2022-03-14 21:36:50 -07:00

56 lines
1.9 KiB

using System;
using ConformalDecals.Util;
using UnityEngine;
namespace ConformalDecals.Tweakables {
public class TweakableSlider : TweakableData {
// The default value for the slider
public float defaultValue;
public string defaultValueKey;
// The range of the slider as a vector of <min, max>
public float min = 0;
public float max = 1;
public string rangeKey;
// The step size of the slider
public float step;
public string stepKey;
public TweakableSlider(string name) : base(name) {
defaultValueKey = name + "Default";
rangeKey = name + "Range";
stepKey = name + "Step";
public override void Load(ConfigNode node) {
var range = new Vector2(min, max);
ParseUtil.ParseVector2Indirect(ref range, node, rangeKey);
min = Mathf.Max(Mathf.Epsilon, range.x);
max = Mathf.Max(min, range.y);
ParseUtil.ParseFloatIndirect(ref step, node, stepKey);
if (!HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsEditor && !HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight) {
ParseUtil.ParseFloatIndirect(ref defaultValue, node, defaultValueKey);
public override void Apply(BaseField baseField, PartModule module) {
base.Apply(baseField, module);
var uiControlEditor = (UI_FloatRange) baseField.uiControlEditor;
uiControlEditor.minValue = min;
uiControlEditor.maxValue = max;
uiControlEditor.stepIncrement = step;
// Set the default value on first load
if (!HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsEditor && !HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight) {
baseField.FieldInfo.SetValue(module, defaultValue);