, "MAX_TOTAL_ORDERINGS4 >= 32");
switch (level) {
case 0:
// Faster/higher quality than stb_dxt default.
flags = cEncodeBC1BoundingBoxInt;
case 1:
// Faster/higher quality than stb_dxt default. a bit higher average quality vs. mode 0.
flags = cEncodeBC1Use2DLS;
case 2:
// On average mode 2 is a little weaker than modes 0/1, but it's stronger on outliers (very tough textures).
// Slightly stronger than stb_dxt.
flags = 0;
case 3:
// Slightly stronger than stb_dxt HIGHQUAL.
flags = cEncodeBC1TwoLeastSquaresPasses;
case 4:
flags = cEncodeBC1TwoLeastSquaresPasses | cEncodeBC1UseFullMSEEval | cEncodeBC1Use6PowerIters;
case 5:
// stb_dxt HIGHQUAL + permit 3 color (if it's enabled).
flags = cEncodeBC1TwoLeastSquaresPasses | cEncodeBC1UseFasterMSEEval;
flags |= (allow_3color ? cEncodeBC1Use3ColorBlocks : 0) | (allow_transparent_texels_for_black ? cEncodeBC1Use3ColorBlocksForBlackPixels : 0);
case 6:
flags = cEncodeBC1TwoLeastSquaresPasses | cEncodeBC1UseFasterMSEEval | cEncodeBC1UseLikelyTotalOrderings;
flags |= (allow_3color ? cEncodeBC1Use3ColorBlocks : 0) | (allow_transparent_texels_for_black ? cEncodeBC1Use3ColorBlocksForBlackPixels : 0);
case 7:
flags = cEncodeBC1TwoLeastSquaresPasses | cEncodeBC1UseFasterMSEEval | cEncodeBC1UseLikelyTotalOrderings;
flags |= (allow_3color ? cEncodeBC1Use3ColorBlocks : 0) | (allow_transparent_texels_for_black ? cEncodeBC1Use3ColorBlocksForBlackPixels : 0);
total_orderings4 = 4;
case 8:
flags = cEncodeBC1TwoLeastSquaresPasses | cEncodeBC1UseFasterMSEEval | cEncodeBC1UseLikelyTotalOrderings;
flags |= (allow_3color ? cEncodeBC1Use3ColorBlocks : 0) | (allow_transparent_texels_for_black ? cEncodeBC1Use3ColorBlocksForBlackPixels : 0);
total_orderings4 = 8;
case 9:
flags = cEncodeBC1TwoLeastSquaresPasses | cEncodeBC1UseLikelyTotalOrderings;
flags |= (allow_3color ? cEncodeBC1Use3ColorBlocks : 0) | (allow_transparent_texels_for_black ? cEncodeBC1Use3ColorBlocksForBlackPixels : 0);
total_orderings4 = 11;
total_orderings3 = 3;
case 10:
flags = cEncodeBC1TwoLeastSquaresPasses | cEncodeBC1UseLikelyTotalOrderings;
flags |= (allow_3color ? cEncodeBC1Use3ColorBlocks : 0) | (allow_transparent_texels_for_black ? cEncodeBC1Use3ColorBlocksForBlackPixels : 0);
total_orderings4 = 20;
total_orderings3 = 8;
case 11:
flags = cEncodeBC1TwoLeastSquaresPasses | cEncodeBC1UseLikelyTotalOrderings;
flags |= (allow_3color ? cEncodeBC1Use3ColorBlocks : 0) | (allow_transparent_texels_for_black ? cEncodeBC1Use3ColorBlocksForBlackPixels : 0);
total_orderings4 = 28;
total_orderings3 = 16;
case 12:
flags = cEncodeBC1TwoLeastSquaresPasses | cEncodeBC1UseLikelyTotalOrderings;
flags |= (allow_3color ? cEncodeBC1Use3ColorBlocks : 0) | (allow_transparent_texels_for_black ? cEncodeBC1Use3ColorBlocksForBlackPixels : 0);
total_orderings4 = 32;
total_orderings3 = 32;
case 13:
flags = cEncodeBC1TwoLeastSquaresPasses | cEncodeBC1UseFullMSEEval | cEncodeBC1UseLikelyTotalOrderings | cEncodeBC1Use6PowerIters |
(20 << cEncodeBC1EndpointSearchRoundsShift) | cEncodeBC1TryAllInitialEndponts;
flags |= (allow_3color ? cEncodeBC1Use3ColorBlocks : 0) | (allow_transparent_texels_for_black ? cEncodeBC1Use3ColorBlocksForBlackPixels : 0);
total_orderings4 = 32;
total_orderings3 = 32;
case 14:
flags = cEncodeBC1TwoLeastSquaresPasses | cEncodeBC1UseFullMSEEval | cEncodeBC1UseLikelyTotalOrderings | cEncodeBC1Use6PowerIters |
(32 << cEncodeBC1EndpointSearchRoundsShift) | cEncodeBC1TryAllInitialEndponts;
flags |= (allow_3color ? cEncodeBC1Use3ColorBlocks : 0) | (allow_transparent_texels_for_black ? cEncodeBC1Use3ColorBlocksForBlackPixels : 0);
total_orderings4 = 32;
total_orderings3 = 32;
case 15:
flags = cEncodeBC1TwoLeastSquaresPasses | cEncodeBC1UseFullMSEEval | cEncodeBC1UseLikelyTotalOrderings | cEncodeBC1Use6PowerIters |
(32 << cEncodeBC1EndpointSearchRoundsShift) | cEncodeBC1TryAllInitialEndponts;
flags |= (allow_3color ? cEncodeBC1Use3ColorBlocks : 0) | (allow_transparent_texels_for_black ? cEncodeBC1Use3ColorBlocksForBlackPixels : 0);
total_orderings4 = ((((32 + MAX_TOTAL_ORDERINGS4) / 2) + 32) / 2);
total_orderings3 = 32;
case 16:
flags = cEncodeBC1TwoLeastSquaresPasses | cEncodeBC1UseFullMSEEval | cEncodeBC1UseLikelyTotalOrderings | cEncodeBC1Use6PowerIters |
(256 << cEncodeBC1EndpointSearchRoundsShift) | cEncodeBC1TryAllInitialEndponts;
flags |= (allow_3color ? cEncodeBC1Use3ColorBlocks : 0) | (allow_transparent_texels_for_black ? cEncodeBC1Use3ColorBlocksForBlackPixels : 0);
total_orderings4 = (32 + MAX_TOTAL_ORDERINGS4) / 2;
total_orderings3 = 32;
case 17:
flags = cEncodeBC1TwoLeastSquaresPasses | cEncodeBC1UseFullMSEEval | cEncodeBC1UseLikelyTotalOrderings | cEncodeBC1Use6PowerIters |
(256 << cEncodeBC1EndpointSearchRoundsShift) | cEncodeBC1TryAllInitialEndponts;
flags |= (allow_3color ? cEncodeBC1Use3ColorBlocks : 0) | (allow_transparent_texels_for_black ? cEncodeBC1Use3ColorBlocksForBlackPixels : 0);
total_orderings4 = MAX_TOTAL_ORDERINGS4;
total_orderings3 = 32;
case 18:
flags = cEncodeBC1TwoLeastSquaresPasses | cEncodeBC1UseFullMSEEval | cEncodeBC1UseLikelyTotalOrderings | cEncodeBC1Use6PowerIters |
cEncodeBC1Iterative | (256 << cEncodeBC1EndpointSearchRoundsShift) | cEncodeBC1TryAllInitialEndponts;
flags |= (allow_3color ? cEncodeBC1Use3ColorBlocks : 0) | (allow_transparent_texels_for_black ? cEncodeBC1Use3ColorBlocksForBlackPixels : 0);
total_orderings4 = MAX_TOTAL_ORDERINGS4;
total_orderings3 = 32;
case 19:
// This hidden mode is *extremely* slow and abuses the encoder. It's just for testing/training.
