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using System;
using UnityEngine;
using Object = UnityEngine.Object;
namespace ConformalDecals.MaterialModifiers {
public abstract class MaterialProperty : ScriptableObject {
public string PropertyName {
get => _propertyName;
set {
_propertyName = value;
_propertyID = Shader.PropertyToID(_propertyName);
[SerializeField] protected int _propertyID;
[SerializeField] protected string _propertyName;
public virtual void ParseNode(ConfigNode node) {
if (node == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("node cannot be null");
PropertyName = node.GetValue("name");
public abstract void Modify(Material material);
private delegate bool TryParseDelegate<T>(string valueString, out T value);
protected bool ParsePropertyBool(ConfigNode node, string valueName, bool isOptional = false, bool defaultValue = false) {
return ParsePropertyValue(node, valueName, bool.TryParse, isOptional, defaultValue);
protected float ParsePropertyFloat(ConfigNode node, string valueName, bool isOptional = false, float defaultValue = 0.0f) {
return ParsePropertyValue(node, valueName, float.TryParse, isOptional, defaultValue);
protected int ParsePropertyInt(ConfigNode node, string valueName, bool isOptional = false, int defaultValue = 0) {
return ParsePropertyValue(node, valueName, int.TryParse, isOptional, defaultValue);
protected Color ParsePropertyColor(ConfigNode node, string valueName, bool isOptional = false, Color defaultValue = default) {
return ParsePropertyValue(node, valueName, ParseExtensions.TryParseColor, isOptional, defaultValue);
protected Rect ParsePropertyRect(ConfigNode node, string valueName, bool isOptional = false, Rect defaultValue = default) {
return ParsePropertyValue(node, valueName, ParseExtensions.TryParseRect, isOptional, defaultValue);
protected Vector2 ParsePropertyVector2(ConfigNode node, string valueName, bool isOptional = false, Vector2 defaultValue = default) {
return ParsePropertyValue(node, valueName, ParseExtensions.TryParseVector2, isOptional, defaultValue);
private T ParsePropertyValue<T>(ConfigNode node, string valueName, TryParseDelegate<T> tryParse, bool isOptional = false, T defaultValue = default) {
string valueString = node.GetValue(valueName);
if (isOptional) {
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueString)) return defaultValue;
else {
if (valueString == null)
throw new FormatException($"Missing {typeof(T)} value for {valueName} in property '{PropertyName}'");
if (valueString == string.Empty)
throw new FormatException($"Empty {typeof(T)} value for {valueName} in property '{PropertyName}'");
if (tryParse(valueString, out var value)) {
return value;
if (isOptional) {
return defaultValue;
else {
throw new FormatException($"Improperly formatted {typeof(T)} value for {valueName} in property '{PropertyName}' : '{valueString}");