flags = cEncodeBC1TwoLeastSquaresPasses | cEncodeBC1UseFullMSEEval | cEncodeBC1UseLikelyTotalOrderings | cEncodeBC1Use6PowerIters |
cEncodeBC1Exhaustive | cEncodeBC1Iterative | (256 << cEncodeBC1EndpointSearchRoundsShift) | cEncodeBC1TryAllInitialEndponts;
flags |= (allow_3color ? cEncodeBC1Use3ColorBlocks : 0) | (allow_transparent_texels_for_black ? cEncodeBC1Use3ColorBlocksForBlackPixels : 0);
total_orderings4 = 32;
total_orderings3 = 32;
encode_bc1(pDst, pPixels, flags, total_orderings4, total_orderings3);
// Finds low and high colors to begin with
static inline void encode_bc1_pick_initial(const Color *pSrc_pixels, uint32_t flags, bool grayscale_flag, int min_r, int min_g, int min_b, int max_r,
int max_g, int max_b, int avg_r, int avg_g, int avg_b, int total_r, int total_g, int total_b, int &lr, int &lg,
int &lb, int &hr, int &hg, int &hb) {
if (grayscale_flag) {
const int fr = pSrc_pixels[0].r;
// Grayscale blocks are a common enough case to specialize.
if ((max_r - min_r) < 2) {
lr = lb = hr = hb = scale8To5(fr);
lg = hg = scale8To6(fr);
} else {
lr = lb = scale8To5(min_r);
lg = scale8To6(min_r);
hr = hb = scale8To5(max_r);
hg = scale8To6(max_r);
} else if (flags & cEncodeBC1Use2DLS) {
// 2D Least Squares approach from Humus's example, with added inset and optimal rounding.
int big_chan = 0, min_chan_val = min_r, max_chan_val = max_r;
if ((max_g - min_g) > (max_chan_val - min_chan_val)) big_chan = 1, min_chan_val = min_g, max_chan_val = max_g;
if ((max_b - min_b) > (max_chan_val - min_chan_val)) big_chan = 2, min_chan_val = min_b, max_chan_val = max_b;
int sum_xy_r = 0, sum_xy_g = 0, sum_xy_b = 0;
vec3F l, h;
if (big_chan == 0) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
const int r = pSrc_pixels[i].r, g = pSrc_pixels[i].g, b = pSrc_pixels[i].b;
sum_xy_r += r * r, sum_xy_g += r * g, sum_xy_b += r * b;
int sum_x = total_r;
int sum_x2 = sum_xy_r;
float div = (float)(16 * sum_x2 - sum_x * sum_x);
float b_y = 0.0f, b_z = 0.0f;
if (fabs(div) > 1e-8f) {
div = 1.0f / div;
b_y = (16 * sum_xy_g - sum_x * total_g) * div;
b_z = (16 * sum_xy_b - sum_x * total_b) * div;
float a_y = (total_g - b_y * sum_x) / 16.0f;
float a_z = (total_b - b_z * sum_x) / 16.0f;
l.c[1] = a_y + b_y * min_chan_val;
l.c[2] = a_z + b_z * min_chan_val;
h.c[1] = a_y + b_y * max_chan_val;
h.c[2] = a_z + b_z * max_chan_val;
float dg = (h.c[1] - l.c[1]);
float db = (h.c[2] - l.c[2]);
h.c[1] = l.c[1] + dg * (15.0f / 16.0f);
h.c[2] = l.c[2] + db * (15.0f / 16.0f);
l.c[1] = l.c[1] + dg * (1.0f / 16.0f);
l.c[2] = l.c[2] + db * (1.0f / 16.0f);
float d = (float)(max_chan_val - min_chan_val);
float fmin_chan_val = min_chan_val + d * (1.0f / 16.0f);
float fmax_chan_val = min_chan_val + d * (15.0f / 16.0f);
l.c[0] = fmin_chan_val;
h.c[0] = fmax_chan_val;
} else if (big_chan == 1) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
const int r = pSrc_pixels[i].r, g = pSrc_pixels[i].g, b = pSrc_pixels[i].b;
sum_xy_r += g * r, sum_xy_g += g * g, sum_xy_b += g * b;
int sum_x = total_g;
int sum_x2 = sum_xy_g;
float div = (float)(16 * sum_x2 - sum_x * sum_x);
float b_x = 0.0f, b_z = 0.0f;
if (fabs(div) > 1e-8f) {
div = 1.0f / div;
b_x = (16 * sum_xy_r - sum_x * total_r) * div;
b_z = (16 * sum_xy_b - sum_x * total_b) * div;
float a_x = (total_r - b_x * sum_x) / 16.0f;
float a_z = (total_b - b_z * sum_x) / 16.0f;
l.c[0] = a_x + b_x * min_chan_val;
l.c[2] = a_z + b_z * min_chan_val;
h.c[0] = a_x + b_x * max_chan_val;
h.c[2] = a_z + b_z * max_chan_val;
float dr = (h.c[0] - l.c[0]);
float db = (h.c[2] - l.c[2]);
h.c[0] = l.c[0] + dr * (15.0f / 16.0f);
h.c[2] = l.c[2] + db * (15.0f / 16.0f);
l.c[0] = l.c[0] + dr * (1.0f / 16.0f);
l.c[2] = l.c[2] + db * (1.0f / 16.0f);
float d = (float)(max_chan_val - min_chan_val);
float fmin_chan_val = min_chan_val + d * (1.0f / 16.0f);
float fmax_chan_val = min_chan_val + d * (15.0f / 16.0f);
l.c[1] = fmin_chan_val;
h.c[1] = fmax_chan_val;
} else {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
const int r = pSrc_pixels[i].r, g = pSrc_pixels[i].g, b = pSrc_pixels[i].b;
sum_xy_r += b * r, sum_xy_g += b * g, sum_xy_b += b * b;
int sum_x = total_b;
int sum_x2 = sum_xy_b;
float div = (float)(16 * sum_x2 - sum_x * sum_x);
float b_x = 0.0f, b_y = 0.0f;
if (fabs(div) > 1e-8f) {
div = 1.0f / div;
b_x = (16 * sum_xy_r - sum_x * total_r) * div;
b_y = (16 * sum_xy_g - sum_x * total_g) * div;
float a_x = (total_r - b_x * sum_x) / 16.0f;
float a_y = (total_g - b_y * sum_x) / 16.0f;
l.c[0] = a_x + b_x * min_chan_val;
l.c[1] = a_y + b_y * min_chan_val;
h.c[0] = a_x + b_x * max_chan_val;
h.c[1] = a_y + b_y * max_chan_val;
float dr = (h.c[0] - l.c[0]);
float dg = (h.c[1] - l.c[1]);
h.c[0] = l.c[0] + dr * (15.0f / 16.0f);
h.c[1] = l.c[1] + dg * (15.0f / 16.0f);
l.c[0] = l.c[0] + dr * (1.0f / 16.0f);
l.c[1] = l.c[1] + dg * (1.0f / 16.0f);
float d = (float)(max_chan_val - min_chan_val);
float fmin_chan_val = min_chan_val + d * (1.0f / 16.0f);
float fmax_chan_val = min_chan_val + d * (15.0f / 16.0f);
l.c[2] = fmin_chan_val;
h.c[2] = fmax_chan_val;
precise_round_565_noscale(l, h, lr, lg, lb, hr, hg, hb);
} else if (flags & cEncodeBC1BoundingBox) {
// Algorithm from icbc.h compress_dxt1_fast()
vec3F l, h;
l.c[0] = min_r * (1.0f / 255.0f);
l.c[1] = min_g * (1.0f / 255.0f);
l.c[2] = min_b * (1.0f / 255.0f);
h.c[0] = max_r * (1.0f / 255.0f);
h.c[1] = max_g * (1.0f / 255.0f);
h.c[2] = max_b * (1.0f / 255.0f);
const float bias = 8.0f / 255.0f;
float inset_r = (h.c[0] - l.c[0] - bias) * (1.0f / 16.0f);
float inset_g = (h.c[1] - l.c[1] - bias) * (1.0f / 16.0f);
float inset_b = (h.c[2] - l.c[2] - bias) * (1.0f / 16.0f);
l.c[0] = clampf(l.c[0] + inset_r, 0.0f, 1.0f);
l.c[1] = clampf(l.c[1] + inset_g, 0.0f, 1.0f);
l.c[2] = clampf(l.c[2] + inset_b, 0.0f, 1.0f);
h.c[0] = clampf(h.c[0] - inset_r, 0.0f, 1.0f);
h.c[1] = clampf(h.c[1] - inset_g, 0.0f, 1.0f);
h.c[2] = clampf(h.c[2] - inset_b, 0.0f, 1.0f);
int icov_xz = 0, icov_yz = 0;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
int r = (int)pSrc_pixels[i].r - avg_r;
int g = (int)pSrc_pixels[i].g - avg_g;
int b = (int)pSrc_pixels[i].b - avg_b;
icov_xz += r * b;
icov_yz += g * b;
if (icov_xz < 0) std::swap(l.c[0], h.c[0]);
if (icov_yz < 0) std::swap(l.c[1], h.c[1]);
precise_round_565(l, h, lr, lg, lb, hr, hg, hb);
} else if (flags & cEncodeBC1BoundingBoxInt) {
// Algorithm from icbc.h compress_dxt1_fast(), but converted to integer.
int inset_r = (max_r - min_r - 8) >> 4;
int inset_g = (max_g - min_g - 8) >> 4;
int inset_b = (max_b - min_b - 8) >> 4;
min_r += inset_r;
min_g += inset_g;
min_b += inset_b;
if ((uint32_t)(min_r | min_g | min_b) > 255U) {
min_r = clampi(min_r, 0, 255);
min_g = clampi(min_g, 0, 255);
min_b = clampi(min_b, 0, 255);
max_r -= inset_r;
max_g -= inset_g;
max_b -= inset_b;
if ((uint32_t)(max_r | max_g | max_b) > 255U) {
max_r = clampi(max_r, 0, 255);
max_g = clampi(max_g, 0, 255);
max_b = clampi(max_b, 0, 255);
int icov_xz = 0, icov_yz = 0;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
int r = (int)pSrc_pixels[i].r - avg_r;
int g = (int)pSrc_pixels[i].g - avg_g;
int b = (int)pSrc_pixels[i].b - avg_b;
icov_xz += r * b;
icov_yz += g * b;
int x0 = min_r;
int y0 = min_g;
int x1 = max_r;
int y1 = max_g;
// swap r and g min and max to align principal axis
if (icov_xz < 0) std::swap(x0, x1);
if (icov_yz < 0) std::swap(y0, y1);
lr = scale8To5(x0);
lg = scale8To6(y0);
lb = scale8To5(min_b);
hr = scale8To5(x1);
hg = scale8To6(y1);
hb = scale8To5(max_b);
} else {
// Select 2 colors along the principle axis. (There must be a faster/simpler way.)
uint32_t low_c = 0, high_c = 0;
int icov[6] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
int r = (int)pSrc_pixels[i].r - avg_r;
int g = (int)pSrc_pixels[i].g - avg_g;
int b = (int)pSrc_pixels[i].b - avg_b;
icov[0] += r * r;
icov[1] += r * g;
icov[2] += r * b;
icov[3] += g * g;
icov[4] += g * b;
icov[5] += b * b;
int saxis_r = 306, saxis_g = 601, saxis_b = 117;
float xr = (float)(max_r - min_r);
float xg = (float)(max_g - min_g);
float xb = (float)(max_b - min_b);
if (icov[2] < 0) xr = -xr;
if (icov[4] < 0) xg = -xg;
float cov[6];
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 6; i++) cov[i] = (float)(icov[i]) * (1.0f / 255.0f);
const uint32_t total_power_iters = (flags & cEncodeBC1Use6PowerIters) ? 6 : 4;
for (uint32_t power_iter = 0; power_iter < total_power_iters; power_iter++) {
float r = xr * cov[0] + xg * cov[1] + xb * cov[2];
float g = xr * cov[1] + xg * cov[3] + xb * cov[4];
float b = xr * cov[2] + xg * cov[4] + xb * cov[5];
xr = r;
xg = g;
xb = b;
float k = maximum(fabsf(xr), fabsf(xg), fabsf(xb));
if (k >= 2) {
float m = 2048.0f / k;
saxis_r = (int)(xr * m);
saxis_g = (int)(xg * m);
saxis_b = (int)(xb * m);
int low_dot = INT_MAX, high_dot = INT_MIN;
saxis_r = (int)((uint32_t)saxis_r << 4U);
saxis_g = (int)((uint32_t)saxis_g << 4U);
saxis_b = (int)((uint32_t)saxis_b << 4U);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 16; i += 4) {
int dot0 = ((pSrc_pixels[i].r * saxis_r + pSrc_pixels[i].g * saxis_g + pSrc_pixels[i].b * saxis_b) & ~0xF) + i;
int dot1 = ((pSrc_pixels[i + 1].r * saxis_r + pSrc_pixels[i + 1].g * saxis_g + pSrc_pixels[i + 1].b * saxis_b) & ~0xF) + i + 1;
int dot2 = ((pSrc_pixels[i + 2].r * saxis_r + pSrc_pixels[i + 2].g * saxis_g + pSrc_pixels[i + 2].b * saxis_b) & ~0xF) + i + 2;
int dot3 = ((pSrc_pixels[i + 3].r * saxis_r + pSrc_pixels[i + 3].g * saxis_g + pSrc_pixels[i + 3].b * saxis_b) & ~0xF) + i + 3;
int min_d01 = std::min(dot0, dot1);
int max_d01 = std::max(dot0, dot1);
int min_d23 = std::min(dot2, dot3);
int max_d23 = std::max(dot2, dot3);
int min_d = std::min(min_d01, min_d23);
int max_d = std::max(max_d01, max_d23);
low_dot = std::min(low_dot, min_d);
high_dot = std::max(high_dot, max_d);
low_c = low_dot & 15;
high_c = high_dot & 15;
lr = scale8To5(pSrc_pixels[low_c].r);
lg = scale8To6(pSrc_pixels[low_c].g);
lb = scale8To5(pSrc_pixels[low_c].b);
hr = scale8To5(pSrc_pixels[high_c].r);
hg = scale8To6(pSrc_pixels[high_c].g);
hb = scale8To5(pSrc_pixels[high_c].b);
static const int8_t s_adjacent_voxels[16][4] = {
{1, 0, 0, 3}, // 0
{0, 1, 0, 4}, // 1
{0, 0, 1, 5}, // 2
{-1, 0, 0, 0}, // 3
{0, -1, 0, 1}, // 4
{0, 0, -1, 2}, // 5
{1, 1, 0, 9}, // 6
{1, 0, 1, 10}, // 7
{0, 1, 1, 11}, // 8
{-1, -1, 0, 6}, // 9
{-1, 0, -1, 7}, // 10
{0, -1, -1, 8}, // 11
{-1, 1, 0, 13}, // 12
{1, -1, 0, 12}, // 13
{0, -1, 1, 15}, // 14
{0, 1, -1, 14}, // 15
// From icbc's high quality mode.
static inline void encode_bc1_endpoint_search(const Color *pSrc_pixels, bool any_black_pixels, uint32_t flags, bc1_encode_results &results,
uint32_t cur_err) {
int &lr = results.lr, &lg = results.lg, &lb = results.lb, &hr = results.hr, &hg = results.hg, &hb = results.hb;
uint8_t *sels = results.sels;
int prev_improvement_index = 0, forbidden_direction = -1;
const int endpoint_search_rounds = (flags & cEncodeBC1EndpointSearchRoundsMask) >> cEncodeBC1EndpointSearchRoundsShift;
for (int i = 0; i < endpoint_search_rounds; i++) {
assert(s_adjacent_voxels[s_adjacent_voxels[i & 15][3]][3] == (i & 15));
if (forbidden_direction == (i & 31)) continue;
const int8_t delta[3] = {s_adjacent_voxels[i & 15][0], s_adjacent_voxels[i & 15][1], s_adjacent_voxels[i & 15][2]};
int trial_lr = lr, trial_lg = lg, trial_lb = lb, trial_hr = hr, trial_hg = hg, trial_hb = hb;
if ((i >> 4) & 1) {
trial_lr = clampi(trial_lr + delta[0], 0, 31);
trial_lg = clampi(trial_lg + delta[1], 0, 63);
trial_lb = clampi(trial_lb + delta[2], 0, 31);
} else {
trial_hr = clampi(trial_hr + delta[0], 0, 31);
trial_hg = clampi(trial_hg + delta[1], 0, 63);
trial_hb = clampi(trial_hb + delta[2], 0, 31);
uint8_t trial_sels[16];
uint32_t trial_err;
if (results.m_3color) {
trial_err = bc1_find_sels3_fullerr(((any_black_pixels) && ((flags & cEncodeBC1Use3ColorBlocksForBlackPixels) != 0)), pSrc_pixels, trial_lr,
trial_lg, trial_lb, trial_hr, trial_hg, trial_hb, trial_sels, cur_err);
} else {
trial_err = bc1_find_sels4(flags, pSrc_pixels, trial_lr, trial_lg, trial_lb, trial_hr, trial_hg, trial_hb, trial_sels, cur_err);
if (trial_err < cur_err) {
cur_err = trial_err;
forbidden_direction = s_adjacent_voxels[i & 15][3] | (i & 16);
lr = trial_lr, lg = trial_lg, lb = trial_lb, hr = trial_hr, hg = trial_hg, hb = trial_hb;
memcpy(sels, trial_sels, 16);
prev_improvement_index = i;
if (i - prev_improvement_index > 32) break;
void encode_bc1(void *pDst, const uint8_t *pPixels, uint32_t flags, uint32_t total_orderings_to_try, uint32_t total_orderings_to_try3) {
const Color *pSrc_pixels = (const Color *)pPixels;
BC1Block *pDst_block = static_cast<BC1Block *>(pDst);
int avg_r, avg_g, avg_b, min_r, min_g, min_b, max_r, max_g, max_b;
const uint32_t fr = pSrc_pixels[0].r, fg = pSrc_pixels[0].g, fb = pSrc_pixels[0].b;
uint32_t j;
for (j = 15; j >= 1; --j)
if ((pSrc_pixels[j].r != fr) || (pSrc_pixels[j].g != fg) || (pSrc_pixels[j].b != fb)) break;
if (j == 0) {
encode_bc1_solid_block(pDst, fr, fg, fb, (flags & (cEncodeBC1Use3ColorBlocks | cEncodeBC1Use3ColorBlocksForBlackPixels)) != 0);
int total_r = fr, total_g = fg, total_b = fb;
max_r = fr, max_g = fg, max_b = fb;
min_r = fr, min_g = fg, min_b = fb;
uint32_t grayscale_flag = (fr == fg) && (fr == fb);
uint32_t any_black_pixels = (fr | fg | fb) < 4;
for (uint32_t i = 1; i < 16; i++) {
const int r = pSrc_pixels[i].r, g = pSrc_pixels[i].g, b = pSrc_pixels[i].b;
grayscale_flag &= ((r == g) && (r == b));
any_black_pixels |= ((r | g | b) < 4);
max_r = std::max(max_r, r);
max_g = std::max(max_g, g);
max_b = std::max(max_b, b);
min_r = std::min(min_r, r);
min_g = std::min(min_g, g);
min_b = std::min(min_b, b);
total_r += r;
total_g += g;
total_b += b;
avg_r = (total_r + 8) >> 4, avg_g = (total_g + 8) >> 4, avg_b = (total_b + 8) >> 4;
bc1_encode_results results;
results.m_3color = false;
uint8_t *sels = results.sels;
int &lr = results.lr, &lg = results.lg, &lb = results.lb, &hr = results.hr, &hg = results.hg, &hb = results.hb;
int orig_lr = 0, orig_lg = 0, orig_lb = 0, orig_hr = 0, orig_hg = 0, orig_hb = 0;
lr = 0, lg = 0, lb = 0, hr = 0, hg = 0, hb = 0;
const bool needs_block_error =
((flags & (cEncodeBC1UseLikelyTotalOrderings | cEncodeBC1Use3ColorBlocks | cEncodeBC1UseFullMSEEval | cEncodeBC1EndpointSearchRoundsMask)) != 0) ||
(any_black_pixels && ((flags & cEncodeBC1Use3ColorBlocksForBlackPixels) != 0));
uint32_t cur_err = UINT32_MAX;
if (!needs_block_error) {
assert((flags & cEncodeBC1TryAllInitialEndponts) == 0);
encode_bc1_pick_initial(pSrc_pixels, flags, grayscale_flag != 0, min_r, min_g, min_b, max_r, max_g, max_b, avg_r, avg_g, avg_b, total_r, total_g,
total_b, lr, lg, lb, hr, hg, hb);
orig_lr = lr, orig_lg = lg, orig_lb = lb, orig_hr = hr, orig_hg = hg, orig_hb = hb;
bc1_find_sels4_noerr(pSrc_pixels, lr, lg, lb, hr, hg, hb, sels);
const uint32_t total_ls_passes = flags & cEncodeBC1TwoLeastSquaresPasses ? 2 : 1;
for (uint32_t ls_pass = 0; ls_pass < total_ls_passes; ls_pass++) {
int trial_lr, trial_lg, trial_lb, trial_hr, trial_hg, trial_hb;
vec3F xl, xh;
if (!compute_least_squares_endpoints4_rgb(pSrc_pixels, sels, &xl, &xh, total_r, total_g, total_b)) {
// All selectors equal - treat it as a solid block which should always be equal or better.
trial_lr = g_bc1_match5_equals_1[avg_r].m_hi;
trial_lg = g_bc1_match6_equals_1[avg_g].m_hi;
trial_lb = g_bc1_match5_equals_1[avg_b].m_hi;
trial_hr = g_bc1_match5_equals_1[avg_r].m_lo;
trial_hg = g_bc1_match6_equals_1[avg_g].m_lo;
trial_hb = g_bc1_match5_equals_1[avg_b].m_lo;
// In high/higher quality mode, let it try again in case the optimal tables have caused the sels to diverge.
} else {
precise_round_565(xl, xh, trial_hr, trial_hg, trial_hb, trial_lr, trial_lg, trial_lb);
if ((lr == trial_lr) && (lg == trial_lg) && (lb == trial_lb) && (hr == trial_hr) && (hg == trial_hg) && (hb == trial_hb)) break;
bc1_find_sels4_noerr(pSrc_pixels, trial_lr, trial_lg, trial_lb, trial_hr, trial_hg, trial_hb, sels);
lr = trial_lr;
lg = trial_lg;
lb = trial_lb;
hr = trial_hr;
hg = trial_hg;
hb = trial_hb;
} // ls_pass
} else {
// calculate block error from naïve approach
const uint32_t total_rounds = (flags & cEncodeBC1TryAllInitialEndponts) ? 2 : 1;
for (uint32_t round = 0; round < total_rounds; round++) {
uint32_t modified_flags = flags;
if (round == 1) {
modified_flags &= ~(cEncodeBC1Use2DLS | cEncodeBC1BoundingBox);
modified_flags |= cEncodeBC1BoundingBox;
int round_lr, round_lg, round_lb, round_hr, round_hg, round_hb;
uint8_t round_sels[16];
encode_bc1_pick_initial(pSrc_pixels, modified_flags, grayscale_flag != 0, min_r, min_g, min_b, max_r, max_g, max_b, avg_r, avg_g, avg_b, total_r,
total_g, total_b, round_lr, round_lg, round_lb, round_hr, round_hg, round_hb);
int orig_round_lr = round_lr, orig_round_lg = round_lg, orig_round_lb = round_lb, orig_round_hr = round_hr, orig_round_hg = round_hg,
orig_round_hb = round_hb;
uint32_t round_err = bc1_find_sels4(flags, pSrc_pixels, round_lr, round_lg, round_lb, round_hr, round_hg, round_hb, round_sels, UINT32_MAX);
const uint32_t total_ls_passes = flags & cEncodeBC1TwoLeastSquaresPasses ? 2 : 1;
for (uint32_t ls_pass = 0; ls_pass < total_ls_passes; ls_pass++) {
int trial_lr, trial_lg, trial_lb, trial_hr, trial_hg, trial_hb;
vec3F xl, xh;
if (!compute_least_squares_endpoints4_rgb(pSrc_pixels, round_sels, &xl, &xh, total_r, total_g, total_b)) {
// All selectors equal - treat it as a solid block which should always be equal or better.
trial_lr = g_bc1_match5_equals_1[avg_r].m_hi;
trial_lg = g_bc1_match6_equals_1[avg_g].m_hi;
trial_lb = g_bc1_match5_equals_1[avg_b].m_hi;
trial_hr = g_bc1_match5_equals_1[avg_r].m_lo;
trial_hg = g_bc1_match6_equals_1[avg_g].m_lo;
trial_hb = g_bc1_match5_equals_1[avg_b].m_lo;
// In high/higher quality mode, let it try again in case the optimal tables have caused the sels to diverge.
} else {
precise_round_565(xl, xh, trial_hr, trial_hg, trial_hb, trial_lr, trial_lg, trial_lb);
if ((round_lr == trial_lr) && (round_lg == trial_lg) && (round_lb == trial_lb) && (round_hr == trial_hr) && (round_hg == trial_hg) &&
(round_hb == trial_hb))
uint8_t trial_sels[16];
uint32_t trial_err = bc1_find_sels4(flags, pSrc_pixels, trial_lr, trial_lg, trial_lb, trial_hr, trial_hg, trial_hb, trial_sels, round_err);
if (trial_err < round_err) {
round_lr = trial_lr;
round_lg = trial_lg;
round_lb = trial_lb;
round_hr = trial_hr;
round_hg = trial_hg;
round_hb = trial_hb;
round_err = trial_err;
memcpy(round_sels, trial_sels, 16);
} else
} // ls_pass
if (round_err <= cur_err) {
cur_err = round_err;
lr = round_lr;
lg = round_lg;
lb = round_lb;
hr = round_hr;
hg = round_hg;
hb = round_hb;
orig_lr = orig_round_lr;
orig_lg = orig_round_lg;
orig_lb = orig_round_lb;
orig_hr = orig_round_hr;
orig_hg = orig_round_hg;
orig_hb = orig_round_hb;
memcpy(sels, round_sels, 16);
} // round
if ((cur_err) && (flags & cEncodeBC1UseLikelyTotalOrderings)) {
const uint32_t total_iters = (flags & cEncodeBC1Iterative) ? 2 : 1;
for (uint32_t iter_index = 0; iter_index < total_iters; iter_index++) {
const uint32_t orig_err = cur_err;
hist4 h;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
assert(sels[i] < 4);
const uint32_t orig_total_order_index = h.lookup_total_ordering_index();
int r0, g0, b0, r3, g3, b3;
r0 = (lr << 3) | (lr >> 2);
g0 = (lg << 2) | (lg >> 4);
b0 = (lb << 3) | (lb >> 2);
r3 = (hr << 3) | (hr >> 2);
g3 = (hg << 2) | (hg >> 4);
b3 = (hb << 3) | (hb >> 2);
int ar = r3 - r0, ag = g3 - g0, ab = b3 - b0;
int dots[16];
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
int r = pSrc_pixels[i].r;
int g = pSrc_pixels[i].g;
int b = pSrc_pixels[i].b;
int d = 0x1000000 + (r * ar + g * ag + b * ab);
assert(d >= 0);
dots[i] = (d << 4) + i;
std::sort(dots, dots + 16);
uint32_t r_sum[17], g_sum[17], b_sum[17];
uint32_t r = 0, g = 0, b = 0;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
const uint32_t p = dots[i] & 15;
r_sum[i] = r;
g_sum[i] = g;
b_sum[i] = b;
r += pSrc_pixels[p].r;
g += pSrc_pixels[p].g;
b += pSrc_pixels[p].b;
r_sum[16] = total_r;
g_sum[16] = total_g;
b_sum[16] = total_b;
const uint32_t q_total =
(flags & cEncodeBC1Exhaustive) ? NUM_UNIQUE_TOTAL_ORDERINGS4 : clampi(total_orderings_to_try, MIN_TOTAL_ORDERINGS, MAX_TOTAL_ORDERINGS4);
for (uint32_t q = 0; q < q_total; q++) {
const uint32_t s = (flags & cEncodeBC1Exhaustive) ? q : g_best_total_orderings4[orig_total_order_index][q];
int trial_lr, trial_lg, trial_lb, trial_hr, trial_hg, trial_hb;
vec3F xl, xh;
if ((s == TOTAL_ORDER_4_0_16) || (s == TOTAL_ORDER_4_1_16) || (s == TOTAL_ORDER_4_2_16) || (s == TOTAL_ORDER_4_3_16)) {
trial_lr = g_bc1_match5_equals_1[avg_r].m_hi;
trial_lg = g_bc1_match6_equals_1[avg_g].m_hi;
trial_lb = g_bc1_match5_equals_1[avg_b].m_hi;
trial_hr = g_bc1_match5_equals_1[avg_r].m_lo;
trial_hg = g_bc1_match6_equals_1[avg_g].m_lo;
trial_hb = g_bc1_match5_equals_1[avg_b].m_lo;
} else {
compute_least_squares_endpoints4_rgb(&xl, &xh, total_r, total_g, total_b, g_selector_factors4[s][0], g_selector_factors4[s][1],
g_selector_factors4[s][2], s, r_sum, g_sum, b_sum);
precise_round_565(xl, xh, trial_hr, trial_hg, trial_hb, trial_lr, trial_lg, trial_lb);
uint8_t trial_sels[16];
uint32_t trial_err = bc1_find_sels4(flags, pSrc_pixels, trial_lr, trial_lg, trial_lb, trial_hr, trial_hg, trial_hb, trial_sels, cur_err);
if (trial_err < cur_err) {
cur_err = trial_err;
lr = trial_lr;
lg = trial_lg;
lb = trial_lb;
hr = trial_hr;
hg = trial_hg;
hb = trial_hb;
memcpy(sels, trial_sels, 16);
} // s
if ((!cur_err) || (cur_err == orig_err)) break;
} // iter_index
if (((flags & (cEncodeBC1Use3ColorBlocks | cEncodeBC1Use3ColorBlocksForBlackPixels)) != 0) && (cur_err)) {
if (flags & cEncodeBC1Use3ColorBlocks) {
try_3color_block(pSrc_pixels, flags, cur_err, avg_r, avg_g, avg_b, orig_lr, orig_lg, orig_lb, orig_hr, orig_hg, orig_hb, total_r, total_g, total_b,
total_orderings_to_try3, results);
if ((any_black_pixels) && ((flags & cEncodeBC1Use3ColorBlocksForBlackPixels) != 0)) {
try_3color_block_useblack(pSrc_pixels, flags, cur_err, results);
if ((flags & cEncodeBC1EndpointSearchRoundsMask) && (cur_err)) {
encode_bc1_endpoint_search(pSrc_pixels, any_black_pixels != 0, flags, results, cur_err);
if (results.m_3color)
bc1_encode3(pDst_block, results.lr, results.lg, results.lb, results.hr, results.hg, results.hb, results.sels);
bc1_encode4(pDst_block, results.lr, results.lg, results.lb, results.hr, results.hg, results.hb, results.sels);
// BC3-5
void encode_bc4(void *pDst, const uint8_t *pPixels, uint32_t stride) {
uint32_t min0_v, max0_v, min1_v, max1_v, min2_v, max2_v, min3_v, max3_v;
min0_v = max0_v = pPixels[0 * stride];
min1_v = max1_v = pPixels[1 * stride];
min2_v = max2_v = pPixels[2 * stride];
min3_v = max3_v = pPixels[3 * stride];
uint32_t v0 = pPixels[4 * stride];
min0_v = std::min(min0_v, v0);
max0_v = std::max(max0_v, v0);
uint32_t v1 = pPixels[5 * stride];
min1_v = std::min(min1_v, v1);
max1_v = std::max(max1_v, v1);
uint32_t v2 = pPixels[6 * stride];
min2_v = std::min(min2_v, v2);
max2_v = std::max(max2_v, v2);
uint32_t v3 = pPixels[7 * stride];
min3_v = std::min(min3_v, v3);
max3_v = std::max(max3_v, v3);
uint32_t v0 = pPixels[8 * stride];
min0_v = std::min(min0_v, v0);
max0_v = std::max(max0_v, v0);
uint32_t v1 = pPixels[9 * stride];
min1_v = std::min(min1_v, v1);
max1_v = std::max(max1_v, v1);
uint32_t v2 = pPixels[10 * stride];
min2_v = std::min(min2_v, v2);
max2_v = std::max(max2_v, v2);
uint32_t v3 = pPixels[11 * stride];
min3_v = std::min(min3_v, v3);
max3_v = std::max(max3_v, v3);
uint32_t v0 = pPixels[12 * stride];
min0_v = std::min(min0_v, v0);
max0_v = std::max(max0_v, v0);
uint32_t v1 = pPixels[13 * stride];
min1_v = std::min(min1_v, v1);
max1_v = std::max(max1_v, v1);
uint32_t v2 = pPixels[14 * stride];
min2_v = std::min(min2_v, v2);
max2_v = std::max(max2_v, v2);
uint32_t v3 = pPixels[15 * stride];
min3_v = std::min(min3_v, v3);
max3_v = std::max(max3_v, v3);
const uint32_t min_v = minimum(min0_v, min1_v, min2_v, min3_v);
const uint32_t max_v = maximum(max0_v, max1_v, max2_v, max3_v);
uint8_t *pDst_bytes = static_cast<uint8_t *>(pDst);
pDst_bytes[0] = (uint8_t)max_v;
pDst_bytes[1] = (uint8_t)min_v;
if (max_v == min_v) {
memset(pDst_bytes + 2, 0, 6);
const uint32_t delta = max_v - min_v;
// min_v is now 0. Compute thresholds between values by scaling max_v. It's x14 because we're adding two x7 scale factors.
const int t0 = delta * 13;
const int t1 = delta * 11;
const int t2 = delta * 9;
const int t3 = delta * 7;
const int t4 = delta * 5;
const int t5 = delta * 3;
const int t6 = delta * 1;
// BC4 floors in its divisions, which we compensate for with the 4 bias.
// This function is optimal for all possible inputs (i.e. it outputs the same results as checking all 8 values and choosing the closest one).
const int bias = 4 - min_v * 14;
static const uint32_t s_tran0[8] = {1U, 7U, 6U, 5U, 4U, 3U, 2U, 0U};
static const uint32_t s_tran1[8] = {1U << 3U, 7U << 3U, 6U << 3U, 5U << 3U, 4U << 3U, 3U << 3U, 2U << 3U, 0U << 3U};
static const uint32_t s_tran2[8] = {1U << 6U, 7U << 6U, 6U << 6U, 5U << 6U, 4U << 6U, 3U << 6U, 2U << 6U, 0U << 6U};
static const uint32_t s_tran3[8] = {1U << 9U, 7U << 9U, 6U << 9U, 5U << 9U, 4U << 9U, 3U << 9U, 2U << 9U, 0U << 9U};
uint64_t a0, a1, a2, a3;
const int v0 = pPixels[0 * stride] * 14 + bias;
const int v1 = pPixels[1 * stride] * 14 + bias;
const int v2 = pPixels[2 * stride] * 14 + bias;
const int v3 = pPixels[3 * stride] * 14 + bias;
a0 = s_tran0[(v0 >= t0) + (v0 >= t1) + (v0 >= t2) + (v0 >= t3) + (v0 >= t4) + (v0 >= t5) + (v0 >= t6)];
a1 = s_tran1[(v1 >= t0) + (v1 >= t1) + (v1 >= t2) + (v1 >= t3) + (v1 >= t4) + (v1 >= t5) + (v1 >= t6)];
a2 = s_tran2[(v2 >= t0) + (v2 >= t1) + (v2 >= t2) + (v2 >= t3) + (v2 >= t4) + (v2 >= t5) + (v2 >= t6)];
a3 = s_tran3[(v3 >= t0) + (v3 >= t1) + (v3 >= t2) + (v3 >= t3) + (v3 >= t4) + (v3 >= t5) + (v3 >= t6)];
const int v0 = pPixels[4 * stride] * 14 + bias;
const int v1 = pPixels[5 * stride] * 14 + bias;
const int v2 = pPixels[6 * stride] * 14 + bias;
const int v3 = pPixels[7 * stride] * 14 + bias;
a0 |= (uint64_t)(s_tran0[(v0 >= t0) + (v0 >= t1) + (v0 >= t2) + (v0 >= t3) + (v0 >= t4) + (v0 >= t5) + (v0 >= t6)] << 12U);
a1 |= (uint64_t)(s_tran1[(v1 >= t0) + (v1 >= t1) + (v1 >= t2) + (v1 >= t3) + (v1 >= t4) + (v1 >= t5) + (v1 >= t6)] << 12U);
a2 |= (uint64_t)(s_tran2[(v2 >= t0) + (v2 >= t1) + (v2 >= t2) + (v2 >= t3) + (v2 >= t4) + (v2 >= t5) + (v2 >= t6)] << 12U);
a3 |= (uint64_t)(s_tran3[(v3 >= t0) + (v3 >= t1) + (v3 >= t2) + (v3 >= t3) + (v3 >= t4) + (v3 >= t5) + (v3 >= t6)] << 12U);
const int v0 = pPixels[8 * stride] * 14 + bias;
const int v1 = pPixels[9 * stride] * 14 + bias;
const int v2 = pPixels[10 * stride] * 14 + bias;
const int v3 = pPixels[11 * stride] * 14 + bias;
a0 |= (((uint64_t)s_tran0[(v0 >= t0) + (v0 >= t1) + (v0 >= t2) + (v0 >= t3) + (v0 >= t4) + (v0 >= t5) + (v0 >= t6)]) << 24U);
a1 |= (((uint64_t)s_tran1[(v1 >= t0) + (v1 >= t1) + (v1 >= t2) + (v1 >= t3) + (v1 >= t4) + (v1 >= t5) + (v1 >= t6)]) << 24U);
a2 |= (((uint64_t)s_tran2[(v2 >= t0) + (v2 >= t1) + (v2 >= t2) + (v2 >= t3) + (v2 >= t4) + (v2 >= t5) + (v2 >= t6)]) << 24U);
a3 |= (((uint64_t)s_tran3[(v3 >= t0) + (v3 >= t1) + (v3 >= t2) + (v3 >= t3) + (v3 >= t4) + (v3 >= t5) + (v3 >= t6)]) << 24U);
const int v0 = pPixels[12 * stride] * 14 + bias;
const int v1 = pPixels[13 * stride] * 14 + bias;
const int v2 = pPixels[14 * stride] * 14 + bias;
const int v3 = pPixels[15 * stride] * 14 + bias;
a0 |= (((uint64_t)s_tran0[(v0 >= t0) + (v0 >= t1) + (v0 >= t2) + (v0 >= t3) + (v0 >= t4) + (v0 >= t5) + (v0 >= t6)]) << 36U);
a1 |= (((uint64_t)s_tran1[(v1 >= t0) + (v1 >= t1) + (v1 >= t2) + (v1 >= t3) + (v1 >= t4) + (v1 >= t5) + (v1 >= t6)]) << 36U);
a2 |= (((uint64_t)s_tran2[(v2 >= t0) + (v2 >= t1) + (v2 >= t2) + (v2 >= t3) + (v2 >= t4) + (v2 >= t5) + (v2 >= t6)]) << 36U);
a3 |= (((uint64_t)s_tran3[(v3 >= t0) + (v3 >= t1) + (v3 >= t2) + (v3 >= t3) + (v3 >= t4) + (v3 >= t5) + (v3 >= t6)]) << 36U);
const uint64_t f = a0 | a1 | a2 | a3;
// TODO: make this less silly by using the BC4Block class
pDst_bytes[2] = (uint8_t)f;
pDst_bytes[3] = (uint8_t)(f >> 8U);
pDst_bytes[4] = (uint8_t)(f >> 16U);
pDst_bytes[5] = (uint8_t)(f >> 24U);
pDst_bytes[6] = (uint8_t)(f >> 32U);
pDst_bytes[7] = (uint8_t)(f >> 40U);
void encode_bc3(BC3Block *pDst, const uint8_t *pPixels, uint32_t flags, uint32_t total_orderings_to_try) {
// 3-color blocks are not allowed with BC3 (on most GPU's).
flags &= ~(cEncodeBC1Use3ColorBlocksForBlackPixels | cEncodeBC1Use3ColorBlocks);
encode_bc4(&pDst->alpha_block, pPixels + 3, 4);
encode_bc1(&pDst->color_block, pPixels, flags, total_orderings_to_try);
void encode_bc3(uint32_t level, BC3Block *pDst, const uint8_t *pPixels) {
encode_bc4(&pDst->alpha_block, pPixels + 3, 4);
encode_bc1(level, &pDst->color_block, pPixels, false, false);
void encode_bc5(BC5Block *pDst, const uint8_t *pPixels, uint32_t chan0, uint32_t chan1, uint32_t stride) {
encode_bc4(&pDst->chan0_block, pPixels + chan0, stride);
encode_bc4(&pDst->chan1_block, pPixels + chan1, stride);
// Returns true if the block uses 3 color punchthrough alpha mode.
bool unpack_bc1(const void *pBlock_bits, void *pPixels, bool set_alpha, bc1_approx_mode mode) {
Color *pDst_pixels = static_cast<Color *>(pPixels);
static_assert(sizeof(BC1Block) == 8, "sizeof(BC1Block) == 8");
static_assert(sizeof(BC4Block) == 8, "sizeof(BC4Block) == 8");
const BC1Block *pBlock = static_cast<const BC1Block *>(pBlock_bits);
const uint32_t l = pBlock->GetLowColor();
const uint32_t h = pBlock->GetHighColor();
Color c[4];
const int cr0 = (l >> 11) & 31;
const int cg0 = (l >> 5) & 63;
const int cb0 = l & 31;
const int r0 = (cr0 << 3) | (cr0 >> 2);
const int g0 = (cg0 << 2) | (cg0 >> 4);
const int b0 = (cb0 << 3) | (cb0 >> 2);
const int cr1 = (h >> 11) & 31;
const int cg1 = (h >> 5) & 63;
const int cb1 = h & 31;
const int r1 = (cr1 << 3) | (cr1 >> 2);
const int g1 = (cg1 << 2) | (cg1 >> 4);
const int b1 = (cb1 << 3) | (cb1 >> 2);
bool used_punchthrough = false;
if (l > h) {
c[0].SetRGBA(r0, g0, b0, 255);
c[1].SetRGBA(r1, g1, b1, 255);
switch (mode) {
case bc1_approx_mode::cBC1Ideal:
c[2].SetRGBA((r0 * 2 + r1) / 3, (g0 * 2 + g1) / 3, (b0 * 2 + b1) / 3, 255);
c[3].SetRGBA((r1 * 2 + r0) / 3, (g1 * 2 + g0) / 3, (b1 * 2 + b0) / 3, 255);
case bc1_approx_mode::cBC1IdealRound4:
c[2].SetRGBA((r0 * 2 + r1 + 1) / 3, (g0 * 2 + g1 + 1) / 3, (b0 * 2 + b1 + 1) / 3, 255);
c[3].SetRGBA((r1 * 2 + r0 + 1) / 3, (g1 * 2 + g0 + 1) / 3, (b1 * 2 + b0 + 1) / 3, 255);
case bc1_approx_mode::cBC1NVidia:
c[2].SetRGBA(interp_5_nv(cr0, cr1), interp_6_nv(g0, g1), interp_5_nv(cb0, cb1), 255);
c[3].SetRGBA(interp_5_nv(cr1, cr0), interp_6_nv(g1, g0), interp_5_nv(cb1, cb0), 255);
case bc1_approx_mode::cBC1AMD:
c[2].SetRGBA(interp_5_6_amd(r0, r1), interp_5_6_amd(g0, g1), interp_5_6_amd(b0, b1), 255);
c[3].SetRGBA(interp_5_6_amd(r1, r0), interp_5_6_amd(g1, g0), interp_5_6_amd(b1, b0), 255);
} else {
c[0].SetRGBA(r0, g0, b0, 255);
c[1].SetRGBA(r1, g1, b1, 255);
switch (mode) {
case bc1_approx_mode::cBC1Ideal:
case bc1_approx_mode::cBC1IdealRound4:
c[2].SetRGBA((r0 + r1) / 2, (g0 + g1) / 2, (b0 + b1) / 2, 255);
case bc1_approx_mode::cBC1NVidia:
c[2].SetRGBA(interp_half_5_nv(cr0, cr1), interp_half_6_nv(g0, g1), interp_half_5_nv(cb0, cb1), 255);
case bc1_approx_mode::cBC1AMD:
c[2].SetRGBA(interp_half_5_6_amd(r0, r1), interp_half_5_6_amd(g0, g1), interp_half_5_6_amd(b0, b1), 255);
c[3].SetRGBA(0, 0, 0, 0);
used_punchthrough = true;
if (set_alpha) {
for (uint32_t y = 0; y < 4; y++, pDst_pixels += 4) {
pDst_pixels[0] = c[pBlock->GetSelector(0, y)];
pDst_pixels[1] = c[pBlock->GetSelector(1, y)];
pDst_pixels[2] = c[pBlock->GetSelector(2, y)];
pDst_pixels[3] = c[pBlock->GetSelector(3, y)];
} else {
for (uint32_t y = 0; y < 4; y++, pDst_pixels += 4) {
pDst_pixels[0].SetRGBA(c[pBlock->GetSelector(0, y)]);
pDst_pixels[1].SetRGBA(c[pBlock->GetSelector(1, y)]);
pDst_pixels[2].SetRGBA(c[pBlock->GetSelector(2, y)]);
pDst_pixels[3].SetRGBA(c[pBlock->GetSelector(3, y)]);
return used_punchthrough;
void unpack_bc4(const void *pBlock_bits, uint8_t *pPixels, uint32_t stride) {
static_assert(sizeof(BC4Block) == 8, "sizeof(BC4Block) == 8");
const BC4Block *pBlock = static_cast<const BC4Block *>(pBlock_bits);
auto sel_values = BC4Block::GetValues(pBlock->GetLowAlpha(), pBlock->GetHighAlpha());
const uint64_t selector_bits = pBlock->GetSelectorBits();
for (uint32_t y = 0; y < 4; y++, pPixels += (stride * 4U)) {
pPixels[0] = sel_values[pBlock->GetSelector(0, y, selector_bits)];
pPixels[stride * 1] = sel_values[pBlock->GetSelector(1, y, selector_bits)];
pPixels[stride * 2] = sel_values[pBlock->GetSelector(2, y, selector_bits)];
pPixels[stride * 3] = sel_values[pBlock->GetSelector(3, y, selector_bits)];
// Returns false if the block uses 3-color punchthrough alpha mode, which isn't supported on some GPU's for BC3.
bool unpack_bc3(const void *pBlock_bits, void *pPixels, bc1_approx_mode mode) {
Color *pDst_pixels = static_cast<Color *>(pPixels);
bool success = true;
if (unpack_bc1((const uint8_t *)pBlock_bits + sizeof(BC4Block), pDst_pixels, true, mode)) success = false;
unpack_bc4(pBlock_bits, &pDst_pixels[0].a, sizeof(Color));
return success;
// writes RG
void unpack_bc5(const void *pBlock_bits, void *pPixels, uint32_t chan0, uint32_t chan1, uint32_t stride) {
unpack_bc4(pBlock_bits, (uint8_t *)pPixels + chan0, stride);
unpack_bc4((const uint8_t *)pBlock_bits + sizeof(BC4Block), (uint8_t *)pPixels + chan1, stride);
} // namespace rgbcx
This software is available under 2 licenses -- choose whichever you prefer.
Copyright(c) 2020 Richard Geldreich, Jr.
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